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    posted a message on Paladin Control finally has a win condition.

    it's a strong play and situation you can use to win but I wouldn't call it a true win condition against control.  You're talking about a four card combo (two of them being legendaries) that does nothing but wipe the board (assuming no deathrattles) and put two good bodies on the board.  Volcano clears it and many single target removal will clear one of the two.  

    That said I do think dropping these big bodies could give control healadin a soft win condition kind of like what you're talking about where you're just dropping big guys back to back.  The 3 drop legendary, especially if played early allowing you to heal up to 60 life means you have a really strong chance of beating combo/burst decks like Malygos druid, Mind blast priest.  You can probably grind out control warlock too.  Odd warrior might be able to fatigue you but I have no idea how that matchup currently plays out if you aren't running the DK combo.

    All in all I think it'll be a neat deck.  Of the four decks they played in the reveal it is the one that interested me the most.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hunter will be the new druid.

    deathrattle hunter already slays druids and is better than any new hunter deck that will be popping up, and it's only getting a new card or two.  Whatever kind of beast hunter you're imagining will not be better than deathrattle hunter which is one of the strongest decks in the game.

    They don't have 3 mana draw 3 beasts unless their deck is only beasts which takes a lot of midrange/deathrattle cards out of the deck.  They got some good cards, but they're good cards that don't really support the strongest hunter decks, so it isn't going to make hunter that much better than it already is (and it's already very strong).


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Priest Spell - Mass Hysteria
    Quote from Darksun200 >>

    Bleh. Priest already has Duskbreaker, Auucheni Soulpriest, Spirit Lash for aggro and Psychic Scream. Hell some of them have Wild Pyro. They don't need a crappier brawl.

    • Duskbreaker forces a mediocre dragon package that limits your deckbuilding.
    • Soulpriest requires a second card to be good and there are a lot of boards it would be worse against than this card so it isn't consistent and takes two cards to do something one card can.  Soulpriest is also generally a minion you don't want in your res pool for those kinds of decks, and it is often a dead card until you draw circle.
    • Spirit lash generally only a strong clear against 1 HP minions or paired with a spell damage minion, so it's only good in certain kinds of decks.  Lash is great but not a practical clear.
    • Psychic Scream is 7 mana, against aggro decks you are often dead or severely crippled by turn 5-6 if things go the way they want especially in priest that doesn't run many early minions with any kind of board presence.  
    • Wild Pyro is nice but requires multiple cheap spells to kill low HP minions and it can only scratch bigger minions.  

    Of the five clears you just mentioned, the 3 strongest are rotating soon and none of them except the 7 mana card can deal with multiple big threats.  

    Priest absolutely needs a 'crappy' brawl.  It's stronger than brawl in some situations (multiple big threats on your opponents side) and worse in other situations. 


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Shudderwock just died

    I play a lot of shudderwock and this card isn't that scary.  It's a fair tech against the combo for sure but it isn't like void contract / demonic project where you have an rng chance at auto win.

    Aggro isn't going to use this because they don't give a shit about a 6 mana 5/5 from aggro.  As shudderwock you don't beat aggro with the combo unless you just happen to curve it out, you win by exhausting resources and value.  

    Midrange it could be a good tool but kind of situational.  In Evenlock for example this could be good against shudderwock if you already have a bit of a board, but it could be a bit clunky to use and it does set your own mana back so it sets back your own pressure from your big late game turns (8 mana and Gul'Dan) and might give them the time to stabilize.  I'm interested to see how that plays out because I can see where it could win you the game but I could also see it giving them the wiggle room to answer your threats.  


    This seems a lot stronger against Malygos druid than Shudderwock shaman.  Killing their ramp and denying them a UI could often win you the game as evenlock., which is normally a rough matchup.

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on New Priest Card Reveal - Mass Hysteria

    Pretty cool card.  Nice flavor for the class, seems like a pretty efficient clear but there is a bit of play around and the effect has a twist of RNG that makes it a bit more interesting than "deal x damage to the board".

    Priest really needed something like this. 

    Posted in: News
  • 5

    posted a message on New Hunter Hero Card - Zul'jin

    this is pretty nuts.  board full of minions, all your secrets back down, opponents board gets picked apart, 

    don't compare it to rexxar or the DK's.  Compare it to Hagatha and Boom.  It doesn't have the long term value of those but the battlecry is a gigantic tempo swing and burst of value.  This battlecry strength is comparable to Gul'dan.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Shaman Minion - Bog Slosher

    shudderwock shaman in it's current form isn't going to run this unless it drops zola which won't happen.  You don't want multiple bounce back to hand effects to clog up your hand and block 1 mana shudderwocks, and this one removes a shudder from the board so in the event that you have only played one saronite/only one saronite battlecry has triggered and this battlecry triggers before grumble, then you miss your 1 mana shudder completely and your combo is disrupted.

    Outside of the combo, zola is better than this on every minion in the deck except saronite chain gang.  This card is amazing with saronite chain gang because bouncing those back to your hand is already the strongest thing you can be doing with that deck and it gives you a buff that gets double dipped with the battlecry, but I don't think it's worth it.  If you play saronite + this on t7 (like you often will with zola) then you leave yourself with only a 2/3 taunt which is often something you can't afford if being pressured.  

    If they print another card like saronite chain gang, then this will be in a post rotation version of shudderwock shaman.

    Outside of shudderwock shaman, this is a cool and strong card.  Midrange and elemental shaman can both get really nice value from it because their minions are pretty beefy for trading and often have nice battlecries.  


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Priest Card Reveal - Seance

    dear god

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Druid Legendary - Wardruid Loti

     I think this is just plain good utility.  People who think this is bad are really sleeping on the versatility of this.  It's really good on curve when you miss your wild growth.  It's something you can just throw down and have some kind of impact on whatever the board state, think of how often you throw down MC Tech just for a 3/3 just to get things out of your hand so you can UI.

    • Poison/stealth is good disruption, especially turn 3.  That disrupts Evenlock giant, hench clan thug, houdnmaster shaw, type snowball turns very hard, and I don't think they have a good way to stop it.  
    • 1/6 taunt is decent against aggro.   If something like odd pally don't use a resource to kill it, that is basically a board wipe.  Against stuff like zoo/odd rogue it can put a 2hp minion to 1 HP in your swipe turn.  
    • The spell damage isn't great but it can be used in a pinch to get a clear/removal you might normally not. Feel like the body on this one is worse than it should be.
    • Rush is just good.  kill a 4 HP thing is decent a lot of the time.

    I actually really like this card.  Cool flavor and design.  It's a simple but interactive card.  Maybe druid's current core is so tight that it won't be in every deck but I think after rotation this is a clear staple.  

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Opened Shudderwock. Should I dust it?

    I would keep it, it's a super fun, unique, and powerful card, will probably be in a good deck until it rotates in two years or whatever.

    Posted in: Shaman
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