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    posted a message on The true skill in Hearthstone
    Quote from parishbishop >>
    Quote from Scorpyon >>

     It's skill when I pull off a cool 200-IQ play out of nowhere.
    Obviously, it's just RnG bald-faced luck when my opponent does it. :-)

     LOL 200 IQ gets used way too much for this game IMO. Yes there is skill involved, but finding  the simple math equation to clear a board is not even close to even 140 IQ! As a guy who used to play tournament level chess, the amount of comparable skill between the games is not even close, yet, in the chess community, we dont say "wow, that was a 200 IQ move you just made" very often, or at all. 

    So, why is this phrase used so much in HS? Do players really feel that playing a game where 4 beats 3, and 3 beats 2 is that complicated and warrant such a saying? Or is more copy pasta going on, where he said it, so I say it too?

    Your discussion about Grit really is appropriate, and is a totally different skill than pure intellect! The Grit you talk about is what is needed to climb the ladder with home brew decks especially because most others are using top tier decks. I  admit to crumbling into a salty guy, when i get on a losing streak, and having more Grit helps alot for sure. 


    I think the dumbing down of western society is prob one of the reasons why the 200 IQ saying gets used in regards to simple HS plays. Kids today, generally, just arent as intelligent, as kids who grew up 60 years ago, playing Chess.

     Making conclusions about the (maybe not even existent) dumbing down of western society because of HS is a bold 200-IQ move dude.

    Maybe this helps you understand in what situations this saying is generally used.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Zephrys = Broken AF

    this undermines any thoughts or skill going into deck building, setting up turns, or following any kind of gameplan. 

    this card ultimately killed HS.

    Posted in: Streams and Videos
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    posted a message on How do you kill Nomi as rogue?

    play aggressive? rogue isn't made to deal with 7 6/6s

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Dust inflation is real

    Well, i didn't read every reply because too many just didn't hit the topic but instead told people/me how stupid we are.

    Ive been playing hearthstone for quite some years now and I'm totally aware of the real definition of the word inflation.

    My actual point was you could craft decent and fun meta decks for way less than the average 10-14k dust we have these days. Sure the dust value per card stays the same, however when epics and legendaries become more mandatory it is some sort of inflation. You must be stupid to not see this.

    Also my other point was: either change the reward system or change rarity of legendaries and epics. Right now it feels terrible to buy packs/pre orders within reasonable spending ranges (like 50-100 bucks per expansion maybe).

    So this actually discourages players WILLING to spend money on the game to do so. The middle ground they had before is gone and instead has become a super greedy strategy of more expansions per year,  more mandatory legendaries and adventures you have to pay for.

    PS: Please stop telling people Blizzard is a company and needs to make money. Jesus christ we are not retarded... Given how much Blizzard invests into HS this point is a fucking joke though. HS is a holy cashcow for them.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 22

    posted a message on Dust inflation is real

    I used to buy every pre-Order + some extra packs every now and then. I actually stopped spending money because of how bad the reward system HAS BECOME. Dust inflation is real and its a shame that most fun/meta decks these days cost around 10k dust  if you don't wanna play the most straightforward aggro deck. 

    Given how bad the rewards from playing the game itself are and how much most decks cost now it does not feel good to spend 50 bucks as it doesn't provide as much of a decent start into a new expansion as it used to do. Might as well stop spending completely then 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on RNG shitshow

    the most pathetic posts are those who say "no one cares you're gone" but also feel the urge to post a freaking WALL OF ARROGANT BS to the guy.

    seems you care a lot and you should be made fun of lol

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Dr.Boom is not playable as much as he used to be played before nerfs

    CW warrior is just hot garbage now if you don't play pure aggro

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on First time you reached Legend

    quest druid 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on gasping for air as I laugh and laugh

    people are so stupid for still hating on CW. most decks beat it right now. might not be an easy (decided before mulligan matchup) w/e..

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Nerfs Confimed - Coming this Week probably

    why is everyone still crying about control warrior? it gets annihilated by every not-trash-tier deck in this meta. mage, shaman, pally, hunter all beat warrior easily.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Are the forums on Hearthpwn dead?

    the game dies so the forums just go along

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on The direction the game has taken is wrong (imo).

    that's true and they've reached a point where more and more people are jumping off the "next expansion will bring ultimate fun back" bandwagon. 

    everyone i know has quit the game more or less during the past 6 months. 

    also Uldum had the worst "release" on twitch viewercountwise. thats at least an indicator of the current state of the game, its has become stale and uninteresting overall. no need to state all the points again, but now its become a sinking ship (even tournament moderators are stating how they're bored by the game LUL)


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The Critical Mass of Removal

    for everyone who still hasn't noticed in 2k19:

    blizzard does this on purpose. its incredibly easier to balance a meta around a few very strong decks than balancing it around all classes with many different decks.

    ultimately this also generates WAY more $$$$ for them as people have to shift between OP classes/decks quite frequently if they wanna stay competitive instead of having a balanced game where you could focus on lets say the same 2-3 classes <- that would make f2p insanely more easy, which is way blizzard purposely does not even try to create truly balanced metas.

    so yeah deal with it and have fun or look for another gam honestly

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on New Warlock Card - EVIL-Recruiter

    wtf blizzard seriously...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Rogue Legendary - Anka, the Buried

    thats a very interesting card. loving it.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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