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Greediest Reno Mage with RNG

  • Last updated Apr 10, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Yogg Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 20340
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/10/2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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  • Neeson
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    Neeson #11120

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Hello everyone,

With the recent expansion, I haven’t had this much fun since when I first started playing hearthstone. Now if you have a metric ton of dust, and love mage, I promise this deck can knock your socks out. My previous reno list I shared went from rank 8 to rank 3 now, and I believe that this is a more fun/refined version.

Mulligan: Usually you want a nice 2 drop, mad scientist or arcanologist is what you’re looking for. Honestly, any minion under 5 is good!

Why play this deck? I mean it has a positive winrate against dozens of big priest players, and everyone hates that degenerate deck. It usually loses to mega aggro decks like pirate warrior, or kingsbane rogue. There are those miracle matches where you can win, so it’s never an insta lose!

Why these cards?

Griftah? It techs against big priest believe it or not, and can even mill your opponent! 4 mana 4/5 is pretty good, and I love memes. Incredibly satisfying when you win the dice roll with him.

Unseen Saboteur? Expansion came out less than 12 hours ago so I don’t have too much to say about him; however, the times that I have played him screws opponents hard! Against a big priest, I polymorphed a few of his minions and casted this, which wasted the opponent’s spellstone. Against a zoo deck, it casted power overwhelming and owned his minion. He’s been very helpful lately, and would say he’s worth the craft.

Counterspell, Potion of polymorph, and Iceblock? Aranologist and mad scientist are pretty insane early game minions, and thins out your deck. Potion of polymorph and counterspell are annoying to deal with and plus the more polymorphs the better against big priests, and renolock!

Jepetto Joybuzz? Super meme card, I like him as he could draw some insane cards like yogg, or hakkar. Goes well with frostlich jaina, and so far he’s been solid. Since he’s a new card, I can’t really comment much more.

Archivist Elysiana? Wins against every control/fatigue deck. Most games you’ll never play her unfortunately, I love long control games where I don’t die turn 5 by a 7-3 weapon lol. 

Hakkar? A win condition I guess, ideally you’d play hakkar before archivist when you’ve drawn most of your good cards and it can mess with your opponent big time. I’m loving him so far.

Yogg? Is this even a question, it’s a sin to not have yogg in your deck if you play wild. Praise yogg and hope you win the diceroll!

Messenger Raven/Unstable Portal? I’ve noticed that you could get kazakus from raven which is INSANE, and there’s a lot of good mage minions out there. Unstable portal, what’s the worse thing that can happen? Honestly can win you games at times, I love this card to death!

Kalecgos? INSANELY strong minion for late game and hard to remove. Love seeing hunters, and odd paladins fail to remove it, and it snowballs hard. 

Volcanic Potion? Insane against odd paladin, zoolock, any aggressive deck, it’s like a mini twisting nether and helps you survive longer.