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    posted a message on Battle of the Bans - Tavern Brawl #197
    Quote from tathagata >>

    How Bout

    Malchezaar's Imp


    Darkshire Librarian

    Silverware Golem........

    Didn't lose one yet

     That is decent, but I'm pretty sure this is better. Librarian has some niche value against other aggro decks, but its trash against more controlling ones, as you don't want all those extra draws, and the lower statline is worse considering how fast most games are. I have a full guide for the deck in the link.

    Disco Destruction (Brawl Breaker)
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    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on Battle of the Bans - Tavern Brawl #197

    Also, has anyone seen the absurdity that Prince Malchezaar its very interesting to say the least. Putting him into your deck does generate a flood of random legendaries, which disrupts your opponents bans. However, it still also leaves your deck full of random legendaries. You do get a pretty good opening hand from your 4 chosen cards, but after that draws are pretty up in the air. However, its can be fun to see the perplexity on your opponents face when they are picking from a group of random cards in the ban phase.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on Battle of the Bans - Tavern Brawl #197

    I have a personal list for Disco Lock that is more consistent and has yet to take a loss currently at 7-0. I've run into other aggro decks and even other Disco Locks and I've won pretty easily. Here's the list. There is even a deck guide about why the cards are chosen and some basic gameplay ideas.

    EDIT: I am up to 11-0 atm. Had some very close games against near-mirror decks, but pretty easily handled everything else.

    Disco Destruction (Brawl Breaker)
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    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on Just why?

    I understand your point about people being a bit whiny and complaining just because they personally don't like something and hope that blizzard nerfs it so they don't have to play against it. However, the fact that any card, slow or not, can potentially win you games by itself because its so outright powerful, and requires little to no build around is pretty awful design in general. The thing about games is they need to be fun, if there are cards or mechanics that make the game unfun, especially if it does so dramatically, like Jades in their heyday, it generally causes frustrated players to leave the game. Yes, some of these cards can be beaten or outvalued if you tech or just get lucky, but having to fight and claw for multiple turns to maybe eek out a win some small % of the time isn't fun. Cards that just directly wreck/ruin something also generally aren't the fun for players who like a deck. Reducing fun is a bad thing because when people stop having fun they stop playing. If that happens enough then the game dies. Extremely powerful cards that have actually ended up nerfed by blizzard are proof of this. They simply made the game unfun more often than they made it fun.

    I think in general DK lean toward this, much like Dr. Boom before it rotated out. It was a card that wasn't strictly broken, but being able to play it on curve, and then also having good boombot RNG would make you feel great/terrible based on which side of the table you were on. The card never got nerfed, and might not even be that insane in the current standard, but it was a card that was often times very polarizing, and led to a lot of outcry and debate. And its also frustrating when you like a class with a bad DK. You feel a bit cheated by the fact that your class doesn't have one of these very strong game winning cards. I do think in general there is a bit too much crying, but that is also because Blizzard can and has nerfed cards, something most paper card games can't do, so they either have to ban the card or print answers to it. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on What makes for good gameplay?

    I think to a point there is a larger discussion to have about what Hearthstone is. The game is generally speaking a bit of Rock/Paper/Scissors, and a bit of Yahtzee. Match ups make up the Rock/Paper/Scissor part. Every deck has good and bad match ups, and to a point you can shift your deck around to help, but generally speaking even then you are either favored or not going into a match up. The next portion is the RNG. This is where the Yahtzee side comes in. You take turns back and forth rolling dice. You can make strategic decisions based on how you roll, maybe you'll use those three 5's you just rolled for you 5's total, maybe its better as your 3 of a kind total. This is where you get a chance to play your cards and try to play them optimally. However, sometimes the dice just don't roll in your favor and you lose. Either way, the biggest down side to HS at the moment is how frustrating most of the losses feel. Combo decks are everywhere, even if they are weaker than the Aggro decks, simply because people like playing them more. However, the majority of Combo mirrors or Combo vs Control match ups are all about how quickly/efficiently the winner gets to their combo. All the cards in between don't really matter and so most of what you spend the game doing doesn't matter that much. Yes it matters somewhat, but most of the current decks don't really give their opponent much counter play, and they generally win the game nearly on the spot. This means that you do generally get to feel pretty good when you win, but you almost never get to feel good when you lose. This leads to winrate pretty much defining everyone's "fun". Its true that you can see some streamers and players playing wacky decks that they are clearly just playing for fun, but generally because HS doesn't have a massive amount of interaction beyond what is in play, and only on your turn 99% of the time.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Global Games Cheering on Twitch is Live! Cheer for Teams, Get Packs and a Card Back

    Well, that is the price of the 22 personal packs and the card bad, you save some by stopping at the last 10 pack bundle if you don't want to jump the last 500 for the card back. Also, that in the least unlocks the 2 Boomsday packs as long as the 8,000,000 bit goal is hit, which seems pretty likely. So its more like 24 packs, and a cardback for $34. Who knows what the other community goals will be, but it should make that value decent by the end.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on A Scientific Recipe Is This Week's Brawl - Play With Boomsday Deck Recipes

    Yeah, its a fine brawl, and I know not everyone owns Whizbang, I would have almost rather seen this last week and the Brawlesium this week, but that's just me.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on A Scientific Recipe Is This Week's Brawl - Play With Boomsday Deck Recipes

    They are clearly working to show off the new decks, and this is very much what you'd expect to see, but Whizbang the Wonderful also makes this somewhat redundant. 

    Posted in: News
  • 7

    posted a message on Arena Tickets Earned Through Events Do Not Expire - Ben Brode Confirms

    I also don't get why you wouldn't play this. I actually saved my from the previous event, because I wasn't that interested. I did very happily play 4 free Dual Class arenas though. Great fun, very cool concept, and lots of interesting choices.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Now i remember why i hate this game... (not salt)
    Quote from Zkaletus >>

    ...because it gives me hope.

    I finally make a good deck after hours of trying. I go on a winning spree, crushing opponent after opponent in a flawless streak, climbing up two or three levels. For once, ONCE, in my pathetic existence, i feel like I can make something of myself, that i'm not worthless, that I won't end my life someday hanging from a noose in my mother's basement...

    Then I lose.

    And again.

    And again.


    Over and over, humiliation after humiliation, until i'm right back where I started.

    This happens EVERY TIME I play this fucking game. No salt, no exaggeration - EVERY TIME, my games follow this pattern. HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPEENING?! Right when I start to get a little hopeful, I immediately go into a losing nosedive, not winning even one match in between to spare myself some amount of humiliation and regain some vague iota of self worth.

    I'm not even exagerating. I want to know, I legitimately want to know - how the fuck does this exact scenario keep happening? It's happened practically every long hearthstone session since when I started all the way back in GVG. Why do I always win, then ALWAYS fail? Please, I just want someone to answer me, I just want someone to tell me that I'm not going insane, that this happens to other people too!

    But no. Nobody on this site cares. They'll just call me salty and whiny yet again, tell me not to take it serious - except gaming is literally my life, and I HAVE to take it seriously, but this fucking game never lets me hold onto whatever mote of happiness I get.

    TL,DR: Fuck you, cunt. Go up and read the full post you lazy bastard.

     First off, you're TL:DR is a bit harsh. I get that you're upset but you can just not post a TL:DR. That seems specifically antagonistic. Second of all, HS is very very much about luck. Skill is a factor, don't get me wrong. You can definitely play well and play poorly, but more HS games are won and lost based on draws and other random outcomes than how well either player played. I mean look at the HS World Championships. They spawned a meme about the winner being lucky. Pretty much ever since GvG the sentiment has been growing about how much RNG affect the game, and only those players that really want to believe they are elite defend how massive RNG is. That isn't all bad. Because every card game, be it Magic, Pokemon, YuGiOh, or even Poker, requires some amount of luck to win, but HS embraces that, where most games try to avoid it as much as possible. Don't feel bad because you win a bunch and then loose a bunch. That really happens to everyone. I've seen plenty of people that want to brag about how good they are, even legend players, loose game after game in a row. Or take almost the entire season to make it to Legend even though typically it might be something they do in the first week. If this game, this RNG inbalanced shit fiesta is your life, I suggest looking for something else. There are plenty of other F2P games with great rewards systems and much more skill based play structures. Gwent, Shadowverse, Elder Scrolls Legends. If you aren't opposed to spending money then there are even more great options. Don't limit yourself to a game just because it seems like its got the highest chance of getting you into a gaming career or some stupid shit like that. The pro scene isn't stable in HS anyway.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from nickalleye >>

    Haven't been in this thread for a long time. Came back to check if everyone is as pissed off by druid as me. Good to not be alone.

    I hate the fact you have 3 viable druid archetypes now and there's no way to know how to mulligan against them.

    Btw, jade mechanic is fine, Jade Idol is not. It's simple as that. 

     I am not sure the Jade Mechanic is fine. The first card is roughly 1 mana behind curve, then at 2 its on curve for a class card, then at everything after that its ahead of curve, growing out of control faster and faster. The only thing, the literal only thing that makes it OK is that its limited....except druid. But honestly even when you're playing against Rogue or Shaman, if they get 5 or more Jades, you probably lost that game, and them only getting 1-2 doesn't completely ruin them and make them lose, it just means drawing a lot of it makes it really good. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    What the actual fuck is blizzard going to do about Reno Priest in Wild? That shit is never going away and its completely fucking stupid. Honestly, what the actual fuck is fair about that shit? You aren't "limited" in any way by the 1 of policy, and you get to play 3 completely insane cards as well. So you're playing a bunch of the best cards, plus you can machine gun the fuck out of people. Jesus fucking christ I want to play one fucking game against priest where they don't play fucking Raza. Just one fucking time!!!!!!! HASLGKJSDAGSDAOKGFJ PSDAGJ SDFGSA FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCKING FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only is it already horribly unfun in terms of them just getting to rape everything you're doing into fucking oblivions, it also takes forever every turn because of the bullshit hero power reset. So either concede right away, or you spend way to long each fucking turn while they wait on their reset after every fucking card they play. SAJGSDAJG SAL:GJSDAPSKDJAG SJADOPG SJAGOPSAJ G!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    Yep, ready to never play this shit game again. The player base is just horrid garbage. And the games current state doesn't seem like its going to improve. No reason wasting more time on it. Thanks for the few fun times in the early stages. 

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    Honestly, the community makes this game just as bad, if not worse than it already is. The modern internet age is just full of assholes. Thanks world, for being shitty. No wonder there are so many fucking terror attacks and crazy people in countries like North Korea. Because most of us can't even be civil to each other for any reason. We've lost our modesty and humility and become a bunch of self absorbed egomaniacs. Its a fucking game. Holy shit.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    Add someone. Act nice. Say gg, have a conversation. Mention one time that you think the meta is stale. Get called a salty cunt that needs to quit playing......What the actual fuck is wrong with people.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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