Free Medivh Heroic (Easy & Low Cost)
- Last updated Feb 11, 2018 (Patches Nerf)
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- 18 Minions
- 11 Spells
- Deck Type: PvE Adventure
- Deck Archetype: Taunt Druid
- Boss: Prince Malchezaar
- Crafting Cost: 3000
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/21/2017 (Kobolds Patch)
- Jinni
- Registered User
- 3
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I finally beat Prince Malchezaar in heroic mode with some new cards of Kobolds & Catacombs.
I hope it can help you.
Edit 11/02/18 : I made a video.
Can totally confirm this works as a charm. Almost 1-shotted him but made some misstakes but took like 5-6 tries after that. Thanks man! Finally this crap is done ^^
Wonderful deck, I managed to win after 8 attempts, without the Malfurion was more difficult, but you can do it, thank you for the deck.
I can confirm this deck works really well. I failed for days with other decks where you rarely feel like you have a chance, but this one will actually give you back a solid amount of control. This fight is incredibly challenging, but it's possible if you make the right plays and RNG is in your favor. I tried without Malfurion the Pestilent at first and failed quite a few times. I eventually crafted him and won after several attempts tonight. It might be possible without him in your deck, but he gives you a low cost method to kill enemies and keep your armor. He also gives you armor and two taunt minions when you play him that also help you outlast Nazra.
The strategy that worked for me was to burn Nazra's deck by keeping her minions at bay until you get down to the end of your deck. If the odds are in your favor you will have a pretty strong board of minions (2-3 taunts and maybe 1-2 weaker minions). Do not attack Nazra unless you have a really strong board advantage and she is exhausting her hand. The reason for this is you don't want to reach a point where you run out of time to pump up your Jade Golem stats and she is killed by fatigue because you dropped her health too low. If you end up in a situation where you're getting through your deck faster than she is and she has close to 10 cards left in her deck, it's okay to hit her. If you get her health down low enough she will not attack your minions and kill herself, which increases your chances of keeping your minions on the board. Your focus is to kill her minions or let them run into your wall of taunts to buy yourself time. She will eventually start taking damage from fatigue, or she will be stuck playing 1 card at a time. If you're lucky enough to have them in your hand at the right time, save your Acidic Swamp Ooze to destroy her more powerful weapons such as Arcanite Reaper, Fiery War Axe, or Death's Bite.
Only drop the Gadgetzan Auctioneers when you have a board with at least 1 or more taunt minions on the board and she can't destroy them quickly. Ideally you want both of them down at the same time before playing any cheap spells to cycle through your deck. This state will most likely happen when you're near the end of your deck. I recommend saving the Barkskin cards to play on the Gadgetzan Auctioneers so you can move through the final cards of your deck more quickly. Once you have 1 or 2 cards left, play the Jade Idol and shuffle more of them into your deck. Fill your deck with a significant amount of Jade Idols and summon them to pump up their stats. If you have a full board you can still "summon" them to boost your stats. They will not be summoned, but their stats will increase, and you will cycle through your deck. You have to use common sense on this because you need to maintain control of Nazra, fill your deck and hand with Jade Idols, and boost your Jade Golem stats at the same time. I got to a point where she could only play 1 card at a time and summon 1 Orc Warrior in each round. The Orc Warrior would attack my massive board, or I would kill it on my next turn and set myself up on Jade Idols. I had about three full turns where I could just play Jade Idols to boost their stats or fill my deck, and she just kept trying to get rid of my remaining taunt minions.
I went into the Prince Malchezaar fight with 5 Jade Idols in my hand, their stats at 17/17, 2 Healing Touch, 1 Oaken Summons, 1 Fen Creeper, and about 12 or so Jade Idols in my deck (and no other card types in there). After he wiped my full board I attacked him once to reduce my Atiesh from 1/3 to 1/2, dropped my Fen Creeper and summoned as many Jade Idols as Atiesh would let me. On his next turn he used Shadow Bolt Volley, summoned two taunt minions, and dropped a few other minions. I used my Malfurion hero power to give myself +3 attack to kill the Void Walker he put down, had my weakest 17/17 Jade hit the other taunt, and went face with all my other Jade Golems for the win.
I sincerely hope this information has been helpful, and you all beat him like I did. May the odds be ever in your favor. Thank you Jinni for posting this deck.
I'm glad to help you and thank you for your detailed explanation. I couldn't have done better, my English is too bad ! ^^'
Short guide:
1. Battle against Nazra as long as possible. Your quest is increase jade golems as much as possible. Gadgetzan Auctioneer + Jade Idol are helping you. All taunts are playing against Nazra. Your deck must consider only Jade Idols and your hand must consider at least 2-3 Jade Idols. Killing Nazra.
2. Playing Jade Idols (19-19 for me) against Malchezaar and enjoy new cardback.
Thank you for this deck, I beated the HC boss for the first try after lot of tries with other decks.
I'm glad to help you.