• 2

    posted a message on Deathrattle zoo#Legend europe

    Not a fan of the Void Terror/Power Overwhelming type of Zoo decks, but it's all a matter of preference.  I agree with you to some degree about Dire Wolf Alpha, but I still like to run a single copy.

    If I were to make a change in this deck, I would find some way to work the second Dark Iron Dwarf back in.  Zoo suffers from a dearth of large bodies and if the game goes longer than 6 turns you're in trouble if you don't have that Doomguard or Loatheb (or Void Terror, I suppose) but the Dwarves help make up for this quite a bit.

    I really, really think Void Terror is garbage, though.  It's just bad economy, to destroy your own cards.  Plus, I *really* don't like the vulnerability to Silence (and everyone and their mother runs an Ironbeak or a Spellbreaker at least these days).  If Void Terror had Charge, I'd run it in a second. 

    So basically, I'd sub out the Void Terror and put the second Dark Iron Dwarf back in, but that's more preference/opinion, I suppose..  Otherwise, it's a great Zoo innovation.  I love the Acidic Swamp Ooze tech - I had been thinking about swapping the Loatheb for a Harrison Jones, but taking out a Dire Wolf for an Ooze is way better because I couldn't stand to part with the Loatheb and couldn't rationalize a fourth 5-mana minion in the curve.

    Posted in: Deathrattle zoo#Legend europe
  • 9

    posted a message on [Fast Legend] Most Consistent Zoo ATM

    I cannot understand why you don't swap out an Ironbeak Owl for a Loatheb.  I couldn't even begin to count the number of games I've won against all variety of Mage/Priest decks simply because I was able to drop a Loatheb the turn before they were going to be able to cast their AoE spell or "go off" in some way, under normal circumstances.  And that's just one situation - often Loatheb helps in a myriad number of ways that may not be immediately clear or obvious to some players, so they undervalue it.

    Sylvanas is the same way, actually.  Just the presence of Sylvanas has an "invisible" effect on the way the opponent has to approach their turn, sort of how Loatheb has an almost "invisible" effect on the opponent.  Also, it's a 5/5.

    But seriously - if you are a cheap player in rounds 25 through 15, RUN LOATHEB.  If only because in this section you will encounter enough generic Mage control/secret decks that run 2x Flamestrike as standard, sometimes even they run Blizzard.  You see a ton of spell-heavy Priest decks too, and you can bet they'll be waiting to drop Holy Nova on turn 5.  And with Zoo, against these decks Loatheb is seriously the difference very often.  And in a mirror match, it is a 5/5 body which is significant since Zoo's haymaker punch and scariest minion is a 5/7 - that's it. So barring  the two Doomguards, your Loatheb is going to be able to take out literally *anything* on your opponent's board and survive.  So, for instance. a 5/5 Loatheb can take down a Dark Iron Dwarf or a Nerubian and still hit face for five one more time if you've got a taunt or two up. 

    This is a bit of a tangent, but people always forget that Zoo isn't straight aggro (at lest, not in the way that a Hunter deck is straight aggro) and should not be played as such.  If anything, it's more of an "Aggro Board Control" deck, and should be played in that manner.  Since what you're doing is trying to aggressively stake control of the board (literally from turn 1 onwards) in order to force through the damage that you need.  This means making smart and aggressive trades, obviously aided by Dark Iron Dwarf and Abusive Sergeant primarily.

    Speaking of Dwarf/Sergeant, never swap out these 4 cards and don't fall into the newbie trap of looking at these cards simply as "Egg Enablers" even though they function as such quite well.  And of course, never (under normal circumstances, extenuating circumstances always exist) use them to just tack on damage to the face and/or put an extra body on the field; they are there primarily to enable you to trade cheap and disposable minions against bigger ones. 

    They are also incredibly valuable cards against Ramp Druid, and in my eyes, after the Egg that's the biggest reason to run them.  Ramp is all about pumping out big minions, ideally early, and Zoo has problems with that, as we all know.  They key against Ramp is to dominate the early game, and they key to that is a card like Abusive Sergeant.  Say you drop a Flame Imp on turn 1, and your opponent responds with Innervate, Coin, Yeti.  This is not at all an uncommon course of events.  The best possible card you could have here is Abusive Sergeant, enabling you to trade your easily replaced 1-mana minion with your opponent's 4/5 monster that he spent a valuable tempo card plus his coin to get out early.  These are the kinds of uneven trades that make Zoo successful. 

    Posted in: [Fast Legend] Most Consistent Zoo ATM
  • 4

    posted a message on [Naxx] Midrange Beast Hunter (Kolento's Miracle Hunter)

    You are proceeding under a number of false assumptions, here.

    First of all, all the best decklists for Miracle Hunter include 1x Ironbeak Owl.  It's 100% staple at this point.  The fact that you won the game with your Ironbeak Owl only proves what a great and useful card Ironbeak Owl is in the deck.

    Which leads me to the other false assumption in your post - that somehow removing one copy of Tracking from you deck had something to do with a key Ironbeak Owl play leading to a win.  It just doesn't.

    I'm going to talk about why Tracking is so important in the deck a little bit now.  There is a very strong theme in literally every variation on this deck which is highly pertinent to our discussion - other than the fact that all the variations run 2x Tracking.  It's the fact that there are a number of  situationally useful cards of which there is only one copy.  Just take a look at all the ones in the decklist above (including the change he made in the changelog).

    There is a single Ironbeak Owl, of course.  A single Timberwolf.  A single Flare.  A single Scavenging Hyena.  A single Deadly Shot.  A single Stampeding Kodo (which is maybe a single Loatheb in some versions).  A single Dire Wolf Alpha...  That sure is an awful lot of single copies of cards for a deck of this nature, don't you think? There's actually a really good reason why there are so many single copies, and the reason is Tracking.  I mean, Buzzard and the card draw it enables is another reason, of course, but Tracking is equally as important.  It allows you to actually search for the single most useful card out of three random cards for just 1 mana.  Think about that.  That is so *insanely* broken in Hearthstone.

    Have you ever played Magic: The Gathering?  There are some things that are very similar, as everyone is highly aware.  MTG has been printing cards just like Tracking for about two decades or so, the first one being a card called 'Brainstorm' which functioned different but essentially performed the same immediate function: it allowed you to look at the top 3 cards in your deck, and choose 1 of them to keep in your hand.  MTG would print many variations on the card, but they never exceeded looking at more than the top 3 cards as far as 1-mana cards went, and nowawdays you usually only get to see the top 2 cards for the 1-mana card-searchers that are seen in Standard these days I think.

    Now think about the fact that in MTG, you use a 60 card deck with ~24 mana source cards at a minimum usually, so when searching you are not always getting 'action' cards.  The situation in Hearthstone is extremely different, with smaller deck sizes and no mana source cards, so your odds of finding something that will help you in a given situation (or the absolute best card in your deck for a given situation) by looking at three cards is just drastically improved; the fact that Tracking costs 1 mana is an absolute steal and completely and totally absurd, as well as the most obvious Hunter card desperately in need of a nerf.  It is a deeply, deeply broken card and every single Hunter deck you will ever see in every single tournament EVER will run 2x Tracking as long as the card exists in it current state.

    I would honestly dare you to search through Hearthstone Topdeck or various other sites that compile tournament Hearthstone decks and find me a Hunter deck without 2x Tracking.  Seriously.  Maybe if you search for hours on end you might find one?   The only people who wouldn't run 2x Tracking would be those with misguided intentions.  If it feels like you're not getting value from Tracking when you use it, then you're just having a bit of bad RNG luck or you're Tracking at the wrong times, possibly.  It's not the simplest 1-mana spell to use properly, given that you could use at any point in the entire game if it's in your opening hand, and there's no strict guidebook to tell you when the best time to use it is... But really, trust us.  It's an absolutely amazing card that everyone ought to take advantage of for as long as they're allowed to.

    Posted in: [Naxx] Midrange Beast Hunter (Kolento's Miracle Hunter)
  • 5

    posted a message on [Naxx] Midrange Beast Hunter (Kolento's Miracle Hunter)

    First of all, 2x Savanna Highmane is absolutely integral to this deck.  It simply does not function without it.  If anyone else is reading this too, and wants to play this Hunter deck, you need 2 Savanna Highmanes.  Not to be harsh, but it's just an absolutely key card - in a lot of matchups its what you want to go Tracking for, and just plopping it down on turn 6 will have an enormous impact on the game and the board state - it opens up tons of possibilities and can put you in control.  Do not forget that the pair of Hyenas summoned when the Highmane dies are also beasts!  Meaning they get can buffed by Timberwolf, or you can Houndmaster them (which is a common and very strong/popular play because your opponent often will take out the Highmane after you play it but fail to take out 1 or both Hyanas).  Bear in mind there will also be times when you go Tracking and need to take something like a Deadly Shot or a UTH to deal with an immediate situation, discarding one of your Highmanes.  In those situations it's really important to have a second one in the deck.  

    So yes.  It's extremely important to have 2 Savanna Highmane in this deck.  They are the only two rare cards that are utterly critical.  I think Flare is great and hugely awesome in the deck, but it can still more or less function with 1 or 0 Flare.  Stampeding Kodo is also something of a metagame choice, and not absolutely critical in my opinion - it's very strong but if you have bad RNG and constantly kill Eggs, it's not so good.  I play Loatheb in lieu of the Kodo, and I explained why in great detail below.  So you are on the right track with Loatheb, but seriously just craft another Highmane and you'll be fine.  It's only 100 Arcane Dust, and it will be 100 dust very well spent.  If you don't have it, eh, play a round or two of arena and you're golden.  

    Posted in: [Naxx] Midrange Beast Hunter (Kolento's Miracle Hunter)
  • 1

    posted a message on Realz VGVN Demon Lock

    God, this deck is fun to play and bewilders the hell out of the opponent because it's kinda new enough that a lot of people on parts of the ladder will always expect Zoo or Handlock (and mulligan appropriately) and this deck just catches them completely off-pace.

    One thing I like a lot is Hellfire, sort of working as an extra Shadowflame - I almost want 2x of them in the deck but 3 board-clearing spells is really probably enough.  Shaman is a potentially tough matchup, and Hellfire is amazing against them in the early-mid game.  Was playing against a Shaman who built up his board really rapidly capping it off with a Feral Spirit on turn 4, and I followed with a Hellfire, clearing the board completely and leaving me with a 4/4.  He was overloaded next turn and couldn't do much (and clearly didn't have Hex in hand) so I went to town with Power Overwhelming and Void Terror shenanigans and it got silly.  But Hellfire was the key card.  It's probably better to leave it at 2x Shadowflame and 1x Hellfire, but still.

    Problem with me is that I've never played any Handlock, really.  At all.  I've only been at the game for 2 months and while I'm utterly engrossed and fascinated there is a great deal to master, and Handlock is just not one of the decks I was able to properly build early on.  So I'm interestingly sort of learning some Handlock techniques with this deck, and reading guides on Handlock to figure out how to properly play the deck - just because the synergistic core of Defender of Argus/Sunfury Protector/Defender of Argus/Shadowflame is the same, plus the Molten Giants.  

    Posted in: Realz VGVN Demon Lock
  • 4

    posted a message on [Naxx] Midrange Beast Hunter (Kolento's Miracle Hunter)

    I've been playing this deck for a little while now, but the version I play is slightly different from the one in the OP (which I did indeed play for a little while).  I made the following changes and I will explain why I subtracted what I did, and why I added what I did, to a fairly in-depth degree.

    -1x Stampeding Kodo / +1x Loatheb 

    This has been suggested before in the comments here, and it is absolutely the proper move to make for a number of reasons *in this particular meta at this particular moment*.  Currently, a decent amount of decks you are playing will contain Nerubian Egg or Haunted Creeper.  Both are extremely popular 2-drops, and both are extremely BAD targets for the Kodo, all things considered.  The fact that lots of decks that run egg, when they are playing Hunter, will simply play an egg and leave it there specifically because they know it neutralizes Kodo and you're playing a Hunter deck with Beast synergy.  Truth is, any Kodos you draw from Webspinner are as many as you want in the deck for now, at in my opinion.  Leaving the opponent with the suggestion that you might have a Kodo is better than actually having one right now, do you guys get my meaning?

    Loatheb, on the other hand, is absolutely amazing against tons of decks and can just hose them for a turn which often gives you exactly enough to win with this particular deck.  Loatheb is just way strong against tons of decks and it more than warrants inclusion in this deck despite not being a beast.  The fact that you actively *do not* want to run Stampeding Kodo in this meta gives you the perfect slot for it.  This seems so obvious.

    -1 Stonetusk Boar / +1 Flare

    Ok, a few things here.  Flare is an amazing, amazing, amazingly underrated card.  We all know this.  Look at the write-up in the OP, for god's sake, and just take into account Flare's ability to destroy all secrets and reveal all stealth minions - in the mirror match against more typical midrange Hunter, where Explosive Trap can hose this deck, Flare is often the entire difference-maker just by itself.  It's a difference-maker against most any Mage deck as well, of course.  Against Miracle it can be a real surprise when they conceal that Gadgetzan on turn 5 and expect it to be safe so they can go off next turn, and you Flare and take down the Auctioneer and stop them in their tracks,.  It does all this while drawing a card, which is insane.  And I took out Stonetusk Boar because, well, it was far and away the easiest card to remove to slot in the second Flare.  Timber Wolf has much more utility in the deck as a 1-drop (and comboing it with UTH is often the difference-maker against Zoo) whereas Stonetusk Boar just has good synergy with Hunter's Mark and is a 1-drop Beast and that's it. Running two of them is sort of a bad-habit holdover from earlier Hunter decks, when we didn't have the amazing WEBSPINNER to take its place, essentially.  I could write 10 paragraphs on how amazing Webspinner is and why it makes this deck viable, but I won't.

    But the main point here is that Flare is a crazy broken card that, when combined with Tracking (and of course Buzzard as well) just makes your deck REALLY streamlined. It means that you almost always get to the card you need, no matter what.  Just paying 1 mana to cycle a card is, in my opinion, an underratedly strong move in Hearthstone and a very, very *good thing*.  It thins your deck, makes it that much more likely you'll draw the card you need statistically speaking.  The fact that Flare unobtrusively thins your deck and fits in it like a glove while its actual ability very demonstrably turn games around, and costs 1 single mana while doing all this. I know plenty of folk do not agree, but it more than makes good sense to me to run 2 of them.

    One last change I am iffy about: -1x Oasis Snapjaw / +1 Ironbeak Owl?

    You can see the OP is toying with taking out a Timber Wolf and putting in an Owl.  That isn't a bad idea either, but I honestly think the Snapjaw is sorta the odd-man out, but I'm very conflicted since Snapjaw can help deal with Zoo just on its own or especially with Houndmaster, but... I really don't know.  This is the slot that is giving me issues.  I tend towards the Ironbeak as I feel the Snapjaw is just too slow for this deck, all things considered.  You won't board control, yes, but Snapjaw is too clunky in my opinion. 

    edit: As for my record I have done very well with this deck; playing it this season I typically have won about 80% of my games, moving from about Rank 19 down to Rank 9.  I'm a former MTG player who has only been playing HearthStone for barely a couple months so I'm still acclimating, but I love this game... I've been lucky in facing more Hunters and fewer Zoo players, though.  It's pretty nice to just lose so rarely.  I have found I do well against the newer version of Zoo that runs Void Terror especially.  I freaking *love* it when my Zoo opponent uses a Void Terror to eat up their creatures, since I'm almost always able to fairly quickly Hunter's mark it away. Sucks when there's still a 4/4 Nerubian but the nice thing about this deck is, once again, all the card draw and being able to search for answers while maintaining board presence.  That's the biggest advantage against Zoo, in my opinion; the fact that you can use Buzzard to draw cards while adding to your board, whereas the Zoo player is discarding cards to play cards and using Health as a resource to draw cards, which plays to your advantage sometimes if you can pull it off.  I always try and hold my Kill Commands till the last minute against Zoo.

    Posted in: [Naxx] Midrange Beast Hunter (Kolento's Miracle Hunter)
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