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    posted a message on 30.0.3 Patch Notes - Balance Changes in Constructed and BG - Bug Fixes & More

    Because it only affected cards that didn't start in your deck.

    Posted in: News
  • 8

    posted a message on Multiple New Warlock Cards Revealed

    If we keep spending money on packs, maybe one day Blizzard will have the technology needed to add "(imp)" beneath the tribal name.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Bots in Standard Ladder
    Quote from Zizka >>

    It seems like Blizzard might be losing the battle against bots (temporarily).

     That's because Blizzard is not really fighting the bots. Believe it or not, bots are considered active players and that looks pretty good in their metrics they use to impress the shareholders. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Is there a difference between Standard and Wild anymore?

    Yes, there is a big difference: Wild has more cards than Standard.  Regarding gameplay experience: no, there's no difference. And no, I don't think it's a problem because Standard is a subset of Wild, so all Standard cards are also Wild cards. Therefore it's ok for Standard to be as chaotic as Wild.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Should we tell them to nerf it now?

    No need to tell them. I'm sure they have a balance patch where they nerf that deck ready to be deployed. I believe it's scheduled to be released after 2 or 3 weeks after the new expansion launches because that's usually when their sales campaign ends. Sure the patch could be delayed because of Christmas holidays, but hey, the important thing is they have the patch ready.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
  • 1

    posted a message on The Future of Hearthstone

    If anyone is going to pay, it’s going to be us, the players. Blizzard will make sure that happens.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Nerfing the Gnoll vs basic maths

    Yes, that's because the location doesn't discover the evolutions. Blazing on the other hand is different. But it will get fixed some day, so let's just buy runestones and wait.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Nerfing the Gnoll vs basic maths

    They couldn't add "If there are no minions that cost (1) more in the discovery pool, then Discover a minion that costs (10) to transform it into" because it was too long and didn't fit in the card.

    That's apparently how Blazing Transmutation is coded.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Shaman needs nerfed yesterday
    Quote from DjGrapejuice900 >>

    I don’t understand why they don’t make a quick easy change to brann, something like “your first battlecry every turn is doubled”. Would help stop some of the BS combos that are around.  Also the card was given for free for the season they should be gutting that card while it’s in standard, After the first few months of abuse.

     It’s simple: people are buying packs in order to get certain cards that combo well with Brann. Nerfing Brann would be a big punch in the face for those players. But don’t worry, a sec assured us that Brann will be on vacation next rotation. How long will his vacation last? I don’t know, we’ll see.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Shaman needs nerfed yesterday
    Quote from CodyShaman >>

     just an awful time to ply the game. Team 5 just will never learn…

     But they do learn. They learned that majority of people will continue to play the game and/or buy stuff no matter what they throw at them. The only ones who will never learn are certain players. I’m not going to name them. They know who they are.

    Quote from Souless_Anghel >>

    They had ample time to rethink the design of the Mini-Set. 

    No they didn’t. In case you didn’t know, expansions and mini-sets are designed and scheduled to be released in advance. They didn’t design the mini-set AFTER they released the Lich King expansion. They designed it at the same time as the expansion. 

    Quote from emkarab >>

    It's quite funny as best players still play mostly Rogue and find it the most powerful. But yea, these early evolves are toxic. I'm upset as I was able to get good results with Big Shaman and it will probably be hurt with nerfs. Still maybe they will just fix Neptulon/Blazing Transmutation bug and buff Thaddius to 9 mana so it cannot be evolved into? Or increase Blazing Transmutation cost to 2 mana?

    The only change that would be make the game more fair is to have minions that are played at a reduced mana cost to NOT reset their mana cost once played. In other words, if you play Gnoll at 0 mana, then it STAYS at 0 mana so you can evolve it into a 1 mana minion.  
    This change will prevent so many unnecessary needs to certain minions who are fine but are problematic with the evolve mechanic.

    Remember Uldum expansion? There was a Shaman minion 7 mana 3/4 with rush that costs 1 less for each minion in play. That minion was fine but it was nerfed because of the Evolve Lackey and the minion became pretty much useless without that lackey.

    We also had a Summoning Stone in Karazhan expansion that summoned a minion with the cost equal to the cost of the spell played. 

    So yeah, while this change will help a lot, I don’t see it happening because cheating out Big Minions on turn 1 is the main reason why everyone is running evolve spells. It also makes players feel powerful and will most likely make them more addicted to the game, which is what Blizzard wants.

    Quote from Trent90 >>

    What otk exactly are you talking about? Never encountered anything like this since the mini set realesed

     It’s that Bonelord, Thadius, Brann, Zola and Alexstrasza. When Bonelord dies, you play Thadius for 0 mana and the other minions will cost 1 mana since they are odd. These are all neutral cards, so any deck can use them but Rogues do it better because they have Shadowsteps and lots of draw.

    Now, I don’t believe there will be any serious changes before the rotation, because Gnoll, Brann and other cards will rotate and well, this might be hard to believe, but these cards are promoting the expansion and the mini-set.

    So yeah, either take a break but when you come back, you sell your kidneys and house in order to catch up (thanks for the price increase), or keep farming gold but at the cost of your mental health. Or quit the game and find another hobby. Make your choice!

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 1

    posted a message on 25.0 Known Issues - Patch With Bug Fixes Going Out

    How about you find another game to play?

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on 2 v 2 in hearthstone

    Hearthstone already is a 2v2 game. It's you and your RNG against your opponent and their RNG.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Nerf Speculation
    Quote from Pacific_Onion >>

    At this point I'm just waiting on rotation.

     Finally, a wise person. Have an upvote.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is this still in the game? Please fix...
    Quote from lv426a11 >>
    Quote from RAGEdarky >>

    Use aggro decks.

    I did suggest aggro decks in one of my replies, but is that really how this game should be?  A coin-flip of whether you are playing the counter to the opponents deck (that you have no control over)?  That doens't seem like a very fun game to me.

    Also - regardless of whick decks might to well against something like this, it still shouldn't be possible.  The game is premised around certain rules.  Cards cost mana, mana == power etc.  These are the rules the game needs to be based upon, otherwise it's going to the shitter

    In the example I posted they didn't even need Guff - 32 mana of stuff (board clear & OTK) on turn 6 from 10 mana.  That's just daft. 

    The solution to this type of problem isnt to make it so that aggro decks can kill you on turn 4, it's to change these cards and make them fair (in the context of the game). 


     Hearthstone is not meant to be fun, it's meant to be addictive. Those pictures are showing exactly what the game is supposed to do.

    Tell me, was your reaction something "WTF just happened!?"? Yes? Then congratulations, you're most likely going to continue playing the game in the near future. Oh but it wasn't fun for you? No worries. Blizzard will still take your money. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Druid is turning meta toxic

    You guys are really adorable for thinking you're going to enjoy the game more if Druid gets obliterated. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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