It's literally only good when it snowballs a Secretkeeper and you have MC on 6.
Granted, it could probably be improved by just doing the thing we did back in the day (Hardcurving like a motherfucker with mirange minions) but overall it's fairly mediocre when compared to the absolute powerhouse that is Cyclone Mage or the inevitable grinder that is N'zoth Quest Priest
actually looking forward to this, the double class heroes just look like a lot of fun and the personalized treasures help to make games not feel the same.
It runs no boardclears so unless they highroll MCT you can jsut push them off the board. The turn 1 do nothing is a huge detriment to their tempo game.
Priest will get nerfed again before Shaman (and it should because Divine SPirit is broken)
Not to mention that after the rotation the quest won't be nearly as strong (unless they print even better battlecries than we have now)
Been an auto win for highlander hunter. The key to beating combo Priest is controlling their ability to complete quests (IE not doing damage the first few turns and avoiding situations where they can damage and heal minions) and killing a relatively small number of minions.
I think it’s a matchup a lot of people play poorly against.
combo priest doesn't even play quest...that's like the shitty version, ofc that one'S easy to beat
And it's all the fault of Divine spirit, but hey,, let's nerf Extra Arms instead, just because.
Let's not let Priest be a slightly snowbally buff-based deck, but instead remove that aspect but keep around the out of the blue OTK that can happen as soon as turn 5.
Guess we'll have to wait until the rotation for them to finally remove Divine Spirit (or just rework it)
just the existence of "doubling" any stat is problematic, especially when you slap it onto a 2-mana spell
the mana cheating wouldn't be the problem if there wasn't the follow up
Mountain Giant has never been a problem before. It's a strong asset for a very specific type of deck that requires deckbuilding. CC just makes it so every deck is forced to be able to kill a turn 4 mountain giant immediately or outright lose.
CC would still be played even if Mountain giant was gone, because it's still absolutely broken with Khadgar and Sea Giant.
Well, Kibler just made a video about how problematic MAge and Warrior are right now and we all know what happened the last time he did it.
It's safe to say that Conjurer's Calling and Warrior in general will be looked at...and Paladin, at least in my opinion, is heavily overrated and will probably appear and disappear once the meta learns that literally any class with a 2-damage AoE can beat it easily.
I mean you could probably farm Murloc Pally with Questlock at this point just because drawing Hellfire wins you the game on the spot basicallly.
ON another note, Quest Paladin absolutely demolishes Warrior, it's barely even fair. I played against one who used every single piece of removal in his arsenal and he still couldn't handle the value...despite highrolling booth brawls and holding on to his maass removal for the biggest swing turns. just on turn of them not being able to kill the egg/whelp and it's over for them, so until the nerfs finally drop, Quest Pally might soothe your souls
It is the most fun thing for sure. And one of the strongest. I won against heroic Jepetto Joybuzz with my 23 Babbling books hunter deck because of Wisdomball. It did not help much the whole game, but it cleared the board once and in the right time. Otherwise I would lose.
The worst one is double health I think.
double health is amazing when combined with Blood Magic
top 10 cliffhangers
Leave it to Toast to make everything about himself.
the deck isn't even good though.
It's literally only good when it snowballs a Secretkeeper and you have MC on 6.
Granted, it could probably be improved by just doing the thing we did back in the day (Hardcurving like a motherfucker with mirange minions) but overall it's fairly mediocre when compared to the absolute powerhouse that is Cyclone Mage or the inevitable grinder that is N'zoth Quest Priest
actually looking forward to this, the double class heroes just look like a lot of fun and the personalized treasures help to make games not feel the same.
Not even close, that deck is way overrated.
It runs no boardclears so unless they highroll MCT you can jsut push them off the board. The turn 1 do nothing is a huge detriment to their tempo game.
Priest will get nerfed again before Shaman (and it should because Divine SPirit is broken)
Not to mention that after the rotation the quest won't be nearly as strong (unless they print even better battlecries than we have now)
combo priest doesn't even play quest...that's like the shitty version, ofc that one'S easy to beat
And it's all the fault of Divine spirit, but hey,, let's nerf Extra Arms instead, just because.
Let's not let Priest be a slightly snowbally buff-based deck, but instead remove that aspect but keep around the out of the blue OTK that can happen as soon as turn 5.
Guess we'll have to wait until the rotation for them to finally remove Divine Spirit (or just rework it)
just the existence of "doubling" any stat is problematic, especially when you slap it onto a 2-mana spell
I've noticed Zephrys just basically ignores deathrattle minions, even when there's a perfect reason to just offer Silence.
keep in mind they had to teach him how Doomsayer works.
that's a weird way to spell Murloc Paladin
the mana cheating wouldn't be the problem if there wasn't the follow up
Mountain Giant has never been a problem before. It's a strong asset for a very specific type of deck that requires deckbuilding. CC just makes it so every deck is forced to be able to kill a turn 4 mountain giant immediately or outright lose.
CC would still be played even if Mountain giant was gone, because it's still absolutely broken with Khadgar and Sea Giant.
Well, Kibler just made a video about how problematic MAge and Warrior are right now and we all know what happened the last time he did it.
It's safe to say that Conjurer's Calling and Warrior in general will be looked at...and Paladin, at least in my opinion, is heavily overrated and will probably appear and disappear once the meta learns that literally any class with a 2-damage AoE can beat it easily.
I mean you could probably farm Murloc Pally with Questlock at this point just because drawing Hellfire wins you the game on the spot basicallly.
ON another note, Quest Paladin absolutely demolishes Warrior, it's barely even fair. I played against one who used every single piece of removal in his arsenal and he still couldn't handle the value...despite highrolling booth brawls and holding on to his maass removal for the biggest swing turns. just on turn of them not being able to kill the egg/whelp and it's over for them, so until the nerfs finally drop, Quest Pally might soothe your souls
Randomness makes this worthless. You can't really build around it so what's even the point?
lol, you wish. Duplicate your hand then do what with it?
Druid already has trouble with making slow decks work, now they'll have to work on half the power budget for a mediocre value effect
double health is amazing when combined with Blood Magic
nah, the worst is the one that draws to extra cards every turn. Unless you're playing hard combo it just has no upside