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    posted a message on dr lame...

    Run Bull Dozer in your deck. Not kidding it's bonkers. Also run The Boomship. 9 mana 9/7 with divine shield and rush is great. TWO of them for 9 mana and possibly a The Lich King or something its NUTTY.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Boomsday Kele Zoo (without heal)

    void ripper is there for druids its totally worth. I cant even count how many times ive cleared a Spreading Plague with void ripper

    Posted in: Boomsday Kele Zoo (without heal)
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    posted a message on Boomsday is kinda underwhelming

    If you have the dust malygos shaman is super fun. As is mech Paladin with Kangor's Endless Army. Playing Kangor's after making big 11/9 mechs with lifesteal and rush feels SO good and usually closes out the game. I highly recommend using Bulldozer with Dr. Boom, Mad Genius and especially if you run The Boomship because a 9/7 divine shield with rush is INSANE and if you can get multiple out with The Boomship your opponent generally can't do anything about it. My point is, I had no idea what to do with the cards I opened, so I started experimenting, and I've had so much fun across so many classes already.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Disenchant Golden Luna's Pocket Galaxy?

    only if you would be ok with getting it again. I dusted my golden Flark and crafted Dr. Boom but only because Flark is a card I wouldnt mind getting again. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on What class do you guys think that will receave the next hero card ?

    I think that Shadowreaper Anduin has the most utility (or maybe I still won't let go of the card that got me into hearthstone along with raza being my first legendary.) but only in a vacuum. The battlecry is INSANE even if you just hit that one Lich King ,  but in this meta there are soo many cards under 5 attack that it just doesn't cut it like it used to... The hero power is still awesome even at two mana, as you can Alexstrasza and use mind blasts to 2-turn obliterate your opponent, but things like healing rain and Druid's insane armor gain makes that really hard. They keep printing cards that shut out priest and it sucks. A new Hero Card could be great but what kind of card could you print for priest? Paladin on the other hand DOES NOT need a hero card, as Hero cards are supposed to be super impactful and Pally has dominated the meta for months now.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Activision-Blizzard has gone too far with the Mega Bundle

    The reason mecha-jaraxxus is exclusive is because they are offering something exclusive to the dedicated players who are willing to spend $80 on the game. You can't be salty because not everything is free... All throughout your life you will come across things that companies offer to those who are willing to pay the premium and that is completely fair. 80 packs at a dollar a pack is a ridiculously good deal especially because you get a free golden legend that you can dust if its trash and if you get one that gets nerfed you get 3200 dust back along with the card back and the super cool hero is worth way more than $80... Considering each hearthstone pack is around $1.50 USD and the hero is $9.99 USD like the other three (medivh, alleria, and magni) and best case scenario the card back is thrown in free, that puts this whole package at $130 usd WITHOUT considering that mecha-jaraxxus should be worth more as it is exclusive to preorders for the time being. You're saving $50 so don't complain.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Yet another disenchant dilemma :/

    Don’t do it man. I dusted every adventure legend and epic as well as Malaganis, Y’shaarj and others for quest priest and regretted it immediately. Taunt Druid isn’t worth that either. I say wait and if you don’t have it craft Baku and possibly level ups or guldan and Genn greymane those are all worth your dust and even lock is super fun IMO. If you can afford it midrange and spell hunter are also very fun to play and dk hunter is pretty good too. I hope this helped.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on New Shaman Legendary - Shudderwock

    How does this work with brann? Does it stack and the second battlecry triggers twice? What happens if brann triggers this twice TWICE!?! Based on what I’ve seen brann do, this should stack EXPONENTIALLY.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Paladin Minion - Paragon of Light

    Honest hearthstone: 7 mana 6/9 taunt and lifesteal (blessing of kings) this sounds so balanced...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card Reveal - Voodoo Doll

    Never forget that cryostasis is an epic @roko_cz

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Twig of the World Tree

    In wild, Twig of the World Tree on turn 2 or 3 (Innervate and Wild Growth), plus Sir Finley Mrrgglton and a lucky rogue hero power= turn 10 mana on turn 4


    Posted in: Twig of the World Tree
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