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    posted a message on Is it harder to level up these days?

    You remember those gold farmers in WoW? Well now they've come to Hearthstone to thrive, due to the downturn of World of Warcraft. Hideous as they may be, they're still skilled players in this game. That makes the ladder hard enough.


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Burst finishers- How to use and how to deny.

    There is no plan. Taunt minions don't make sense in Hearthstone. They delay your death but can never deny it. The only plan against such burst finishers is to flood the board fast enough to get a high attack board, forcing miracle rogue to spend spell cards killing minions.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Cenarius nerf possible in near future?

    There is a possible large patch in October. But druid is weak in recent tournament. So any change to druid is unlikely.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Ragnaros should be banned from tournament decks

    An interesting proposal. It's just improper to ban Rag from the game when there are no possible alternatives. Should King Krush be a neutral legendary, everyone would have managed to avert the Ragnaros cliche. Now that there is no such replacement, banning an irreplaceable card that is introduced in every control deck in the ladder is simply impractical.

    But I share a personal grudge against Ragnaros with you. It is very game deciding, and the idea that the winner of a 5000 dollar price is decided critically by a Rag RNG is just too ridiculous to accept.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Need help building a deck - low budget

    Although Ysera is too slow for the current ladder, it's still a good late-game minions. Do bear in mind that every card you get from a golden Ysera is also golden. That's like 5 more golden cards you can possibly use, which is just too cool to give up.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Gothik the Harvester, more like Gothik the Destroyer of My Anus

    Gothik might be the hardest so far for he ramparts and draws one more card every turn, steadily taking the lead.

    The problem is to destroy those negative minions on your side while staying alive. Some uses Void Terror and other Warlock sets to consume those bad ghosts. But even though you manage to build up large minions, they may still be destroyed by Corruption. So it's just not easy.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Opinions Needed!

    I think both cards have too high cost. Usually Hunter's Mark and Deadly Shot can cover most of your control need, but I did see some Hunter running Faceless Manipulator in a slow deck where it copies his own Highmane or Ragnaros. If you insist, then the Faceless is potentially better.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on Frostwolf Warlord

    Not a bad choice in ARENA, especially when you're short of big minions during your current pick.

    Usually it comes out as a 6/6 for safety reasons, where you have 3 minions on board and can thus evade the threat from Big Game Hunter and Mind Control Tech. Otherwise you just build up this minion as large as you can, up to a possible 10/10 monstrosity.

    Posted in: Frostwolf Warlord
  • 2

    posted a message on Frost Elemental

    Quite a usual pick in the ARENA, yet the use of this card is rather situational. Typically you play this card to stall one of your opponent's strongest minions, buying critical time in the late game.

    Still not good enough for constructed deck due to the high cost and the lack of Freeze synergy.

    Posted in: Frost Elemental
  • 6

    posted a message on Fire Elemental

    Possibly the most powerful free minion in the game, Fire Elemental worths well over 6 mana on its own. 

    A shaman player is prone to play Overload cards on turn 4, rather than turn 5, so that he can play Fire Elemental as soon as possible in a game. Should you encounter any aggressive turn 4 Overload card played, your foe is possibly setting up for a Fire Elemental play.

    Posted in: Fire Elemental
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