• 0

    posted a message on Aggro Stealth Rogue

    Is Voss a good substitute for Akama?

    Posted in: Aggro Stealth Rogue
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    posted a message on What Ban? Double Win condition

    Duel's way better, I doubt you can last to turn 7 (two turns of holy wrath, without getting unlucky) without a solid heal on turn five.

    Posted in: What Ban? Double Win condition
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    posted a message on Value Priest

    This is surprisingly good, and popular.

    Doesn't stand much of a chance against meta decks (unless they're burst builds and not minion builds like mage)

    It offers a ton of playability though. I'm not sure if I played against you before.

    Posted in: Value Priest
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    posted a message on Chill out

    OK, so your whole deck is frost nova.

    Posted in: Chill out
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    posted a message on Stall Brawl

    This actually does seem very viable, but the problem is that it's not fast enough to clear the board on turn 3 if risky skipper gets banned; would prefer the 1 mana version of warpath (without echo) for better efficiency.

    Posted in: Stall Brawl
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    posted a message on 0 (almost) Loss Gala Brawl

    How bold to assume you survive till turn seven.

    However, I admit this has potential to be fun, but I don't see how you can win; how many games did you play?

    Posted in: 0 (almost) Loss Gala Brawl
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    posted a message on Let's Disco!

    I replaced with expired merchant, but got rekt usually.

    Honestly if you don't have solarium, don't play the deck; it's not viable without it against the meta (usually pogos, galvaniser, and mage)

    Posted in: Let's Disco!
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    posted a message on Budget 18-Winstreak Brawl Hunter

    Coincidentally, have a 18 winstreak with micro machine replaced with clockwork automaton.

    My 19th game was ironically a thief priest stealing the clockwork and healing themselves.

    If they ban anything but leaper, you win on turn 2 (with coin) or turn 3 by playing a cost-reduce into another into another into all your leapers.

    If they ban leaper, spam your warpers, and wait until you draw 4 clockworks and then start galvanising them. Wait till they all cost 1 or 0, then put them all down and hero power for otk (of course, if your early mechwarper push got them down to 16, you only need 3).

    Posted in: Budget 18-Winstreak Brawl Hunter
  • -2

    posted a message on Easy Win!

    How do you win without flamewaker?

    If they have a decent board, you're screwed since the arcane missiles can't hit enough face to win the game.

    Much better with incanter's flow and ice lance; icelance provides a possible win (10 can deal 36 damage from hand) and you can play incanters when you get them.

    Posted in: Easy Win!
  • 0

    posted a message on Angry Chicken OTK!

    OK, but meme?

    Posted in: Angry Chicken OTK!
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    posted a message on Fun Miracle Y'Sera Unleashed Druid

    You can also bounce cool dragons like Alexstraza (both of them); it's a budget way to play cool dragons (got lucky with a pack on y'sera).

    Also include floop, splintergraft, zola, any other bounce cards. Don't got none of them, but are great

    Posted in: Fun Miracle Y'Sera Unleashed Druid
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    posted a message on Heal Paladin

    How about adding a deranged doctor or sartonite instead of another abomination?

    There isn't actually that much healing in the deck, and can be damaged to under 20 (with no heal left, other than lifesteal) with a decent midrange deck.

    Maybe include Kangor, as well. I'm playing a deck without 1 or 2 cost minions (excluding kangor, of course), and call to adventure is great and reliable

    Posted in: Heal Paladin
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    posted a message on Mecha'Nomi Druid

    Is Chef Nomi really needed in this deck?

    In my opinion, Mecha'thun's the way you'll be winning most games, and when you're able to play nomi you're usually able to just kill the opponent, if you pack another zero-cost like embiggen.

    I understand Nomi is sustain for a few turns to get your last cards out, but I would rather work with a big taunt or similar.

    Posted in: Mecha'Nomi Druid
  • 1

    posted a message on Gala'Thun OTK

    I'm guessing it's just using fate weaver to reduce Shadow Word; Death and Mecha'thun so they are both played on the same turn.

    I'm enjoying comboing mechathun with all the galakrond classes. Rogue is good with the cost reducer and shuffling the mechathun into your deck with baleful banker or the lab guy. Shaman has sustain in general. (they both have so many 0 cost spells to synergise with gadgetzan, and/or myra if you have it)

    In general, my reasoning is that neither Mecha'thun nor Galakrond require a full deck. Thus, you can win with galakrond with the amazing value the cards provide against aggro/midrange decks (especially shaman), and win against control with a well played gadgetzan and your otk.

    Posted in: Gala'Thun OTK
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    posted a message on Help-Your-Opponent Druid

    Don't know if this a revive. pls no ban if this is.


    I think OP is making others play this deck so they get better chances on ranked :).

    Nice try /s.

    Posted in: Help-Your-Opponent Druid
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