Bloodywaggle Nice OTK
- Last updated Dec 8, 2018 (Rastakhan)
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- 5 Minions
- 23 Spells
- 1 Weapon
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Togwaggle Druid
- Crafting Cost: 11440
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/7/2018 (Rastakhan)
- czapek97
- Registered User
- 1
- 13
- 25
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This deck i found better than standard Togg deck. You mainly depent on the Twigg but i get double discount from Florist more often that i would think.
Combo is: have Twigg prepared and deck empty, playHakkar, break the twig, play togg, and naturalisehakkar and whatever else. There is noAzalinaas you should kill your opponent.
I thought that this would deal 24 damage but: When you naturalise with one card in opponents deck, it shuffles beetwen draws. So its 1+2 on first naturalise, 3+3+3+3+4 on second and at start of their turn 3+3+3+3+5 to total of 36.
You can try and make it Two turn kill if you have your twig destroyed prematurly, but you should watch out for polymorph and hex. Another thing diffrent in this deck than in standard togg deck is that if your opponent draws as fast or faster than you, you just build up your armor and play hakkar to destroy them over several turns.
WARNING: if opponents deck is full it burns bloods and not cast it, so be carefull with naturalising without togging empty deck.
I am not shure about Wardruid and Psychmelon, so dont stick up to it.
Suggest changes if you have any idea and have fun.
edit: -1 Florist for +1 Starfall thanks to let4be
Sorry for the lack of urls, its one of my first decks and i am still learning;P
Hey there! Been playing similar deck for a while
I don't run florist, but run 2nd starfall instead... - very good vs aggro
and vs control if it's anti combo u either lose or kill them without super-duper damage, often 2x naturalize on empty deck is enough
Thanks for feedback, i will try that. I do have problems against aggro so it should work. I was also thinking on putting thalnos as spell damage is sometimes very usefull and awrleader alone is not as consistent.
Thalnos is great in this deck as well. T
Thalnos, wardruid and 2x starfall are working way-way better than recruit/taunt package some others try to run. 12 more armor on top of extra taunts is nothing compared to much needed board clears, at least in current board-wide meta ;) This package absolutely wrecks board wide decks like odd pala/zoo
But what to exchange it for?
i quess psychmelon since theres no florist