Rush Tempo Warrior
- Last updated Apr 14, 2018 (Witchwood)
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- 20 Minions
- 6 Spells
- 4 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Tempo Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 8720
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/13/2018 (Witchwood)
- Fraanzu
- Registered User
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I enjoyed a lot playing hours and hours this deck. This archetype is working really good at the moment.I'll write a guide if +10
Enjoy the deck and let me know in the comments how are you going in the ladder with it.
Gonna post the Guide soon, sorry for the issues
Thanks for the likes! i appreciate it
Edit 1: -2 Inner Rage / +1 The Lich King +1 Fire Fly (too much aggro so this 1 drop makes better the early)
I'm a new player and I'd like to ask for help...
This my current collection: and I have most of the cards for this deck (Darius, Ashmore and Grommash). Any help with possible replacements for the cards I'm missing and any advice on the cards that I should really craft? As I'm starting, my dust is very low... For example, I think that the Frothing Berserkers are a must!
Thank you!
Replacement for Darius Crowley. I think that it is a bad card, wont spend 1600 dust on it. is leeroy jenkins a possible replacement? If not, then just another card :)
Well, just because you think Darius Crowley is bad doesn't change the fact that he is a deck-defining card and probably the strongest one in the deck.
I created an account just to down vote you :D
Its a really good tempo card, and u can combo with Blood Razor is a huge value i dont think you can replace it, but maybe The Lich King is pretty good.
Im trying -1 Inner Rage + 1 The Lich King and its going well right now.
Edit: You can try Gurubashi Berserker as well, is pretty damn good against control match ups and sometimes usefull against aggro, remember that you have a lot of enrage activators in the deck!
Hope i helped you a bit!
I'm doing a somewhat similar deck, but didn't open Countess Ashmore. I'm not sure about the Slam you have there; I thought about inner rage, but opted for Cruel Taskmaster (same effect, but comes with a body attached). I've got warpath in right now, but maybe Blood razor would be better. Hmm. Edit: I'm at 7 wins, 2 losses at rank 5.
Not bad, i feel Countess Ashmore really usefull in the deck, you can draw the weapons and always a rush minion. Hmm Slam works a lot for value trades and it's almost everytime a draw, that means more resources.
Hope you enjoyed, thanks for comment!