Top 20 NA Legend: Zoo Gang
- Last updated Apr 13, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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- 27 Minions
- 3 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 1320
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/10/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
- thedeadgoldfish
- Registered User
- 4
- 4
- 15
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^^ The all important proof ^^
Hello, everybody this is the zoo list I used to climb to legend for the first time. Basically it's classic zoo with Imp Gang Boss in place of harvest golem. The deck is favored against Druids and other aggro decks (including the dreaded face hunter) because you can more or less out tempo em'.
Standard Mull is one drops and 2 drops minus Owl and egg unless you have abusive with it . Imp gang is okay to keep if you curve into it.
Warriors: Standard mull keep. don't keep egg even with abusive. Keep Imp gang
Shaman: Keep imp Gang
Rouge: Don't keep egg or abusive
Paladin: Standard Mull. Haunted creeper and abusive are extra important in this match up.
Hunter: Standard mull + Keep Owl, Impgang, and keep egg even if you do not have abusive. Keep argus if you have coin and like the rest of your hand. Creeper and Void walker is extra important.
Druid: Standard mull
Warlock: Standard Mull keep owl, Egg + abusive combo is extra potent in the mirror
Mage: Standard Mull
Priest: Standard mull + Power overwhelming to deal with Deathlord and buffed creatures/ Your 3/2s are extra important to deal with Cleric.
Two doomguard is alot considering their drawback, so I take one out and run voidcaller for the combo potential
Would also like to replace clockwork gnome or leper gnome with dark peddler just because its so good in warlock
The worst deck i've ever seen...
This is the worst Zoolock deck i've ever tryed... You people must be complete idiots or something.
Hahahahaaha okay buddy
your crazy
I don't know.. I guess the fact that i'm losing when i use this deck.. No mortal coil? No void terror? No healbot? No hellfire? No voidcaller? Why Loatheb and not Thaurissan? Seems inconvenient.
Well then you're talking about a far slower deck. This one is about achieving total board dominance early on then getting a quick finish, which makes it a reasonably good fit for the current meta. What you're doing is akin to eating a hamburger and saying "this is a terrible hot dog".
Antique Healbot and Hellfire would be terrible choices in this deck. Loatheb is also a far better choice than Emperor Thaurissan for this playstyle. The deck you're describing has a whole different pace. Yours will get shat on by fast aggro and heavy control, i.e. more than half of the ladder. Good luck getting beyond rank 15 with that.
Oh and the "you people" who are idiots? This deck was created six months ago. The meta may have shifted a teensy bit since then.
Go make your own deck genius. Let's see you hit legend with that abomination you described.
Sorry for the offense bro, at the time i was enraged about losing. Anyway you can at least make a few changes here.
-1 clockwork gnome -1 dark iron wolf + 1 ironbeak owl +1 void terror.
Any face deck needs at least 2 owls to get past taunts. Void terror gives you the chance to have a strong minion early on board, also is pretty useful for the eggs combined with power overwhelming. Anyway i don't know, maybe i'm wrong, but definitely this deck is not the strongest budget zoolock deck out there cause i tried it many times and i have tried others too.
Yeah they would all work fine too. Just goes to show how many different versions of zoo there can be!
It's definitely an unconventional deck. Clockwork Gnome doesn't make a lot of sense to me either.
Thanks for the moderate message, you don't often see that on this site. Good luck with that other deck, it looks decent.
Is this deck still working?
It's classic zoo, so it will still work fine, especially with so many paladins in the meta. It would be a struggle to reach legend with this now though.
"Social Justice Paladin" Haha awesome
I used to tech in Enhance-o Mechano for one of the Dark Iron Dwarfs. Had a lot of fun with this deck back in the day, wonder if we'll see a TGT update!
How can i replace the Imp Gang Boss x2 ? i dont have them.....thanks for the deck.....
Harvest Golem x2 maybe
thank you :)
Thank you for this deck. I agree that too many people try to get cute with zoo and try to put too many spells in. I have successfully taken this deck from rank 14 (where i was stuck for the longest time) to rank 6.
Amazing deck. Can Dr.Boom fit in by any chance?
what i can replace Haunted Creeper and Nerubian Egg?
Haunted Creeper is an extremely valuable and inexpensive sticky minion that can be buffed by Abusive Sergeant / Dark Iron Dwarf / Power Overwhelming to trade up and leave behind a couple tiny bodies. Nerubian Egg is played for exactly the same reason, except it leaves behind one medium body. Both of these cards have insane value in Zoo.
You won't get quite the same value by using other cards. But, to get the stickiness, try a Harvest Golem. To get the inexpensive trade-up minion, try Argent Squire or Scarlet Crusader. The divine shields allow excellent trade-up value and can be comboed with attack buffs (from Abusive Sergeant, etc) for even bigger value.