A criminal organization that started right after the Alliance denied paying and killing everyone that worked on rebuilding SW
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KingMrglMrgl posted a message on Risky Skipper Will Be Gaining The Pirate Tribe Tag In A Future PatchPosted in: News -
therealflyingtoastr posted a message on Risky Skipper Will Be Gaining The Pirate Tribe Tag In A Future PatchPosted in: NewsEdwin wasn't a pirate in WoW, he was the leader a criminal organization (Defias Brotherhood).
MagicMCE_HS posted a message on Activision Blizzard And Google Start Partnership - Esports Events Now On YoutubePosted in: NewsOh good now watching Hearthstone streams will be downright painful. Boutta head out
sPacEtiMe19 posted a message on New Priest Rare Card - Dark ProphecyPosted in: Card DiscussionThis card is being slept on. It won't rule the meta, but amazing that people are calling it trash. Priest is so close to having just a good midrange tempo deck with more stuff like this being added.
It's also not hard to highroll with this card. Not a super highroll, but a highroll for turn 3. And most of all, it's entirely proactive which priest always needs.
Again, won't rule the game, but it's a good card.
user-100041474 posted a message on Tips for transition to wild?Posted in: General DiscussionQuote from JazrinBlack >>Where do i start for wild?
1) Start complaining about how wild is broken.
2) Get ready to swear that wild would be the perfect format if the devs would only nerf X card.
3) Repeat steps 1 & 2 for the entire time you play wild.Current Wild is in the best state ever and all Wild Streamers such as Control, Roffle, Dane, Solem or Getmeowth agree with me here.
The Reno deck push was the best Blizzard has done in years.
Deck diversity is very high, with both very easy decks and very challenging ones.
Hearthstone will always have complainers, in the end it is a number based game so certain decks will always be stronger than others.
But current Wild Community is actually very happy with the game :)
Salohcin posted a message on Is it time to revert nerfed Wild cards?Posted in: General DiscussionNo. It is mostly a dumb idea to revert nerfs. Many nerfs were for good reason.
Even some of the individual examples of cards people in this thread would like unnerfed are pretty toxic. Yet alone all the nerfs not considered.
brannbronzebeard posted a message on Aggro killed the dragonsPosted in: Standard FormatCheap aggro will always rule, time is money.
Fishtard posted a message on Seriously Blizz? THIS is the best you come up with to keep Shaman in check?Posted in: General DiscussionI think they've done well. Remember, Leper Gnome got nerfed from 2/1 to 1/1 and died for it, so did Abusive Sergeant. I think Sludge Slurper will suffer the same fate or at least be much less effective.
Corrupt Elementalist is still strong but costing 6 mana doesn't just mean it's more expensive, it also means it can't be played on t5 yet making shaman worse against aggro matchups because of the later turn.
Mogu Fleshshaper does evolve into a strong pool of minions but it can't be played as easily onto a small board, which also nerfs Mutate because it can't be used as much.
I think the nerfs are a safe choice to make shaman weaker but not instantly drill them into the ground. I like what they did.
CursedFish posted a message on Face Hunter = Tier 1 God :D !!!Posted in: General DiscussionIt is the opposite: If shaman gets played less after the nerfs, face hunter will also struggle. Face hunter is a favorite against that shaman deck. Control decks wil appear more often again after shaman nerfs, which is bad for aggro.
Ophiussa posted a message on Late Update from Patch 16.0 Regarding Evolve MechanicPosted in: NewsRecombobulator neither evolves nor devolves minions.
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People still think that Diablo IV will come out in the near, cute. Diablo was never intended to have a part 4 yet. The whole 2 blizzcons ago about teasering for diablo was just about diablo immortal. Blizzard wasn't even concepting diablo 4 yet. It was just about blizzard being so far out of touch with their community that they thought everyone would wet themself to get a mobile game for diablo. Because: MOBILE MOBILE MOBILE. And the easy china money.
Even the last diablo 4 on blizzcon was so extremely rough: i think they were so extremely desperate to clean their name from the diablo immortal desaster and the mobile-bs that they just created something for blizzcon, not something we will play in the end: it just remembered me of an diablo 3 with some small new things added to make it look new. But a finished product wasn't this by far. They scrapped the whole HOTS-Team just to make this demo ready for blizzcon just to have at least something. Because if they didn't, the fans would have rioted. But this game was never intended to be ready until long time in the future.
Simply because don't forget: do you guys not have phones?
And as said above: creating a game takes years. Diablo wasn't probably only a concept art if even that. Blizzard only had the mobile-money in their brain. And exactly because of the shite they did, they can't release diablo immortal: because they know that it was just a shitty game, grabbing the diablo merchandize money as every other mobile game out there. But then they got this extreme backlash, and if they would put out a crappy game, they would probably never recover from it.
So yes, diablo immortal might be a game that is finished in the eye of netease, but if they released it in this state, the game would not only get a huge backlash, it would also always be tainted of the blizzcon years ago. So yes, it will be released not far away, but i think it might be still somehow developed AND might also only come out when there is even slightly a chance that diablo getting released. I think this is the only way they can make this game even slightly successful, by releasing it with the release-date of diablo 4, so people can pre-order it, and then play the game until the real things comes out on their phone. Phone games does not have such a long lifespan anyway.
Are you really playing the game? Priest in wild has actually the LOWEST WINRATE, and Big Priest is by far not even near tier 3 right now, but let's say this doesn't matter: Big Priest is not a coinflip-deck, it's a FRICKING LATE GAME DECK, where when you get an aggressive opening, you almost can't win the game anymore. Big Priest also have counters, as every other deck out there. The difference between Big Priest and Deathrattle-Rogue is simply that the last one is a coinflip: you play on curve, you win, it doesn't matter what happen; the same bullcrap as Naga Sea witch was. You either had her and win the game on curve automatically or not. That's a bad way to play the game.
And Paladin: transform a minion, silence it, it actually has counters, just because you don't want to play them does not make it beatable; Althrough i agree that it needs a nerf; and yes, with a nerf i mean fricking Mechwarper; in general: no minion in the game that has an aura that reduce the mana cost of minions should reduce a minion to 0 mana. When a minion cost 0, it's overpowered, period. There is a reason why Summoning Portal does not reduce minions below 1 mana. And here it should simply be the same.
Sorry, but that's bullshit: it's not a fun card, it's a coin toss card: you either get the high roll Necrium blade into +3/+3 on your hand (or whelps) and win the game, or you lose. Sorry, but that's not fun in any way except for people who love to play decks where you either win to 100% or not. It's exactly the same bullshit as Naga Sea Witch Warlock in wild. The winrate is not insane, but if you get the coin toss, you win the game, period.
Hunter was strong because Galakrond Shaman was strong. But it's easily countered: it's weak against Warrior and especially priest.
It was around 60% winrate, and yes, it is a problem: it is actually exactly the same problem as Naga Sea Witch: it didn't had the biggest winrate of all decks, but it was a coin toss: you either draw the right cards and have a 100% win chance or not. That's simply not fun, and the biggest issue of this cards. The nerf right now allow most classes to deal with it one way or another. The card is overpowered at 4 mana because of the insane curve, but mediocre at 5. And that's much better.
So yes, even if this deck was max tier 3 (and i doubt it that it would have stayed there or that it even was at tier 3), but to play against coin toss decks is simply not fun. You win it, you lose it, but you can't play against it, since you either win the game definitively or not. You can't even tech against it, it's just a game of luck. At 5 it's no longer a game of luck, and the curve do not longer exist, and that's important.
And still Priest is Tier 4 in wild, with 9th place in winrate. If they were so good, why is their winrate so abyssmal: because they are in tier 15-10. Just play secret mage and voila.
No, 2 attack would still allow 20-30 attack frothing-shenanigans, and we don't ever need this back. Just change the charge to rush, and it's fixed.
I think this is that people here don't understand. It's not about destroying Galakrond Shaman, it's about making it slower. And yes, it works. Galakrond was strong with normal draws but totally insane with perfect ones. Now Galakrond shaman is still very strong with insane draws but weaker with normal ones. It's still a very solid deck, but now MUCH slower. And when we learned one in hearthstone is that Value doesn't matter, Tempo does.
Sorry, but that's bullshit. There are MANY taunt-minions out there that have around 5 health. Just take Shield of Galakrond for example. Before you traded with one, and had an undamaged 5/4. Now you can't do that anymore. In worst case the enemy needs to deal with it now with both 4/4 to kill it and that's quite a bad turn.
Between 5 attack and 4 attack are worlds in Hearthstone. And all in all it's 2 attack less. Enough? Maybe not, but it's far far better than before.
It's funny, but as we see it on hsreplay (sadly not really much data yet); but wild is actually quite balanced right now. And as we saw it: they do balance wild quite good. Look at Sn1p-Sn4p-Warlock: It was crazy before they changed the echo-effect, since then there is absolutely no Tier-S-Deck in Wild. Will there be one in the future: you can be very sure there will, but right now i don't see any deck that is simply dominating the meta: Galakrond-Shaman was strong in wild too, but by far NOT OP, because it had counters. Pirate Warrior is very very strong, but not dominating like Shaman in standard. Right now it's on the top of the food-chain, but Secret Mage does counter it well as many other decks that can deal with the early board like Even Shaman and other decks like Odd Warrior. If the meta shifts too much to Pirate Warrior, we also have some tech against it like the crab and so on. Wild right now has still so much potential and i believe that there are still wild decks out there that haven't been found yet.
That's the good thing about wild: it gets bigger and bigger.
And the good thing about balancing in wild is that if you balance a wild card, you don't affect standard with it at all, so if a card combo that makes issues like Aviana-Kun, they can nerf the card that has the issue in wild (Aviana) and make it weaker without affecting anything in standard.
I really hope they still balance wild and make it fun for everyone. Especially now when there is also a wild card store.