• 2

    posted a message on Class Creation Competition Phase I - Submission Topic [Ended]


    Wish I could've done a Death Knight but oh well! I present to you: The Buccaneer Class!

    Unique Keywords: N/A
    Core Keywords: N/A
    Mechanics: Weapons, stealth, pirate synergy, aggro, combat effects, and dealing damage.
    Flavor: Plunder, loot, duel, thievery.

    Hero: Captain Cookie

    Captain Cookie is a Murloc pirate found in the Deadmines in World of Warcraft, aboard Rogue Edwin VanCleef's ship. Cookie is the most notable pirate character in World of Warcraft, and although Murlocs are not a playable race in World of Warcraft, he asks that you give him a fair chance as this is a different game (plus there aren't any other interesting pirates of note in the Warcraft universe, at least not that I could find.)

    Ahoy, Mateys! is similar to the Paladin's hero power 'Reinforce' but different in that it does not provide you with a permanent board presence. The hero power becomes less useful with each turn, forcing you to rely on buffs if you want to continue using it. The Buccaneer class, of course, will have plenty of Pirate synergy, and the more you rely on this synergy, the more you'll benefit from this seemingly underpowered hero power.

    All of the example cards can be found in the spoiler below, along with their explanations. 

    I was originally thinking of making this card similar to Unleash the Hounds, but I changed my mind because that felt too obvious and didn't really add anything new to the class. I decided that I'd use it as further Pirate synergy, it has a similar effect to Tundra Rhino, Warsong Commander, Bloodlust, and Charge, but it only affects Pirates. This could be one of the Pirate's win conditions. Cost was changed from 4 to 6 to keep it balanced.

    Captain's Cutlass is a perfect example of the Buccaneer's weapon synergy. Similar to Rogues and Warriors, Pirates will also have a vast collection of weapons to choose from. These weapons will also reflect the Pirate synergy of the class, and rather than using your weapons to complement your minions (Warriors), or spells to buff your weapons (Rogues), the Buccaneer will rely on minions that increase the effectiveness of its weapons. The attack bonus was changed to include "this turn" to keep it balanced.

    Pirate Captain is a fine example of the Pirate synergy in the Buccaneer class. The Pirate Captain is a 4-drop that gives your Pirates +1/+1. The effect only lasts while the Pirate Captain is on the board, so your other Pirates will revert back to their original stats if it is destroyed. This is meant to buff up some of the weaker Pirates and allow you to maintain more board control.



    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 15

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #21: Submission Topic

    My Entry: Druid of the Wild.

    Edit: Got image to work finally. Removed attachment.

    The card meets the following requirements:

    -A Mana Cost of "7"
    -A Health of "7"
    -Exactly 7 words of card text

    For more info about Lore and Design Choices, See the Spoiler Below.

    Lore: http://wow.gamepedia.com/Druid_of_the_Wild
    Art Source: http://orig10.deviantart.net/8c38/f/2009/171/5/c/night_elf_druid_by_namesjames.jpg

    Design Comments: I wanted to make another "Druid of the (Faction/Variant Name Here)" Card for the Druid class but I was unsure of how I could make one that complied with the "Lucky Sevens" theme for this week's competition. I didn't want to do a 7/7 minion with a mana cost of 7, because that seemed too easy, and required almost no creative thinking on my part. I decided to go with a less-traditional card for the theme. Originally I thought about making it a "Choose One" card, but there were some restrictions I faced since I needed to make it comply with the rules of the challenge theme. My result was a card that turned out to be far better and more balanced than my previous ideas of the card.

    Balance and Meta Notes: This card would be really broken in Hunter, but it's actually fairly balanced in Druid because there aren't a lot of Druid decks that run Beasts, and the ones that do don't usually have an abundance of them. Under normal circumstances, a Druid would probably be able to play this card for 4 mana crystals at best, and they would be required to have three other beasts under their control. I also think this card is pretty good for promoting Beast Druid decks.


    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 2

    posted a message on Nerf Hunter hero power?

    It's already balanced. No need to change it at all.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 29

    posted a message on Weekly Design Competition #16 - [Ended]

    Here's mine: 



    Edited to change mana cost from 3 to 2. Edited again to reverse that edit. Now it's the same as before.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 3

    posted a message on Weekly Design Competition #15 - [Ended]

    I decided to make a Hunter card. This is my first time on the forums at Hearthpwn but I love making custom cards, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

    Explanation: Card is a cheap Hunter spell based off of the Silencing Shot ability of the same class from World of Warcraft.

    Credits: Card was made using Hearthcards.net. Art Source: http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ec/26/ca/ec26ca4544c47d3f429717616d427fb3.jpg

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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