Card Text
Battlecry: Gain +1/+1
for each spell you've cast this turn.
Flavor Text
Archnemesis of the Guardian of Kings.
Battlecry: Gain +1/+1
for each spell you've cast this turn.
Archnemesis of the Guardian of Kings.
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Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:
This card falls right into tempo-based styles of priest, either in the form of zoo or miracle. In more aggro versions of priest, it's a bit hard to curve into, but it's workable, especially if you're going second since coining this out on turn 1 is a Totem Golem without overload. In more miracle versions of priest, this looks to be perhaps the only(?) wincon in the whole deck - which is problematic, and is why miracle priest currently isn't very good. However, I do look forward to seeing it happen in future sets.
Valishj makes this pretty spicy.
Doubt this will be good enough unless there is some funky tempo Priest that can use this.
Coin Spider Tank turn 1 pog
Miracle priest...why