Can someone explain the elven archer in holy wrath paladin? Thank you!
- nathan9124
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thank god ben brode left
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I am pretty sure its in there for Crystology
I made leaks BlizzCon checklist I wonder how many in a few days will be true. I will mark them off if they come true and then tally it.
the link is here.
what are you going to do if you're wrong? last year there were leaked and there were all true.
its not a bug people
This is actually intended for the first 2 quests. You may not remember back when you first started Hearthstone, but these were the first 2 dailies that you got as a new player as well. Since we changed all the quests with the newest patch, everyone gets their guaranteed first 2 quests all over again.
the won't work you can it cost 1 mana everytime its played. I am not sure you understand how the card works.
its that a joke lol.
i just got to legends for first time boys. my win rate from rank 4 was 32 wins 13 losses. with this deck.