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Wagon Rogue

  • Last updated Oct 2, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Deathrattle Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 7520
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/3/2018 (Boomsday)
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Recruit Rogue, a deck i have been trying since a few expansions ago (mainly since the keyword made into the game in K&C). Finally, thanks to Boomsday deathrattle sinergies for rogue, i managed to make a working deck, and even starting ranking up with it. Obviously its not a high tier deck, but still a very good off-meta.

Meat Wagon; the card itself can pull out of your deck a Devilsaur Egg to start combing with deathrattles. But when you cast Cold Blood on it, wich is the main combo on the deck, it becomes 5 attack, wich means it can pull better minions from your deck upon death (or by deathrattle activation). (On 5 attack it can recruit Blightnozzle Crawler, Zilliax, Mechanical Whelp, Silver Vanguard, Grand Archivist.

Devilsaur Egg is your cheapest deathrattle synergy, it can start harassing your opponents very early but its also your best way to stop aggro from spreading the board early on. In this deck Cold Blood is mainly meant to be casted on Meat Wagon, but you can use it on the egg if needed.

Zilliax is also a card that can make Meat Wagon recruit better minions, and it can actually be played on curve easily. It is also a great card by its own and can provide a lot of survavility wich both rogue and the deck itself may need. The deck also runs a lot of mechs giving extra sinergy to the card. You can also play Cold Blood on it if you need that extra healing.

Silver Vanguard has a great deathrattle sinergy as the six minions it can recruit are all very powerfull. The card itself is not that great by its cost, but due to deathrattle activators and the fact that most of the time you will be recruiting her from your deck it adds a lot of power to the deck.

Grand Archivist on rogue. It sounds weird, but look at the spells on the deck, all of them are great to be casted by him (except from cold blood). Sap and Assassinate will most of the time turn the table to your side, but are also very good at stoping your enemy atacking your face. And if you think it can waste your Necrium Vial let me say that never happened to me since i started playing the deck, mainly because Devilsaur Egg and Mechanical Whelp are very easy to stick on the board. i initially ran a copy of Sprint, but due to the recruit style of the deck it ended up being self defeating. Sudden Betrayal its not the best spell to be casted by him, but still can help.

Cursed Castaway is meant to pull a Cold Blood from your deck in case you didnt drew any from your deck, but its also good to use her to draw your second one to prevent Grand Archivist from casting it.

Master Oakheart Is a very strong card sinergising with the whole deck. It is meant to recruit a Meat Wagon, a Mechanical Whelp and a Silver Vanguard. Still having both Blightnozzle Crawler and Zilliax makes it more reliable. It is a card you want to play as soon as posible in turn 9 (or 8 + coin), but when i know it will recruit a meatwagon, and i have a Cold Blood on hand i like to wait untill turn 10 (9 + coin) to ensure the wagon being buffed.

Ive found this deck very strong vs control decks, wich cant keep removing your board once you start combing and recruiting minions, as most of them will summon more minions on death. Its also good vs aggro deck if you manage to draw the right cards, and its also very good vs SMOrc decks due to the deck survability. Where i struggle to play are in combo matches, this deck may feel too slow for a combo deck.

Anyway ive found this deck pretty solid and very fun to play so you may give it a try if you have the cards.