Balance Patch on Thursday - Battlegrounds, Standard & Wild Changes Incoming
We've been waiting for a patch since the Return to Naxxramas mini-set launched, and now we have a preview of the changes incoming. The changes and the patch Patch itself will be released on Thursday.
Construct Quarter nerfed? What a surprise...
Brann in std?
atleast the shop is working now after ten years
Not only. In Wild it discards 30+ burst damage directly to the face.
Just had a couple games this morning against Discard Warlocks, and even as Even DK, with a wide board, Cataclysm kills the board and THEN discards their hand. So any minions on board can't eat the damage. Even a rewording of the card would help in that instance: "Discard your hand. Destroy all minions."
A harder hit would be "...Destroy your minions.", but that kind of ruins the flavor of the card. The 4 cost is the thing that would likely be hit though, and I don't see it being, say, 6 cost making a huge difference.
Cataclysm going to 6 would actually be a significant change for discard warlock. A big damage output for discolock is using Expired Merchant to duplicate copies of Soul Barrage in your hand. Cataclysm going to 5 would make this mechanic a coin toss instead of a guarantee. Going to 6 would invalidate the interaction entirely while cataclysm is in hand. Increasing the mana cost is the best approach imo.
Oh, I hadn't considered that aspect (it's not a deck I've played since the last big Discard Warlock nerf), so I wasn't thinking of it through the deck-building lens: Soul Barrage (or Hand of Gul'dan in some lists) is their highest cost card. That being moved to 6 would really jank that up. Good correction. Cool, I look forward to seeing that tomorrow then!
No it's great really. Once you've played against it a couple of years (since Uldum) and have learned to just blindly rip cards and pray, it's really relaxing. Taught me to not give a shit about every single game and go on if unlucky.
I'm really not a fan of this teasing stuff. It is not a trailer for a new expansion, but a fix for an oppresive meta. Just show us the actual nerfs now or two days later.
if they just told you nerfs coming this thursday would that make you feel any better... The idea of telling you what cards will get nerfed i personally think is good, cause you can then see the reaction of the public and masses (did we forget something, did we target the wrong card) this feedback is important...however the problem is the feedback here is not taken into account or neglected until the next next balance patch
"Aren't you excited for us to fix our mistakes!?"
I would definitely consider discard warlock an OTK deck, since you can pretty easily do > 30 damage in one turn.
I'm only platinum rank, but I haven't run into a single discard lock yet. Mostly big priests and pirate rogues, so I was just wondering if it was a problematic card in other decks I wasn't aware of.
Am I the only one annoyed that they are literally teasing nerfs to obviously totally OP cards after months of shitty meta(excluding some that aren't even played) like it's some big feature they are adding, while almost everyone knew they were obviously totally broken even before were released...
Well to be fair, 80% of all cards the community "knew were obviously totally broken even before they were released" turn out to be not broken.
Then there's cards like Prince Renathal that everyone expected to be shit yet turns out to be the most included card in the game.
I’ve been curious about this for a while now. I think they have core guidelines for their work, I mean, I’m certain of it, like in any workplace. They likely have some sort of design chart which they stick to. I’d be interesting to compile how long it takes in-between each patch and make an average. I doubt it’s random. They probably don’t want to make modifications before a certain amount of time has passed. I would imagine , they keep an eye on the game all the time so they probably knew about the gnoll abuse with evolve shaman from day 1. Maybe nerfing right way gives the impression they’re incompetent? I don’t know. An AMA on Reddit would be nice. Figuring out how their work process is hard to wrap my mind around.
First it was Exodia Time Warp with Antonidas. Then it was Giants OTK with Time Warp. Then it was Multiple Turns with Vargoth and Time Warp. Now it's Brann & Bird Infinite Turns.
Eventually you're going to have to deal with the combo piece it's self or some new e: enabler card will be printed that makes the verbiage on Time Warp unfair again, Team 5.
to be fair, exodia time warp in his time didn't feel too op because the winrate is so low (at that time), and its hard to pull off combo because you know how fast pirate warrior token druid murloc paladin at that time.
then it is move to wild and blizzard add card like 2 mana generating coin, cheap discovery, twinspell etc (giant time warp) and now the bullshit that repeat it 20+ turn
you cant really do anything, blizzard doesnt care about wild
That wasn't my point. To save themselves grief they could just change the verbiage of Time Warp it's self. Ask any veteran, it is only a matter of time before some new enabler is printed that makes Time Warp a meta presence again. They could have figured this out in less than two minutes time if they asked any Stranger (a moniker I use to describe people who play Wild).
Actually talking to people who want to like Wild would violate their 'DON'T TEASE THE ANIMALS' policy they have towards us, though.
Yupyup. This game soon will be like yugioh in no time
It's pretty simple - you should only be able to take one extra turn at a time. If you generate another time warp sure whatever, but you have to wait until the opponent gets a turn before it does anything.