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    posted a message on New Neutral Minion - Dragonhatcher

    If you recruit Ysera with this minion, does Ysera's effect trigger? If so, it may not be quite as bad as it seems, your opponent has to deal with it immediately or basically lose the game, and it provides a bit of insurance if there's a legendary dragon your deck is banking on getting out, but that dragon sometimes appears in the bottom of your deck.

    Still overcosted by at least 1 mana, but could have a very specific niche in a deck, maybe.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Spell - Deck of Wonders

     I will 100% put this in a deck if I open one of these cards. It probably won't be that good, but it should be hilarious, and in a control mage deck, might have surprisingly good results sometimes. Or maybe it will just pyroblast your face. Either way sounds fun.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Is this normal behavior?

    I mean, if I see a deck a lot and its really good or really polarizing, I can't say I'm happy to see it again. On the other hand, the person you were playing is exceptionally immature. It's a video game. Don't yell at other people playing the game, its not ok to do that.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Ever have someone concede on you when you were about to lose?

    I will sometimes concede in the very rare case where my opponent has lethal, disconnects for a couple turns, and I come back in the game and get lethal of my own. I feel bad about winning those games, so if my opponent stays in and doesn't concede first, I'll concede right before I win in this scenario.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Where'd all the people whining about PRIESTONE PRIESTONE PRIESTONE go???
    Quote from moonsorrow999 >>

    People were too scared to admit the nerfs were actually good. In fact, they were amazing. Pirate warrior is no longer the go-to aggro deck as things stand and Jade Druid isn't quite as good. Things are shaken up and it seems like most classes have a few good archetypes and all classes are easily playable. Nobody would ever say well done Blizzard or anything though, it's always complain and cry and whine. Most people don't get this game.

     Yeah. I was really skeptical on the nerfs when they were announced, and its definitely not what I would have decided to do, but from what I can tell so far, the nerfs seem pretty on point, and the game is better now as a result of them.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Where'd all the people whining about PRIESTONE PRIESTONE PRIESTONE go???
    Quote from murlocleader >>

    i dont even know why people thought it would be priestone

     I mean, the fear makes sense. Before the nerfs, druid, pirate warrior, and murloc pally, were t1 decks, with priest being very close behind, and no other classes having super good decks. People were thinking that, huh, everything on this list is being nerfed except priest, therefore priest will start to take over.
    The issue with that logic is that it ignores decks that are rising that had bad matchups against the pre-nerfed decks, but aren't bad decks in general. For instance, hunter got way stronger after the nerf because the nerf hit a lot of aggro decks that hunter really struggled against (and also hit spreading plague/innervate, which gives hunter another turn to kill jade, which is huge), so it suddenly became relevant in our new meta. So, now priest needs to contend with not only the nerfed decks, but also the decks that become better because they aren't facing the nerfed decks as often, or have good enough matchups against the nerfed decks that see play, which means the meta develops in a way that's a bit harder to predict than our initial reaction suspects.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on Hearthstone is more reasonably affordable than I thought.
    Quote from DiamondDM13 >>

    I will just point out something. Hearthstone does have a timer, just in a different way. You are only allowed to get 100 gold per day for wins you do. After that, you can't progress in that aspect. So they do have a limitation, one for the gold progress. If they allowed players to earn as much gold as possible in a day, then it would be limitless. Currently, you grind 100 gold, and wait until the daily limit resets to continue doing it again.

    Still nowhere near as bad as the timer limitations other games have. "I just paid 1000 gold to build a farm, now I have to wait another 8 hours before I can do anything in this game or pay 5$ to speed this up"... Yeah, I don't see that kind of game as fun.

     To be fair, you have to win 30 games of hearthstone to hit that 100 gold per day limit, which, assuming a winrate of 50%, is 60 games every day, maybe 50 if you have a really good deck or are a really good player. I play a lot of video games, and playing 60 games of hearthstone every day sounds insane to me. You can debate about whether the daily rewards system or the 10 gold per three wins system gives enough money, but the 100 gold a day limit isn't the paywall the vast majority of players are worried about (i had no idea it existed before now), and sounds like more of a sanity system to me than a paywall. If you've reached that limit, it's probably a good idea to get off the computer anyway.
    I agree with you that the second kind of timer system is horrible, whenever I see that type of system in a game, I run away from the game as fast as I can and never look back.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on What are Hearthstone's highest skill decks?

    The relatively new mill warrior deck going around has got to be among the highest, there are a ton of decisions in playing the deck that are both not inherently obvious and incredibly matchup specific, especially with deciding what cards you should save so you can have additional copies of it later with dead mans hand.

    Most decks in hearthstone aren't too hard to pilot in my opinion, but this deck has impressed me with the level of thought that goes in to playing it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Blizzard needs to get rid of emotes!

    I would be totally fine with an auto-squelch function that people could use if they wanted to, but emotes improve my experience of the game so I wouldn't want it forced on me. I usually say greetings at the start of the match (its my way of saying glhf), and well played at the end of the match (way of saying gg), and try not to spam emotes too frequently otherwise. I do sometimes say "wow" if I see my opponent do something unexpected or crazy, I'm intending to convey congratulations to them.

    Sometimes if we both get our death knights at around the same time in the game I might use a threaten emote. Maybe that's bad, but I find it kinda amusing to act as a villain after I play my death knight. I still try not to overspam though, I do get how its annoying and don't want to be that person who emotes the entire match.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Fun Not-Bad Budget Decks to try DK heroes

     Rexxar is a really weird card because from what I've seen, he's arguably the best value card in the game, giving you an infinite supply of incredible cards in your deck, at a cost of all of your turns for the rest of the game being relatively subpar plays. So, he's a really weird card to fit in a deck, if you and your opponent are in topdeck mode, and you have deathstalker rexxar as your hero power, and your opponent doesn't, you basically win. Deathstalker Rexxar is also incredible because by itself, it can keep your deck competitive in topdeck mode, since with him you can always spend 10 mana a turn. It can theoretically work really well if you're running out of steam as a hunter, because you can add some cheap zombeasts on your plays, which is usually much better value than your regular deck. Rexxar's zombeasts have an advantage on normal card draw because they are both flexible (you can choose what you want for each situation, including situations you think you'll encounter on later turns) and because you can create cards that combine abilities and stats in ways that are clearly overpowered. This also makes him considered fun to play, because of the amount of interesting and meangful decisions you have with him.

    However, the downside of rexxar is that using the hero power costs 2 mana, which means your zombeasts really cost two mana more than the cost you think they cost. Think of everyone talking about the penguin being a good zombeast combo at the start of the expansion, it really isn't, because if you choose the penguin, you're paying 2 extra mana to draw a minion and give it +1/+1, which is kinda meh. Playing deathstalker rexxar costs 6 mana, and while a consecrate and five armor helps a bit to get you to develop him, the hero power is more important than the battlecry, and you want to use him for it. I'm not convinced that rexxar's zombeasts are stronger than an average control deck is, and I think that the 2 mana the hero power uses means that a deck that relies on rexxar for the long game will usually lose to a good control deck. Rexxar's spending six mana for a consecrate and replacing your hero power means it can cost you games where your strategy is to win quickly, even as it may be best in decks with a low mana cost of the average card, since that makes the hero power matter more (if you're playing a zombeast while keeping a highmane in your hand, how much is the hero power actually helping?). So basically, we have, in aggro you get the most value out of rexxar, but drawing him is inconsistent and you lose the tempo you need to win in an aggro game. In control, you get an amazing hero power, but then you suddenly don't have the mana to play all of your cards with your new hero power, and if you get to this stage, your opponent has a better deck than you because they aren't playing hunter.

    Does this mean that Rexxar is bad? I don't think so, but based on my logic here, its probably best in a control deck where you want to play super reactionary, and don't need to spend all of your mana every turn. Rexxar allows you to develop threats every turn that your opponent needs to deal with, and if you have a deck that can already win a value game with good removal, rexxar would mean you don't even really need to have any late game threats, because Rexxar would provide all the threats you need. Just... Hunter never really has had that deck, so Rexxar doesn't get his chance to shine with his current support. I'd encourage you to experiment with him though, because this card probably won't be bad forever and is one of the coolest cards hs has ever released.

    All right, now that I've said all that about Rexxar, I'll head on to the other two. Grommash seems like a decent card in isolation, his weapon gives really good and unique value, but his hero power isn't that good unless you build a deck around it. The mill warrior deck going around on various streams gives a really cool way to use this hero, and doesn't seem super expensive (more expensive than I can afford, admittedly), but I guess if you experiment with him, maybe try to use him for the weapon in some sort of control warrior deck?

    With Uther, I'll give the same advice, he's actually the only one of the three I personally have, but I've had some success with him in a control paladin deck. You can use stonehill defenders to replace the paladin legendaries, I don't have them, but I discover one in every third game or so from the defender. Righteous defender is an amazing card from the expansion, rallying blade is a card I didn't use much early on in this deck (thought truesilver was better), but I'm starting to realize how valuable early game 3/2 weapons really are right now (flametounge totem, murloc warleader, 3/3 jade, arcaneologist, etc). I'm also finding that blessing of kings is a surprisingly good card right now, as the best decks don't have all that much early game single target removal. Cards like bonemare and argent protector (I'm the only one I've seen who runs this, but its not bad, especially with buffs) can help, and curator is there for card draw (assuming you have it, just get a couple of each tribe and you're set, stampeding kodo synnergizes really well with aldor peacekeeper). So, Uther's role in my paladin deck is just to provide you with a good weapon, a way of regenerating life against burst decks, and a nice little hero power upgrade that comes in handy sometimes. Don't play to exodia, but in super control games use the threat of exodia to force bad trades, and he can come in handy.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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