Blessing of Kings

Give a minion +4/+4. (+4 Attack/+4 Health)
Given the number of kings who have been assassinated, are you sure you want their blessing?
Give a minion +4/+4. (+4 Attack/+4 Health)
Given the number of kings who have been assassinated, are you sure you want their blessing?
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with the rise of murloc paladin in the un'goro meta, this card is now being seen in constructed.
Hands down the coolest spell animation of any buff, and still relevant in competitive decks today. Gotta love BoK.
The best feeling when you Spellbender this card.
I wonder why this is the only card in the entire game that specifies that +x/+x corresponds to a minion's attack and health?
It's just an artifact of Alpha card text. You can find additional examples of this on other Classic cards; e.g. the capitalization of "ALL" on Baron Geddon, Murloc Warleader, "HIMSELF" on Injured Blademaster, etc.
Mark of the Wild too. But Houndmaster, [card]Shattered Sun Cleric[/card], Stormwind Champion, are basics and don't have it...
Welcome back in the meta!
It's like a 4/4 charge for 4. But vulnerable to silence.
Why use this over a 4mana minion ?
Turn 3: Hero Power Turn 4: Blessing of Kings that Weenie, 5/5 on Turn 5 is pretty damm good
arena card , no future
Blessing of Kings x 2 are a reward for raising a paladin to level 10