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[Wild] Nerubian Evenlock

  • Last updated May 20, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Even Warlock
  • Crafting Cost: 6160
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/20/2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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In an aggro-oriented meta, what the hell am I doing building a deck like this? Two reasons - Big Priest and Mage. Rank 5-L is full of these two decks along with your usual aggro customers. Evenlock is already good against aggro - where it loses ground is when the opponent can stymie your board-based gameplan with taunts and spells. Which is why, it would perhaps not be amiss to try out:


2x Nerubian Unraveler - Poor man's Loatheb, but it sticks because you are Evenlock, and the board is yours to taunt and keep it safe from attack. Disgusting against Big Priest on turn 6. My thanks to Hijodaikan and the Chinese meta report for the idea.

2x Wraithguard - Granted, these are two dead cards against aggro under most circumstances. However, you have a 6-mana board clear if you can combo it with Shadowflame. Moreover, they are a Priest picker's nightmare. 4-attack makes them hard to target, and 2-mana makes them hit Anduin's face more often than he initially expects.

2x Spellbreaker - For the priest matchup as well as Flamewakers. You will of course take the initial burst from the Flamewaker turn, but next when the turn is yours, it is a Spellbreaker's duty to shut him up.

1x Sunfury Protector - This doesn't significantly diminish your chances against aggro, believe it or not. One is just fine. In many games you find yourself with a Sunfury Protector in hand, but with no time, mana or card to pair it with.

NO Mojomaster Zihi - I consider that a core in Evenlock, but Nerubians are just working better in this deck. Considered Ragnaros now that we don't have a Zihi to slow it down, but the enemy decks are just too fast.


I've had excellent success with this deck against Big Priests, which, by the way, is supposed to be incredibly unfavoured for Evenlock. You always have a 50/50 chance now of winning against them instead of that feeling of hopelessness you used to get when you saw a Priest doing jacksquat until turn 3, only to drop a Barnes/Vargoth. Now, with turn 2 Wraithguards, a turn 6 Nerubian and a Spellbreaker in hand, you actually stand a chance!

As for mages, it wins against Exodia, but it's a real grinder against Miracle Mage with all the small spells coming out. The survival and timing of the Nerubian makes or breaks that match.


N.B. Tested this on Ranks 5-L. Significantly stronger against control decks and slightly weaker against aggro. I don't play enough Hearthstone to actually commit to grind towards Legend, so if any of you Legend players want to try this deck out, please report back to me with suggestions. Would really appreciate some fine tuning if you feel it is required.