"Hey Loser" - he said throughout the battle, though battle did not adequately describe my lonesome purgatory. It was turn 6, but by now I had grown weary, helplessly watching as cards were drawn one after another and pens flew all around. As I bore wintess to the seemingly endless cycle of cards and resources (none of which appeared to cost mana) I thought "How long can this go on". I smirked briefly and remembered happier days when I longed to hear the words..."my jaws that bite, my claws that catch"....
On a more serious thought - what the fuck are blizzard thinking. They've given a class with stupendous card draw even more cheap card draw. It now has arguably one of the best 2 drops that also reduces the mana cost of cards in hand most of the time it's played. They have access to near endless pen flingers and if they choose to go the face route, excessive face damage from weapons and a bunch of minions that you cant interact with. It's day 2 of the expansion and I'm already fed up facing rogue after rogue. They have answers to pretty much everything and just when you think you've put them in a tough spot with a wide board, they pull a mage spell out the bag and waste you. It's super demoralising for any class which doesn't have card draw and inevitably makes a game against rogue either a loss (highly likely) or a win through fatigue.
I'm seriously doubting blizzard have any idea how to balance cards anymore (either that or they genuinely think that there is some way to consistently win with no card draw).
Tired of getting shit on by valeera being always lucky with RNG in standard or wild? Play the tavern brawl.
Advocating for not getting shit on as a control warrior on this site? Have you read any of the forums? Everyone plays aggro on here, they hate you.
Druid, beast druid, taunt druid, token druid, ramp druid, the list goes on. Literally the most versatile class in the game
The only thing that was good about the KFT, kobolds, ERA was decks didn't need 8 legendaries to be good. Sure they were carried by one broken card(deathknight) instead of 6, but still. It feels like we're getting back to old hearthstone where you just put in a legendary because you have it, and not think if it fits in the deck. Snip snap, siamat, don't need to be in these decks, zilliax you could argue doesn't either but it's a good control card against the billions of people playing aggro right now, that are still whining about losing to control decks, because warrior wasn't deleted from the game again.
It's pretty funny how the usual people that scream "SALT THREAD" on posts like these are nowhere to be found anymore. :big_think:
sorry i forgot we're not supposed to count decks that beat it in the last expansion as well, chef nomi? mecha'thun? nah they don't exist anymore broski, we're in ul'dum now, but wait if old cards don't matter anymore then Doctor boom mad genious doesn't matter anymore either! Woah :O problem solved B)
There are PLENTY OF DECKS that beat control warrior, maybe take a breath and try one of those instead of just "auto conceding"
It's a kids game because they're changing the art for children
A quest that does not rely on build around since it's so easy to complete and gives a 2 mana fiery waraxe every turn. It boggles the mind that they printed it with 4 for completion only when they printed a card that gives you 2 in the same expansion.
People crying about dr boom being OP didnt cry about deathstalker rexxar or odd paladin, ppeople crying about how dr boom randomly shits on you aren't crying about burgle rogue. They're just fucken whiners, they'll whine when someone beats them, no matter what