Defeating the Lich King with all Classes Gives You the Playable Hero Arthas
Today, Dave Kosak had a quick Hearthside Chat with the community and not only did he reveal three cards, but he also revealed some new information in the video. Check out the three card reveals, which includes Bolvar, Fireblood, in our dedicated post.
- If you defeat the Lich King with every class, you will unlock Prince Arthas as a playable Paladin hero.
- Instead of making the Lich King goofy, they went for the "breaking the fourth" wall approach.
- He cheats! Every class has a different kind of encounter with the Lich King.
- Mages are set to 1 Health at the start.
- Paladins, he's got a grudge against you. If your minions die, they end up on his side of the field.
- Not confirmed but the Priest hero is silent in the video. Possibly you can't cast spells as Priest during the encounter?
- The Lich King is really good at Hearthstone and his dialog reflects it.
- "You play cards the way my Father ran his kingdom. Weakly."
- "Hahaha - THAT's my opener!"
Arthas can be obtained by defeating the lich king in the prologue with all 9 classes?
Now this is how you do adventure rewards!
How long will the missions be around? Like will it just be a free addition to my solo adventures collection? I'm worried it will disappear before I have a chance to beat Arthas for the Portrait. Is there confirmation that the missions stay forever?
I want a skin for warlock not paladin again. This doesn't even look badass.
This is the best part about the upcoming expansion
That Artha's art is disturbing me. He is twisting his neck so bad, that I think he's trying to break it.. His armor looks awesome though.
I wonder if this encounter will be permanent, like Old Adventures, or it will be just "2 weeks" limited thing.
I hope permanent...
Why another alternate Hero for a Class that already has one where there are some that are still missing it?
I know that Team 5 said they're working to get an alternate for everyone but this seems quite "not needed", at last now.
Because Arthas IS the Lich King, and Arthas was a Paladin in Warcraft lore :) It would make no sense if Arthas was a druid or warlock hero. Also it would make no sense if you got say Hamuul Runetotem (druid hero) for beating Arthas.
That's weird, shouldn't it be - 1 classic Hero, 1 paid Hero and one with special promotion? We already have special promotion Hero for Paladin..
I hope this hero has epic emotes/sounds
not like Nefarian in this BRAWL :sad:
i wonder, if i had golden uther, would i get a golden arthas
Why not, it´s the same with other customized portraits. You golden the class, not the hero.
Why would you have a broken fucking spell that reduces your opponents hp to 1, and for 1 mana? seems kinda bullshit to me, especially if you don't have a moderate collection.
Smh... It's just for the boss encounter...not an actual card players can use. We've seen boss cards in EVERY adventure so far.
On a side note: having a small collection is your problem and you can solve it by playing the game or spending real money.
Ticking Abomination value!
So paladins have two alt heroes, Mages have two...Shaman, Rogue and Priest have one each....
At what point will druid get Hamuul Runetotem or Warrior get someone like Arathor, since Varian is already a card.