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    posted a message on New Druid Card - Dark Arakkoa

    Ancient of war gets run in druid and that is most of the time a 7 mana 5/10 with taunt. And this card does have an impact because it is giving your c'thun a +3 +3 boost plus it has good stats for its cost and as a taunt it protects your hero. You run this card not only for the body but also to make your C'thun stronger since +3 +3 is the biggest boost a C'thun card gives so far. This should definitely be run in C'thun druid decks. Also in standard the aggressive naxx and gvg cards are being phased out and some cards in the classic set are being nerfed by blizzard so the meta in standard may slow down. Also for people who say C'thun itself does nothing, if that thing gets boosted enough than C'thun's battlecry may actually kill you.

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    posted a message on New Druid Card - Dark Arakkoa

    This kind of reminds me of when trump said dr boom would not see constructed play because their are better 7 drop legendaries in his initial gvg review of the card. Yes there are good 6 drops, but in a c'thun deck you would play this card because its battlecry makes your win condition stronger and it already has decent stats for its cost, and it is not a legendary so you can play two of them and it is not competing with savannah highmane because savannah highmane is a hunter card and not a druid card. That battlecry should not be overlooked because if C'thun decks turn out to be very effective especially in a control matchup than giving the win condition such a good boost should not be underestimated.   

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    posted a message on New Druid Card - Dark Arakkoa

    Great card for c'thun decks. And why would anybody want to play a sunwalker in a c'thun deck? That makes no sense since this gives C'thun +3 +3 which is the biggest boost from a c'thun card so far. Also master jouster is only a 6 mana 5/6 if the joust fails. C'thun Druid decks will use this card because of the stats, the boost it gives c'thun and the fact that it has taunt so the opponent has to either trade their minions into it or remove it with a spell which they are not guaranteed to have every single turn. a 5/7 taunt is actually pretty decent and fairly costed unlike the nine mana 5/9 legendary and the additional battlecry which boosts your C'thun makes it a pretty good card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Card - Faceless Summoner
    Quote from tictactucroc >>
    Quote from Sherman1986 >>
    Quote from tictactucroc >>
    Quote from Sherman1986 >>
    Quote from Mereso >>

    Yeah it is very good in Arena but in constructed it may not be better than Piloted Sky Golem. Is someone playing Piloted Sky Golemnow?

    Piloted Sky Golem has two notorious problems this card hasn't. It has only 4 health, and having two bodies at the same time, instead of only 1 that summons another one after dying (although Piloted Sky Golem summons a 4 cost minion, and not one that costs 3), is usually better for dealing with the enemy board by trading (sometimes, one big body is too slow for that, and your opponent is going to ignore it and go face).
     what game are you playing where Dragonling Mechanic is better than Piloted Shredder ? I'd like to know the name
    Please dude, the main body of a Piloted Shredder is usually much more useful than a 2/4, since it can even deal with 5 drops like Azure Drake, and so it's good at any stage of the game, but you can even say that a 5/5 is more useful than a 6/4 in many cases. Also, we are talking about a 6 drop here, comparing a minion that is usually played in turn 4 with other one that you can usually only play since turn 6 is very different. Please, don't do silly comparison to prove me wrong.
     Well, i don't need to, you'll see it with your own eyes, faceless summoner won't see constructed play.
     Faceless summoner will see constructed play because people will want to test how strong it is in both standard and wild and then they will make up their minds whether the card is strong enough. I remember a lot of hearthstone streamers and players said that DR boom would not see constructed play, mysterious challenger would not see constructed play, Reno jackson would not see constructed play. and look how those turned out, as long as a card  is not unplayable such as the boogeymonster or tentacle for arms, than people will give the card a try in constructed, saying a new card will not see constructed play without even testing it is one of the lamest excuses I have seen to dismiss a new card on these forums.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Card - Faceless Summoner

    This is a great card, but that being said I don't think its as overpowered as people say it is. It will give you good value for its cost, it is not weak to silence which savannah highmane and Piloted sky golem are and unlike silverhand knight the extra minion it summons will usually have an additional ability since many three cost minions have an ability and both minions will have a bigger body.

    However the RNG in this card can be both a strength and a weakness. Because you could get a weak 3 drop or a 3 drop that actually hurts you instead of helping you such as a murloc warleader against a murloc deck or summoning a deathlord which ends up getting destroyed and summoning something like a free ragnaros or Ysera. It can be potentially weak to board clears unless it summons an imp gang boss or a harvest golem but then again a lot of cards are weak to board clears anyway and not every class actually have good board clears. I think this is a good solid card and I don't think its boring but I will not start attacking people who disagree. We will not will not know how good it really is until it gets tested but on paper I think its really good. 

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    posted a message on New Mage Card - Faceless Summoner

    Great card, people say sky golem is better but the problem with sky golem is that its a deathrattle so you do not get immediate value out of it and it is weak to silence. With this card you get two bodies on the board immediately and it gives you a board presence and at best this guy summons something like a mukla an injured blademaster or even a deathlord in wild. Even if you get at worse a coldlight oracle you are still getting 7/7 stats split over two bodies. If you get a silverback patriarch or a dalaran mage, you are still getting either a taunt or a minion which increases the damage of your spells.

    There are plenty of 3 mana 2/4, 3/3, 4/3 and 3/4 minions that can be summoned by this minion and gives it good value for its cost. This card should be amazing in arena and there is potential in constructed because it gives you a board presence and there are quite a few three mana minions that have interesting abilities such as imp gang boss, flamewaker, mounted raptor and brann bronzebeard or even shade of naxxramas in wild. Sigh knowing this site I am just waiting for someone to write an essay listing off reasons why it sucks and won't see play. 

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    posted a message on I'm not feeling it for WOG

    What bothers me is particularly with the class minions in this expansion and the Old Gods that you build your deck around such as C'thun and N'zoth, they have interesting effects but we actually don't know how good they will be until we get to test them ourselves. LOE cards were revealed just a week before the adventure was released and I actually remember people were calling discover a garbage mechanic, reno jackson was going to be utter trash, some people even said keeper of uldaman was going to be garbage and that it would be the worse set ever, and that was only in a week. And look what a success LOE turned out to be.

    What is annoying is that we have had to wait for almost two months between the set being announced and the set being released and unless a card just looks absolutely bonkers or broken, a lot of people in hearthstone have a pretty negative outlook on newer cards. I just wish that blizzard would do what they did in LOE and announce expansions and reveal the cards shortly before release, speculation is fun but Its much better to actually test the cards sooner and find out whether we enjoy the expansion. I'm actually happy about the cards revealed so far, just don't like the long wait until release.

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    posted a message on New Hunter Card - Call of the Wild

    When I first saw this card I already saw the value. So we have seen a 4/5 with a positive ability, a whirlwind attached to a 2 mana 3/3 body, a 5/5 taunt that can potentially be very cheap to cast in the late game and now getting to summon three 3 mana minions for a one mana discount, I am glad to see that blizzard are releasing cards that have value to them. This is a great card.

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    posted a message on New Card - Master of Evolution

    This card has a yeti sized body which is pretty much the best vanilla stats you are going to get for a 4 drop and its effect can be used to transform a minion into a stronger one and unlike a lot of other 4 drops with an ability, this thing is not weak so you can play it on an empty board. It has an interesting effect and piloted shredder, the biggest excuse to call a 4 mana card garbage is rotating out of standard. Its a very good card which is not super OP, what more do people want from a 4 drop without making it broken or overpowered?

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    posted a message on New Card - Master of Evolution

    Shaman is getting a lot of love in this expansion. Not only is the battlecry unique and can be used to upgrade minions that are going to die anyway, it is already a 4 mana 4/5 so it already has a good body on its own for its mana cost. Shaman are getting some pretty good cards. Definitely expect to see it in standard especially since the Naxx and Gvg cards are rotating out so I expect the metagame to be slower and people can no longer use piloted shredder as an excuse to say why a 4 cost minion sucks. This is going to be a really good arena card as well because the stats on its own are good for its cost.

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    posted a message on New Shaman Card - Thing from Below

    You only have to play two totems to get a 4 mana 5/5 taunt, it synergizes with your hero power and gets the bonus even if its in your deck. This is also a balanced card because if it was 5 mana which would be what a 5/5 taunt would normally cost, than there is a chance it could get abused because of the mana discount mechanic.

    The main problem I see is people wanting something that is amazing. But the problem with amazing cards is that they end up being played very frequently than get labelled as being cancerous because they are played so often leading to spawning decks that just gets played all the time. This is a good balanced card which is not hard to get value out of. You don't just have to just brainlessly plonk a card down and get a guaranteed tempo swing. A card does not need to have the insane power of the naxx and gvg cards which are rotating out of standard.

    At this point I'm just waiting for someone to make an essay long post on how this minion sucks, will never see play and everyone who likes this card is delusional aren't I?

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    posted a message on New Card - Ancient Harbinger

    I like this card. It will not do nothing because it will draw your ten mana win condition from your deck and put it into your hand so you don't need to draw it. As a guy who has experience with magic the gathering, being able to fetch a card from your deck and put it into your hand is a powerful ability. The question is will it be good and that depends on how good C'thun and N'zoth decks are. If you managed to buff your C'thun to something crazy like 20/20 than this card will make sure that it will be in your hand. I always hate the whole ''won't see play'' argument because it will see play because people will be testing new cards to see how good they are especially cards like this that have the potential to be really good if the C'thun and N'zoth decks end up being very strong. I don't know, I guess I am not overly negative and call something trash that can have potential before actually playing it. I thought people would have learnt from Dr boom, piloted shredder and mysterious challenger to never judge something too quickly.

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    posted a message on Where are the nerfs?
    Quote from ElectroJay >>

    I suspect BGH will get nerfed because of C'Thun. Blizzard even mentioned how BGH restricts card design.

    But C'thun has a battlecry which if it is buffed enough could potentially kill you before you even get the chance to BGH it. But admittedly many cards with 7+ attack don't see play because they instantly die to BGH. Although I am not even sure how many of the 7+ attack minions that already do not see play at the moment would actually still be played even with a BGH nerf because many of those cards cost 7 mana or more and unless a card has an amazing ability like alexstrasza, people tend to not be very willing to pay over 6 mana for a minion.
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    posted a message on Does Knife Juggler need to be nerfed with the Standard rotation coming?
    Quote from Pmanda >>

    Make it a 2/2 and it's perfectly fine.

    It's not OP, it's better than the other 2 drops, making it it the real value card.

    These 3 mana 1/2 and change summon to play nerf are ridiculous and are warning commander level nerfs.

     3 mana 1/2 is ridiculous but I actually would not mind if he was not nerfed. However I suggested play instead of summon because if blizzard are going to nerf him which i honestly do not even know if they are going to do it than I suggested play as way to not completely kill the card because it still works. However the fact that its better than most two drops is probably the reason why people want him nerfed in the first place. 
    I do not whine about whether this card needs a nerf or that card needs a nerf, but I am concerned with how Blizzard will go about nerfing cards.
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    posted a message on Does Knife Juggler need to be nerfed with the Standard rotation coming?

    If blizzard are going to nerf knife juggler, then ideally what I would hope for is that they keep the mana cost to 2, keep its 3/2 body, but make the ability activate after you PLAY a minion instead of after you summon a minion so it only activates if you summon a minion card from your hand. The ability is only broken when used with cards that summon multiple minions on the battlefield at once.

    But to be honest I do not even know what cards are going to be nerfed, all I hear is speculation. But what I find unfortunate is that people want cards to be nerfed but they will complain if the card gets absolutely destroyed. When blizzard nerf cards, they tend to nuke them out of existence which is why I am not looking forward to the nerfs because some well known classic cards may end up being rendered completely unusable.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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