[DoD] Embiggen Dragon Druid
- Last updated Dec 17, 2019 (Descent of Dragons)
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- 24 Minions
- 6 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Dragon Druid
- Crafting Cost: 8460
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/10/2019 (Shaman Nerfs)

- ShinkHero
- Registered User
- 6
- 21
- 54
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I will release a full gameplay and mulligan guide when the deck reaches 80 up votes :)
KDK made a showcase for this deck, check it out:
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I subbed Nightmare Amalgam for Dragon Breeder and I’ve used it every game, works fantastic in a lot of different situations and you can copy dragons you get from portals or make more portals, just copied 2 Emeriss from portals and it made for an hilarious game of huge minions
Hey, everyone! I just released a new deck that currently has 86% wr, also good Vs shaman.
For those of you with few dusts or those who are looking for something spicy.
Hey guys!
I have tried this deck since I have seen a few aggressive durids on ladder and it seemed solid to me. Embiggen seems to work well and with Fritz its actully just insane.
In the video bellow I had a great game against the best meta deck right now meaning galakrond shaman.. I had the dream hand I would call it and just destroyed him. Second game was against a treant druid which we can consider the rival of this druid and sadly I did not get it through.
If you are interested you can check the video bellow. I hope you guys can enjoy it :)
Isn’t really clicking for me. Lots of empty hands as I struggle to control the board, which is a losing game if you haven’t drawn embiggen. Feels like it wants some AoE so that you’re not forced to trade constantly.
Yeah, if you don't draw embiggen it feels a bit weird, but adding removal spells will decrease the consistency of the minion based sinergy of embiggen. I have to find a way to increase tempo plays through out minions, maybe adding Scaleworm. This deck reminds me old keleseth tempo rogue, with 2 upsides (you can run 2 drops and you have double embiggen so double chance) and two downsides (this is druid so not that aggressive as a standalone class and you have to pay more mana on the buffed minions).
Theres a lot of potential here, I can tell... Let's see how the meta evolves and if I manage to improve this list.
Thank you for the feedback btw :)
Thank you.
I build my own version, 9-0 so far.
Could you share it pls? :)
I had little time to play with this, cause I'm testing a lot of decks, but this one is the 2nd one for winrate so far (7-2). Let me know what you suggest changing.