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84% Win Rate Rank 1 Even Warlock

  • Last updated Jan 13, 2020 (Second DoD Nerfs)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Even Warlock
  • Crafting Cost: 5400
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/14/2020 (Second DoD Nerfs)
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Personally I feel that this deck is sleeper op and im going to share how i went 20-3 to rank 1.
Tapping into Giant on 3 with a coin or turn 4 giant without a coin while playing a 2 drop on 3 right now is very strong not alot of decks can clear a giant on turn 3/4 that gets faceless shambler the next turn .... also missing giant and just playing a 4/10 twilight drake that gets faceless shambler is fine to.... most agro decks have to insta full trade into your early giant or they cant deal with 2-3 8/8 with taunt on turn 4/5  ... being even lock your healing is very strong and can out heal / clear board very efficiently thus your match up into most / all agro decks if favorable ... most control decks cant beat a giant after there taunt gets silenced as well dont expect that you can dish out some serious hand burst with nether breath/darkbombs for 4 mana double nether breath face is 8 dmg add darkbomb and you hit 11 for 6. there are 3 decks that can give you trouble but you still maintain a strong winrate vs them like 60-65% those decks are Secret Mage, Embiggen Druid, Galkrond Pirate Warrior. And there is one deck that if he has the right hand / play right you can almost never beat which is handbuff paly.

Secret Mage - can be a tough matchup to beat while playing around them ... The ooze in the deck is here to beat secret mage after they play aluneth its there only reload so dropping ooze on it wins you the game because secret mage like most agro decks cant keep up with you in topdeck mode ... The gameplan here is to drop twilight drake / giant as soon as possilbe and taunt it so u limit there chip dmg ... dropping twilight drake with a full hand into explosive runes still leaves you with a 4/4 or a 4/3 that can make a trade if you can tho try to let your healthier minions ear explosive runes ... your molten giants will be very cheap if not free very quickly try to keep track of how many fireballs / cloudprinces they used because thats alot of there gameplan when you test for secrets always kill a garbage minion over cloud prine or medivs vallet if they run duplicate giving them more face dmg is often how you lose try to let you darkbombs / defiles be eating counter spell so you can use spellstone and nether breath to heal ... at turn 8/9 the most burst they can do from hand is 12 so keep your hp above that and by that point they have lost tempo ... in the matchup you dont often need to push alot of face dmg just win board control and you will beat the mage 
-Side note Eater of secrets is often to garbage to run in your deck vs secret mage as a tech because just getting rid of aluneth is better and it will very rarely be usefull vs them alot of times you play it you still die after you drop it for a lack of taunts / trading power.

Embiggen / token Druid - very hard matchup can kill you turn 3 before you can do anything need to keep early presure like homounculous and defile/hellfire if you dont clear there first board often your dead before you can taunt or they can kill you through your first taunt... after you clear there first board they 90% of the time dont have refill and you win by giant smorcing them in the face.. 

Glakrond Pirate Warrior- one of the 2 decks that can take games off of you if you play right has all the agro of regular pirate warrior and reload his scion of ruin will often deal with your big taunts and he will kill you ... keep defile / hellfire early vs any pirate warrior then play to trying to get a big taunt turn 4/5 and kill him before he galakronds very often his galakrond buffed minions eat alot of your removal and he just smorcs you try to clear his first board and if he ever fully commits you win if you clear.. play for twilight drake into shambler and molten giants often i find myself dumping resources quickly so mountain giant is almost unplayable keep full juiced spell stones for high value targets and always be ready to clear brann into scion of ruin. Be wary of leeroy into chopper for 7 mana its 10 burst and if hes galkrond he can hero power to add 3 more dmg to it for 9 mana keep track of which minions in his hand are buffed and if he played both scion of ruins before his galakrond bc brann into a buffed scion of ruin is often just a concede unless you have a godlike defile or double hellfire.  

Handbuff Paladin- can be a hair ripping match you need an early silence and you need to hope that he dosent go wide super early with his discounted buffed mechs... if he coins galvanizer into smugglers run mechwarper and floods the board without magnetizing he can do this on turn 2 just concede cant win he will have 4-5 3/3s with divine shield or 4/4s all out of hellfire range this happens to often just cut your losses i lost twice like this saves tilt if you just give up. if he dosent have the nuts like that and goes big silence and then procede to trade off all the mechs away he loses if he dosent have board control ... if he goes wide normally try yo silence defile or hellfire defile clear and get rid of all mechs ... the deck dosent have face dmg or silence so you win with board controll always clear flying machine because if its left alive and he throws wargear on it it can either double trade into 8/8s and kill both or do 14-16 dmg face in 1 turn to dangerous to let live... 

Finally there is another deck that can give you problems but only if you play wrong because your in controll of the matchup.... and its mecha'thun lock / cube lock (basically the same playstyle) - you win by not full dumbing your threats into plague of flames leave 1 to - threats on board at a time and silence void lords go face you win he can only usually use plague to deal with giants same thing with cube....

Possible Tech Cards - MojoMaster Zihi hard beats mecha'thun warlock play it on the turn after emperor he concedes isnt needed because you should already have 80% wr vs the deck if you play properly if you want to include cut 1 evasive wyrm for it.
- Eater of secrets all around bad tech vs secret mage dont run after you play it he ignore is still goes face and wins very rarely does this win you games is just a dead card in every other matchup.
- Ooze very nice against secret mage mainly vs aluneth is also very good vs any apothicary rogue get rid of the weapon the moment they play it. 
-Skulking geist ... jade druid insta concedes when they see this card however you can beat them without it they need all there removal in the top 15 to just keep up dont play to hard into first poison seeds / spreading plague and keep 1 - 2 threats on board ur refill is very strong hes a very slow deck he also needs to usually highroll vragoth off of oaken summens turn 4 to stand a chance just silence vargoth immediately if you see it otherwise kill it then silence taunts push face ... if you want to include geist cut evasive wyrm[(IMPORTANT] DONT RUN GEIST AND MOJOMASTER pick 1 makes your draw to inconstant with to many dead cards)

I took the base Deck Idea from Control Then Changed it a bit Gameplay was my own