Free Medivh Heroic (Easy & Low Cost)
- Last updated Feb 11, 2018 (Patches Nerf)
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- 18 Minions
- 11 Spells
- Deck Type: PvE Adventure
- Deck Archetype: Taunt Druid
- Boss: Prince Malchezaar
- Crafting Cost: 3000
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/21/2017 (Kobolds Patch)
- Jinni
- Registered User
- 3
- 10
- 29
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I finally beat Prince Malchezaar in heroic mode with some new cards of Kobolds & Catacombs.
I hope it can help you.
Edit 11/02/18 : I made a video.
Just used this exact deck today (07/25/20) with no substitutions and it still works great. Thank you!
I cant beat him, i dont know, who wants to help me, add me... Kouken#11334
I have two decks that beat this boss, if you need help.
worked after 4-5 trys , the demon clears the bord tho
doesn't work, melchazzar clears board entirely when he comes in
Great deck, this deck still work in Rise of Shadows expansion easy win ;)
Brilliant, thanks, first try with your version + all the helpful comments! 03/05/2019
Thank you! This is the deck that did it for me!
Still working. Had no Malfurion the Pestilent or Psych-o-Tron and only one Grizzled Guardian so threw in Rotten Applebaum Bewitched Guardian and Sludge Belcher to substitute. Took about 6 tries but it worked!
First try. Still works thanks.
Yep, works great. I think it took me 4 tries. Thanks for the deck! I replaced the Healing Touches with Rotten Applebaums and Creepers (3/6) with Druid of the Claw (4/6). I believe Malfurian helps with the combo – 3 Attack/3 Armor option comes in very handy. I would suggest saving the Barkskins for the Auctioneer. Also, I used one of the Moonglade Portals on Nazra to extend fatigue.
works still as of aug 26 2018 boomsday project.
Thank you for this deck! I managed to finally beat him after about 3 hours, then the combo finally rolled and malchezar got penetrated with 7 30/30 jades. I can confirm that he doesn’t use twist 1st turn when Nazra dies of fatigue.
I did the same alternations to my deck as @ungrounded in his post below.
Thank you, This worked for me with some alterations. I left out the healing touches and Malfurion, used Bewitched Guardians and Rotten Applebaum instead. I also used a second Grizzled Guardian instead of second barkskin. Made it thru the first part of the fight with about 22 health and Jades at 9 by holding her to very low health to stop her from using the weapons.
Well play ! ;)
i wouldn’t be thanking someone for a deck if I had to replace 4 of the cards for it to work.
ai not attacking deathrattle minion with taunt a bug. Will ai never attack if i play grizzled guardian?
Thank you so much, bro! I attempted this for a total time of about 15 hours in the past with C'Thun, then gave up for almost half a year! Tried this deck and it didn't work for 10-12 tries, then I crafted Malfurion the Pestilent, and won on my 3rd or 4th try. Totally worth it, you've saved me from this eternal prison.
Great ! I'm glad to hear that. :)
Changed a few cards but this was great. Thanks!