[SA] Beast Recruit Druid
- Last updated Aug 1, 2020 (Pre-Expansion Nerfs)
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- 12 Minions
- 18 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Ramp Druid
- Crafting Cost: 8700
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 7/30/2020 (Pre-Expansion Nerfs)

- FunkiMonki
- Registered User
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You can view 19 other theorycraft decks for Scholomance Academy here! :
Seems like Beast druid is a bit busted right now but you know what? After a quick testride this deck is super enjoyable to play with and feels great! Just be sure to not mess up the anubisath ordering and you'll be great!
I made a video showcasing the deck in action + some Kael goodness, I hope you all enjoy
Man, i'm always excited whenever you post deck recipes as i've had great fun with your decks in the past. This one is an absolute banger as well, took me to From High Plat to Diamond 3 with something like 80-85% WR.
It starts to get more difficult now though, facing people who are seemingly already very comfortable in this expansion - especially the aggro stealth rogue players, really tough match up.
Thank you for the awesome deck though (:
Just went from Diamond 10-5 with this deck in about 6 hours -- looking to strike to legend, it definitely catches people by surprise
Starting to lose more now that new decks are coming online. Biggest issue is running out of threats - I've had both priest and warrior decks end up destroying all my minions and I have nothing left. Bit of a stretch but would one Crystalsong Portal make sense? Given that you can very easily end up with zero minions left in your deck pretty early on.
Marsh Hydra might work too, since it generates more minions.
Just made this deck and am 4-0... this deck is crazy fun!
edit: 9-1 with this deck so far
I just crafted this deck and I have to say its freaking nuts. It is just a few hours into the expansion but I already feel like this is T1. You can check in the video bellow how I just owned all of my opponents.
Thanks for video!
thanks for watching man!
I'm 3-2 both losses to demon hunter, couldn't keep up with the early dmg. fun as heck to play.
What i did was i removed the mana saber, 1 ironbark and 1 Bogbeam for a 2nd Swipe and 2 Wrath. Try that.
Built this though took out the Swipe and Manasaber to put in 2 Wrath, as felt you needed early game removal and some added draw in the deck. Wrath also just helped me manage a like 30+ mana Kael'thas turn. At 7 mana i went Kael'thas, Innervate, Ironbark, SotF, then Innervate, Wrath, Guardian Animals, which got me 1 Twilight Runner that then drew me into a Lightning Bloom, so i then just for overkill went Lightning Bloom, Wrath, Guardian Animals for a 2nd time which got me the other Twilight Runner and a Lake Thresher. Ended on an insane board of 2 Twilight Runners, a Teachers pet, massive Kael'thas, Lake Thresher and an owl i got out of the teachers pet i played the previous turn.
10/10 fun deck to play day 1.
I swapped the manasaber for a wrath (I've found the swipe is useful to clear face hunter and the like from the board). I'm 9-2 so far in diamond.
Yeah, i've since put Swipes back in again. took out 1 Bogbeam and 1 Ironbark for them. I feel you really only need 1 of each since you only ever use them to combo off anyway.
Anyone went for a testride yet?
write a message to "schinkenwurst". he plays it acutally,
Are shan'do and gindra so necessary?
I didn't want to craft Gindra as she seemed kinda of superfluous in this deck, and I replaced her with a second Manasaber.
Can't say I have missed her.
Shan'do might be trickier though. It's pretty damn useful to get everything that +1/+1 if you can do it early.
Judging by playing a handful of games though, the deck's power seems to mostly be in the Kael'thas and Guardian Animals swing turns.
If you have those and just missing the 2 legendaries, then I'd just take it out for a few games with some replacement cards (Manasaber, Wrath, Wild Growth maybe, cause Ramp is important) and try it and see if you want to craft Shando for it.
I've even seen a version that uses Omu and 1 copy of germination. Since you then also have the option of going Omu > Germination > Big spell > Big spell. Since you set up the 2nd Omu with a reset to 10 mana, so then you can play a Guardian Animals or Survival of the Fittest for free.
Aight, man, thanks! Would love to play this deck and get legend with it