Expansion Teaser - The Return of Whizbang the Wonderful?!

Blizzard just posted a wonderful teaser for the next expansion, to be announced tomorrow. Come check out our speculation!

The Official Teaser

Quote from Blizzard
Wonderful things are coming soon to Hearthstone... 🎁

Our Speculation

As you can see in the teaser, it's a desk with tools and some papers and a toy wooden block with an M...but if you turn that M upside down, it becomes a W. Now what do we know about things in Hearthstone with toys and the letter W?

Well, our very own Imik had some ideas about that, he saw the Expansion teaser image in the New year post from earlier today and started to put 2 and 2 together, and made the following visual comparison:

The left part of that image is the expansion teaser, the image on the right is the card art for Whizbang the Wonderful. Well look at that, a W and a very strong connection to toys.

So that is our best guess, we will see the return of Whizbang the Wonderful tomorrow as part of the Expansion!

Let us know in the comments what your ideas are about this teaser and our guess!


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