Important note:
Hearthstone already has unsilenceable effects (such as
Frost Lich Jaina
on Elementals) so coding this is not a problem. Now let the vampires infest hearthstone!
I'd rather just have access to all the cards with any class. In Meanstreets the faction cards all had abilities that made sense to be class restricted at the time (only lotus classes had jade cards, etc.)
It's not like they locked ALL the neutral minions behind 3 classes each. You could still play Street Trickster (for example) with any class, rather than just Mage, Warlock & Priest.
I was not saying to restrict all neutrals. Just a few, like "EVIL" minions and "Dalaran" minions...
They could have also expanded the card design with that faction division making for example a "Dalaran" minion have a "Battlecry: Discover a Twinspell spell" merging the defenders classes, or even the "Evil" minions have more Lackey interactions, or some stuff like that.
They revived lots of keywords and mechanics from past expansions with this one, and I would have loved to see faction division like in Gadgetzan with Dalaran and Evil League, it would have also expanded the possibilities of card design and prevent cross use play (like not giving a specific class a specific card to prevent OP combo, and still give it to other classes for creative combos).
Here are some examples of what that could have looked:
Dalaran Defenders cards - Only usable by Druids, Hunters, Mages and Paladins
Evil League cards - Only usable by Priests, Rogues, Shamans, Warlocks and Warriors
Hello! After many years entering in these card design competitions, i've found quite some stuff that can be done in order to improve the experience and the quality of said competition. This is not a rant about "I didn't win any contest" type of suggestions, it's just what I would love to see changed for a better and more fair competition besides my personal expereince. So here we go:
Equal opportunity for all entries: Most of the time the first entries get the most votes becasue maybe some forum readers don't want to scroll through many pages. I've seen some awsome, original and creative entries being completely ignored due to the fact that they were the last ones entering their submissions. Some solutions to this could be:
Making competition forums infinite scroll (when reach bottom, load more)
Change the design of the submission thread to be [Name / Card / Vote button] with a compact design in order to save space so more cards can be viewed at once.
Making an initial voting phase similar to final voting with all entries with card and button (this would remove the voting in the submission thread).
Since Rastakhan's Rumble introduced
Splitting Image
, this card's concept is to bring a new addition to the "attacking a minion" secrets for Mage, making your opponent guess between more options.
Paradox does not state that can't discover itself. It just says a discover a [new] card that cannot later discover paradox, so Paradox can discover Paradox... wow what a paradox.
Note: This is not the same account nor person as the previous submission.
I've already submitted many tickets on help support to fix this issue.
Make freeze mage great again!
Important note: Hearthstone already has unsilenceable effects (such as Frost Lich Jaina 's Lifesteal on Elementals) so coding this is not a problem. Now let the vampires infest hearthstone!
I was not saying to restrict all neutrals. Just a few, like "EVIL" minions and "Dalaran" minions...
They could have also expanded the card design with that faction division making for example a "Dalaran" minion have a "Battlecry: Discover a Twinspell spell" merging the defenders classes, or even the "Evil" minions have more Lackey interactions, or some stuff like that.
They revived lots of keywords and mechanics from past expansions with this one, and I would have loved to see faction division like in Gadgetzan with Dalaran and Evil League, it would have also expanded the possibilities of card design and prevent cross use play (like not giving a specific class a specific card to prevent OP combo, and still give it to other classes for creative combos).
Here are some examples of what that could have looked:
Dalaran Defenders cards - Only usable by Druids, Hunters, Mages and Paladins

Evil League cards - Only usable by Priests, Rogues, Shamans, Warlocks and Warriors

What do you think?
Hello! After many years entering in these card design competitions, i've found quite some stuff that can be done in order to improve the experience and the quality of said competition. This is not a rant about "I didn't win any contest" type of suggestions, it's just what I would love to see changed for a better and more fair competition besides my personal expereince. So here we go:
Since Rastakhan's Rumble introduced Splitting Image , this card's concept is to bring a new addition to the "attacking a minion" secrets for Mage, making your opponent guess between more options.
it's actually a spell
With that 1 mana left you cast Play Dead
This is my entry: A Mage Legendary and a Rogue Lackey card (so it's kind-a harder to obtain), both with a somewhat strong battlecry.
My entry: (Lesser & Greater) Frozen Tome
Paradox does not state that can't discover itself. It just says a discover a [new] card that cannot later discover paradox, so Paradox can discover Paradox... wow what a paradox.