Blizzard just announced a server-sided hotfix patch rolling out right now and contains updates to Battlegrounds, Arena Bans, Majordomo Change revert, & Bug Fixes.
Quote from BlizzardPatch 28.0.1 is a server-side hotfix patch rolling out now with the following updates:
Battlegrounds Updates
The following heroes are now banned from the following Anomalies:
Anomalous Twin: Rakanishu, King Mukla
Anomalous Bribe: Sneed, E.T.C. Band Manager, Chenvaala
What Are the Odds?: Patches the Pirate, Cap’n Hoggarr, Dinotamer Brann, Rock Master Voone, Ysera
How to Even??: Millificent Manastorm, C’Thun, Ragnaros the Firelord, Overlord Saurfang, Onyxia, Millhouse Manastorm, Lich Baz’hial
- This Anomaly also will not appear in games with Mechs
Deep Blue Sooner: Kael’thas Sunstrider, Cariel Roame, Captain Hooktusk, Al’Akir, George the Fallen, Chenvaala, Alexstrasza, Lord Jaraxxus
- This Anomaly also will not appear in games with Demons or Dragons
Valuation Inflation: Infinite Toki, Y’Shaarj, Galakrond, Guff Runetotem, Queen Azshara, Lady Vashj, Aranna Starseeker
Arena Updates
The following cards have been banned from Arena deck drafting:
Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
[Hearthstone] Reverted a change to Majordomo Executus/Ragnaros that prevented them from turning you into a Neutral hero—Tess Greymane is back on the menu!
[Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug with the Evil Twin Anomaly causing crashes.
[Battlegrounds] Fixed an error that happened when a minion was transformed into Octosari, Wrap God during combat.
[Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug causing minion stat resets in certain situations.
[Arena] Fixed a bug where The Nighthold (generated by Runi, Time Explorer) and Disco at the End of Time did not give the right number of Secrets.
[Arena] Fixed a bug where Stick Up could give a Rogue Drilly the Kid.
bout time they fixed runi shes been bugged since she was introduced
Magister Dawngrasp hero power is still instantly crashing the game. Really frustrating as I have a duels run with the card in it.
I'm so glad they reverted the Majordomo combo. I was literally trying it out this morning and it didn't work, then in the evening I was rocking it in Legend 1500 EU with this dumb deck 🤣👍 people just kept conceding
Still waiting for the Majordomo wild set buff
Yay Majordomo Rogue will still be playable
Majordomo is a nation treasure and must be preserved at all costs.