Boo principles. Boo me.
- iFaisal11
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Member for 7 years, 7 months, and 17 days
Last active Sat, Aug, 3 2024 08:13:52 -
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Tamika_Olivia posted a message on Are you going to pre-order DoD?Posted in: General Discussion -
Lordpeon posted a message on Update on Patch 15.6 Issues - Hero Skins on Sale - Free Tyrande Hero skinPosted in: NewsAnd now, Tyrande is not a Twitch Prime Special thing anymore, like it was before...similiar Story with the Ragnaros Card back earlier...Good Job.
GentilleMouche posted a message on New Paladin Card - Nozdormu the TimelessPosted in: Card DiscussionIt was nice knowing you aggro decks.
Am I reading this wrong or do I really get 6 full mana crystals after playing a 8/8 on turn 4 ?
hillandder posted a message on Are you going to pre-order DoD?Posted in: General DiscussionNo, like every expansion before.
Total money spend in the game until now: $ 0,00.
Blizzard hate players like me.
DrStonned posted a message on Blizzcon Schedule Released - Hearthstone Panel on FridayPosted in: Newsok fanboy
glitchslol posted a message on Best Hearthstone Card ReviewersPosted in: General DiscussionProbably kibler
SPQR301 posted a message on 5 Legendaries in 133 packs, definitly my worst opening ever and you?Posted in: General DiscussionLast expansion I got 4 in 150 packs. It can always be worse.
LemmiwinksHUN posted a message on Which is the most bored meta deck you ever played ?Posted in: General DiscussionNaga Sea Witch decks and Kingsbane in Wild.
suchti352 posted a message on Which is the most bored meta deck you ever played ?Posted in: General DiscussionPirate Warrior was the most braindead and boring deck i have ever faced
Phoesias posted a message on New Priest Card - PenancePosted in: Card Discussionthe artwork is 10/10
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In wild this could see play with dragon priest,
x2 Drakonid Operative
x2 Netherspite Historian
x2 Firetree Witchdoctor
x2 Stonehill Defender
Wait, i just realized, this is really insane with the reborned minion, since the original copy will be summoned along with its reborn keyword.
email them demanding a refund, i once told them i wanted a refund because i found a way to get it cheaper, even with that silly excuse they accepted my request.
i like playing as priest, i craft his legendaries each expansion, so it's a benefit for me if i get one in packs, it's like i saved 1600 dust.
This expansion defines the state of the game, paladin is getting real shit cards, not worry paladin mains odd paladin in wild will still demolish everyone.
disagree with me all you want but if a new expansion doesnt affect the strong decks, the meta wont change much therefore the expansion wont deliver it's purpose, this is why we are seeing so many streamers quitting the game.
The art reminds me of
"wont see any play" is a really, really strong sentence, don't drop it in every thread.
Conjuree mage is even better now
nothing special, for now.
Myra Rotspring Got a buff
also, Anka, the Buried