If one mode desperately needs a 'classic' mode it's arena. Arena's charm in the past was that it was a break from the nonsense in standard, now it just feels like people never don't have the perfect answers or the perfect op thing to play. It's completely pointless to play in it's current state.
They barely nerfed Upbeat Duo, a card that shouldn't be in the game at all. There is nothing fun about people getting easy multiple copies of any card they wish. That card is a huge reason why the banana beast build is such a problem.
While yes, the heroes that generate multiple buddies are a problem, you can now win with some pretty creative builds, which has always been the charm of buddies and why I think they should stay and never should've gone away.
Across all game modes the power levels have gotten real out of control. The main problem is what fun there is gets overshadowed by over powered things that just run rough shot over everything else.
Aside from that I'm a little surprised they haven't added new quests or completely reworked some quests yet. Quests could've been fun but in their current state they just aren't.
At first I was like, well this is sort of like buddies, obviously not as good, but better than nothing!
I still think it's better than the "regular" meta, but it's already getting old, and boring. Where I wasn't bored of buddies when they removed them.
I think the major problem is most of the quest rewards aren't that clever. Granted, the more clever ones, like the refresh one, are pretty op.
Generally I like that they seem to have responded to the buddy love with quests, but I'm not sure if even several updates will solve the malaise I am feeling. I'm doing pretty well too, was as high as rank 50, but I haven't been playing much since then.
One thing I think they should've done, in addition to quests, is drastically change each class. Dragons are massively upgraded with a pretty op tier 2 dragon, the new demon however is more a "for everyone and every class" kind of thing, not demon specific.
Yep, Shudderwock was over the top lately with the increased power level of the tier 6 minions, but technically Jandice should be banned for the same reason.
Yeah it's really great how we are supposed to be happy that old things like menagerie are viable again.
The fact that they removed buddies without a drastic change to make up for the variety lost with buddies shows how obtuse the team is. The game is horrible now, imo.
Yeah most people worth their salt go out of their way to protect their high value low statted assets, otherwise you just accept the risks of running those builds without proper protection.
Well Naga just got nerfed really hard. Will be interesting to see if they can keep top tribe but I doubt it.
Nope, still the top tribe as I thought they'd be with not enough of a nerf, in fact they just announced a further nerf, they will completely remove Siren from the game.
After playing awhile, as much as Siren is a problem, and should at least be a higher tier to reduce it's appearance rate. I think the fix is to make Athissa buff only 2 minions. Maybe that's overkill, but going down to 3 minions seems like it wouldn't be enough. I guess it could be 3 OTHER Nagas, maybe.
I actually like the Naga tribe, even though I really, really, miss buddies. But they did make them a bit too powerful. Stormscale siren kind of feels like the star of the show, even though yes, you need the tier 6 nagas to make the tribe actually shine. Now I wouldn't call for a nerf of that card, I actually like the design quite a bit. Probably the biggest issue, for the mode in general, is the naga that gives out divine shields. Not just for nagas, but for it's versatility across the board.
High rolling has always been a thing, it's really just how unique every class became, with their own little unique gameplans tied to their hero powers and buddies. It's not the buddies fault that dong end games became more prevalent. Anyways before that other things were a problem, but the biggest problem to me was a lack of variety, options, routes you could take. Buddies solved that and unfortunately I don't think buddies will be back anytime soon, maybe a once a year thing. Personally I think they should be a staple.
Duos seems like a bad idea that will just lead to frustration.
If one mode desperately needs a 'classic' mode it's arena. Arena's charm in the past was that it was a break from the nonsense in standard, now it just feels like people never don't have the perfect answers or the perfect op thing to play. It's completely pointless to play in it's current state.
They barely nerfed Upbeat Duo, a card that shouldn't be in the game at all. There is nothing fun about people getting easy multiple copies of any card they wish. That card is a huge reason why the banana beast build is such a problem.
While yes, the heroes that generate multiple buddies are a problem, you can now win with some pretty creative builds, which has always been the charm of buddies and why I think they should stay and never should've gone away.
Across all game modes the power levels have gotten real out of control. The main problem is what fun there is gets overshadowed by over powered things that just run rough shot over everything else.
Aside from that I'm a little surprised they haven't added new quests or completely reworked some quests yet. Quests could've been fun but in their current state they just aren't.
Why even add this if it's so rare. I don't think I've ever been in a lobby that doesn't have one of the newer heroes.
At first I was like, well this is sort of like buddies, obviously not as good, but better than nothing!
I still think it's better than the "regular" meta, but it's already getting old, and boring. Where I wasn't bored of buddies when they removed them.
I think the major problem is most of the quest rewards aren't that clever. Granted, the more clever ones, like the refresh one, are pretty op.
Generally I like that they seem to have responded to the buddy love with quests, but I'm not sure if even several updates will solve the malaise I am feeling. I'm doing pretty well too, was as high as rank 50, but I haven't been playing much since then.
One thing I think they should've done, in addition to quests, is drastically change each class. Dragons are massively upgraded with a pretty op tier 2 dragon, the new demon however is more a "for everyone and every class" kind of thing, not demon specific.
Yep, Shudderwock was over the top lately with the increased power level of the tier 6 minions, but technically Jandice should be banned for the same reason.
Yeah it's really great how we are supposed to be happy that old things like menagerie are viable again.
The fact that they removed buddies without a drastic change to make up for the variety lost with buddies shows how obtuse the team is. The game is horrible now, imo.
Sounds like you need more taunts.
Yeah most people worth their salt go out of their way to protect their high value low statted assets, otherwise you just accept the risks of running those builds without proper protection.
Nope, still the top tribe as I thought they'd be with not enough of a nerf, in fact they just announced a further nerf, they will completely remove Siren from the game.
After playing awhile, as much as Siren is a problem, and should at least be a higher tier to reduce it's appearance rate. I think the fix is to make Athissa buff only 2 minions. Maybe that's overkill, but going down to 3 minions seems like it wouldn't be enough. I guess it could be 3 OTHER Nagas, maybe.
I actually like the Naga tribe, even though I really, really, miss buddies. But they did make them a bit too powerful. Stormscale siren kind of feels like the star of the show, even though yes, you need the tier 6 nagas to make the tribe actually shine. Now I wouldn't call for a nerf of that card, I actually like the design quite a bit. Probably the biggest issue, for the mode in general, is the naga that gives out divine shields. Not just for nagas, but for it's versatility across the board.
High rolling has always been a thing, it's really just how unique every class became, with their own little unique gameplans tied to their hero powers and buddies. It's not the buddies fault that dong end games became more prevalent. Anyways before that other things were a problem, but the biggest problem to me was a lack of variety, options, routes you could take. Buddies solved that and unfortunately I don't think buddies will be back anytime soon, maybe a once a year thing. Personally I think they should be a staple.
Count me as someone who loved the variety buddies added, I will probably be playing the mode less.