Card Text
Battlecry: Restore 3 Health to all other friendly minions. Gain +1/+1 for each one Overhealed.
Flavor Text
As the only member that can sing underwater, Paz saved Poison Bloom's Zin-Azshari tour from failure.
Battlecry: Restore 3 Health to all other friendly minions. Gain +1/+1 for each one Overhealed.
As the only member that can sing underwater, Paz saved Poison Bloom's Zin-Azshari tour from failure.
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It doesn't even heal face -_-
Why is Blizzard so afraid of printing good priest cards?
Aggro priest is going to be absolutely nutso. It's already very strong as it is.
It might be decent in arena, as healing up minions for value trading is ok. Sunfury Cleric gets usage for this reason right now. I am guessing the effect on it is to make it be ok at times while enabling Overhealing strategies from other cards. Probably niche use at least unless Overheal Priest somehow turns out to be a beast.
It's honestly not THAT much better than Sunfury Clergy
Not rly , it dosnt heal face you cant play it at turn 2 ... and at later turns when you do play it a 2 mana 3/4 or 4/5 is just meh.
Sorry this sucks I read that it was +1+1 for each oveheal point......... Yeah it sucks you right hahaha