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Beast Mode

  • Last updated Dec 3, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • Deck Type: Theorycraft
  • Deck Archetype: Marsh Queen Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 11400
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/3/2018 (Boomsday)
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  • Makaba
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After having the chance the play with a few of the cards this weekend at a pre-release event, I feel that there's going to be a lot more synergy with beast cards for hunter, the most exciting one being Untamed Beastmaster and Master's Call which can reliably draw 3 beasts with an additional +2/+2.

The deck has 22 minions, 7 spells, and 1 quest card. Of the minions, 20 are beasts and the other 2 are Untamed Beastmasters. That means if you haven't drawn a single minion, Master's Call has a maximum of 9% chance of failing to draw 3 beasts.

Between Halazzi, the Lynx, Flark's Boom-Zooka, and Revenge of the Wild, there's a lot of board flood options. Combined with the new loa spirit card, Spirit of the Lynx, you can flood even stronger minions to overwhelm your opponent. 

I've also decided to include The Marsh Queen for added board flood potential later on from Carnassa's Brood. Combining these with an Untamed Beastmaster and Spirit of the Lynx on the board can turn a one mana 3/2 into a 1 mana 6/5. Not including the battlecry effects of Springpaws and Halazzi, there are seven 1 mana minions, 9+ if you do. Applying Dire Frenzy to a 1 mana means even more. 

The main mulligan cards you'd want would be Halazzi the Lynx, Springpaw, Untamed Beastmaster, Masters Call, and the other 1 cost minions (Gurubashi Chicken being the least desirable because you'd want to get it buffed first).  Combining the Springpaws and Lynxes with a Scavenging Hyena will allow you to apply some really strong early pressure.

I feel this deck can work well against most other decks in that you can play it both as an aggro or a tempo. You can focus on getting buffed cheaper minions out early or pace yourself to set up lethal with the 7+ cost minions either with Boom-Zooka or even on their own. 

What excites me the most about this deck is the meme potential with Gurubashi Chicken. The thought of using Dire Frenzy on one and combining them with a Master's Call + Untamed Beastmaster + Spirit of the Lynx + their overkill effect to give them +11 attack seems ridiculous, and even more so if you're able to keep stacking the overkill effect.

Let me know what you think!

Other cards that I was considering adding in: Helpless Hatchling and Jeweled Macaw for strong 1 cost minions, Dinomancy for the additional buffs, Starving Buzzard for added card draw when combined with Lynxes and Carnassa's Brood, and Tundra Rhino for face potential when used with Boom-Zooka and Revenge of the Wild.