Card Text
Choose an enemy minion.
Shuffle it into your deck.
Flavor Text
It's perfectly safe as long as you remember to put in air holes.
Choose an enemy minion.
Shuffle it into your deck.
It's perfectly safe as long as you remember to put in air holes.
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Crafted it again :D
I like your deck, I think I will TAKE IT! -Arch-Thief Anduin
Jesus fuck Recycle is so much better than this shit
When I have Djinni of Zyphyrs in play, and cast Entomb on 'enemy' minion - why does it also entomb my Djinni?
I guess its because the entombed minion becomes friendly at some point... should it? is it working as intended?
When I first saw this card, I thought it was decent at best. After playing 20+ games of Fatigue Priest, I now realize that this card is so ridiculously strong and annoying to play against.
Oh boy, that sensation of safety when you have 2 in hand vs control.
This card is proving to be an All-Star
This card IMO is EXTREMELY annoying and/or frustrating, more annoying that Annoy-o-Tron and about as frustrating as, if not less frustrating than trying to craft an all golden Control Reno Jackson Warrior.
this spell must be legendary...having both of them in deck is lethal for 6 mana remove, basically the most powerfull removeal...and i cant keep a specific card for only priest like Spellbound in my deck =(
well blizzard didnt add the legendary spell feature yet. if they do this can be the first one.
yeah i know, but will be cool having a legendary spells, some of them are TOOOO strong, like: Ice Block, Preparation, Twisting Nether, etc
So much better than recycle
Archmage Antonidas now my favorite Priest card :D
Nerf this 8 mana
Mal'Ganis is my favorite Priest card Kappa
pretty good card, most decks have an entombable target like sylvanas tirion or rhonin hehe
I really like the effort they put into the Golden Animation. =O
Sometimes I feel like Blizz can't come up with original ideas for priest cards so they just give priest more cards that steal from their opponent..............
Another vote up for you bud. While thought-steal, mind vision, and mind control were bad, this card is an all-time low in the "steal from opponent" family of priest-cards. You literally steal an opponent's card of your choice, at the reasonable cost of 6 mana. It feels like a middle finger from Blizzard. "You spent 5 months grinding the dust so your opponent can play a golden Dr. Boom on turn 7." I mean, where is the guaranteed counter play to this card currently in the game? I have to play a deck with all charge creatures? A deck that kills them pre turn 6? Force Savage? Some of us like playing control decks, decks that take skill. Assuming all of my big creatures are of equal strength, with 2 shadow word deaths, 2 mind controls, 2 entombs, I literally have to pack 10 creatures of 5+ attack to fight off my own big creatures and the opponent's control when facing a priest. Does that sound like a good deck to you? A good curve? I'm hoping at some point Blizzard makes a card that states: "All cards in hand and in play are shuffled into the deck of their original owner." I'd pay 10 mana 5 overcharge to play a card like that.
If I entomb a card using a gold Entomb will the the entombed card that is shuffled in the deck be gold?