Card Text
Choose an enemy minion.
Shuffle it into your deck.
Flavor Text
It's perfectly safe as long as you remember to put in air holes.
Choose an enemy minion.
Shuffle it into your deck.
It's perfectly safe as long as you remember to put in air holes.
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Can Entomb target stealth minions and tat freaking Cabal Shadow Priest ??
An over powered Recycle]
More like Recycle was trash.
Oh how I cannot wait till next year when this little pain is rotated out of standard. I'm sick of Priests stealing my Tirions and Sylvanas. They even steal my C'thuns so I can't Doomcaller them!
That card is singlehandedly keeping priests relevant. Without it, absolutely nobody would play priest.
Honestly, Mibd Control is better against C'thun if you don't play C'thun yourself.
Which would make the game much better. You forgot that part, right? RIGHT?
As a N'Zoth Paladin player this is my reaction when a priest play this on my Tirion and Sylvanas
Then do not play them. Play Justicar Trueheart and drive the game to fatigue. :3
Priest lacked good ways to get rid of deathrattle minions without triggering them. This was needed.
Silence? What is that?
Silence is not a removal, the minion is still a threat. Since priest don't have transform effects, they can't remove high stat deathrattle cards such as Tirion or Sylvanas.
Also, Entomb is clearly a control card, so it encourages Control Priest decks.
This card should be nominated as "Spell Most Likely to Make Your Opponent Punch the Wall", Mind Control lost its title, this card is the best removal in the game.
When it was introduced the card was just annoying but with the current slower old gods meta it is just bad shit crazy. It feels terrible to lose against and it increases (at least in my opinion) the incentive to try to push aggro cancer. If you play control against priest just conceide. It saves you a long game with a frustrating result at the end.
I was looking all over for this card and finally realized I must have forgotten to complete the class challenges for LOE :)
Anti C'thun LUL
If you steal c'thun, do you get the buffs your opnent gave him?
This is the only card in the whole hearthstone I hate.
Needs to be toned down.
Priest is so op. And this card is top 3 best cards ever made in Hearthstone...
Btw. Why is it a mummy who is getting entomb? wouldn't it made more sense if it was a explorer, like Reno Jackson? A human?