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    posted a message on % Kingsbane Miracle and Tempo Kingsbane

    I only had time to play five games. I won 2 and lost 3. This is playing at rank 10 and I note I have over a 60% win rate with the KFT miracle rogue lists.

    First game vs big priest, he got barnes Y'saarj into Y'shaarj, auto concede since no deck can beat, would lose with any version of miracle. I didn't have vilespine but even if I did, I can't beat unlimited Y'shaarj. I play big priest and the win rate for that for the big priest is close to 100% (unless aggro druid kills you the turn after immediately and select few other exceptions, none this list can do).

    Second game vs mirror, I won but not real indication of the deck's strength vs the meta. I note he was running SI:7 agents and elevenminstrels along with kingsbane, giants and auctioneer but no striders. The tempo gain from the extra 4/4s after auctioneer was played worked very well. The weapon kit was only useful for pushing face damage and did nothing the hero power wouldn't have done (removing 1 health minions).

    Third game I played hunter and lost since he played a greater emerald spellstone, a 5 cost spell which summons four 3/3 wolves which he was able to play on turn 5. Miracle rogue would usually lose to this regardless of the list i.e. using the weapon kit or not but I think getting lucky with striders would potentially allow you to contest the board provided hunter doesn't do much else (but to get this on turn 5 they have to have played secrets which may still be on the board).

    Fourth game was against some strange control quest warlock. The weapon stops you getting into fatique which is amazing. Strider as your last card is good too since you can pull all the spiders. I was able to win through turn 10 guldan, whcih was two despicable dreadlords, 2 vulgar homunculus and 2 voidwalker. I picked up sacraficial pact from hallucination (which is why in an earlier iteration of this deck I mentioned how its important vs some matchups like this one, since pact wins you a lot of games vs warlock) and my weapon and being able to go infinite simply outvalues guldan since I have a 5 attack life steal weapon that's unlimited which is better than Guldan's hero power. I note that I think my opponent's deck was poor and unrefined trying to combine the quest with control.

    Fifth game vs druid, drew patches in opening hand so I am already behind. However, some sort of mash up with aggro with cryptlord but with jades and wild growth for some reason. The weapon and 2 drop helped remove cryptlord. Without it I would have had to coin bloodmage evisecrate and hit with weapon wasting my resources (since at this point I assumed it was aggro druid). The striders and hallucination were amazing but the weapon with deadly poison really helped push face damage and would have won the game. I was going to win for sure the next turn but he top decked yogg and got a heal, a board of wisps, buffed yogg and some more cards etc. Not much I could do and I would have won except for a good yogg (which could have easily just killed him or done nothing, he didn't even have may spells) despite having patches in my opening hand.

    All in all hard to say because aside from the match against hunter, the yogg and barnes into y'saarj is just RNG.


    Posted in: % Kingsbane Miracle and Tempo Kingsbane
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    posted a message on % Kingsbane Miracle and Tempo Kingsbane

    I think removing arcane giants was likely correct. If you are running the weapon build you either have striders OR you have giants. I don't think you can run both. If you drop the weapon kit though you can certainly run both. The main thing that needs to be tested is whether the weapon kit is better than running more traditional removal like SI:7 agent and shadowstrike along with arcane giants AND striders or whether the weapon kit and the 2 drop is good enough to make up for the lack of traditional removal.

    Posted in: % Kingsbane Miracle and Tempo Kingsbane
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    posted a message on % Kingsbane Miracle and Tempo Kingsbane

    Unfortunately not. This still would have been great with the old blade flurry that used to hit face.

    Posted in: % Kingsbane Miracle and Tempo Kingsbane
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    posted a message on % Kingsbane Miracle and Tempo Kingsbane

    I think we may need another vilespine slayer. It's just too important of a card. I saw trump saying that it may be possible with the new 4 drop to actually cut arcane giants completely. Time remains if we need it or not with the new weapon (or even if the weapon build is the best version of miracle rogue). You could always cut patches for vilespine or cut one arcane giant. I note that the highest win rate miracle rogue deck right now runs one each of shadow strike, shiv and SI:7 agent so it's a question of whether the weapon is better than these for board control taking into account you have to give up hallucination.

    Keep in mind this deck can win control matchups in fatigue because you can use your hero power to destroy kingsbane so there is some anti-synergy with valeera for those discussing valeera.

    Posted in: % Kingsbane Miracle and Tempo Kingsbane
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    posted a message on Miracle Rogue is back

    If you want to add patches just do -1 sap and +1 patches. That would be the only change. In fact that list is the standard vanish list. The only other difference is some decks don't run questings and cut a vanish. The variations are: -2 questings and +2 SI:7 Agents; -2 questings and - 1 vanish for 2x SI:7 agents and a four drop (prince valaner, sherazin or xaril), - vanish for one of the three four drops, - 2 questings for shadowblade and an SI:7 agent; -1 vanish for razorpetal lasher for the extra spell etc etc. The variations have a common theme, we can cut one or two questings or a vanish. Some decks try to add in shaku as well. Therefore, you can take this deck and do a lot with it. It's hard to know which is best but if you're facing a lot of aggro then SI:7 agents may be needed.



    Posted in: Miracle Rogue is back
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    posted a message on From a beginner to beginners: Do not craft Keleseth

    The reason not to craft Keleseth if you don't have much dust is you don't need him to run a viable deck, especially as a neutral. You can just play a non-keleseth deck and save your dust for the new expansion to wait and see. There are some very strong decks that do not run keleseth as well. Keleseth will increase your win rate in many aggro and tempo decks though but not all. Secret mage, aggro druid and hunter do not use keleseth nor does aggro priest (a deck that is surprisingly quite strong and multiple people have hit legend with it).

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [73%WR] Perfect Control

    In theory this should work but in reality mindbreaker does not counter raza priest very well as you get closer to rank 5 (above rank 10 the raza priests don't even understand what the deck is trying to accomplish so they do funny things like play tempo velen).  I feel this deck would be a monster above rank 10 and be weaker the closer you get to rank 5. The main issue with this deck over other control paladins is no drawing power and so you run into these difficulties where you can't get the cards you need fast enough (i.e. you may not draw geist vs druid, or draw your board clears or draw into mindbreaker before you take 28 damage to the face due to the prophet velen combo. It's a lack of consistency issue I think.

    Was your 73% win rate above rank 10? I tend to think what this deck needs is some drawing power (when I played it I had situations where I had 15 cards left in my deck and my opponents had 5 or so and this was very very common). If you want to draw more though and draw into your cards more frequently I think Elise has to go. If your hand has more cards you can't fill it up with a sealed pack.

    Perhaps consider -1 elise and -1 crawler and put in two acolyte of pain. Alternatively, if you feel like more two drops are needed you could instead use loot hoarders. If you think you need two crawlers at least try -1 elise and + 1 acolyte. Two coldlight oracle might be worth exploring as well to increase the chance you draw into your win condition with the chance to mill your opponent or send them to fatique much faster than they anticipated




    Posted in: [73%WR] Perfect Control
  • 0

    posted a message on Stancifka's Handbuff Paladin

    As with all of Stancifka's decks, this one works well if your opponent doesn't play any minions.

    Edit: the deck is quite good actually but you do have to be careful about letting aggro get away from you if you play too greedy at the start


    Posted in: Stancifka's Handbuff Paladin
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    posted a message on Bragis Phantom of the Opera Hunter

    I am trying but you just auto lose too much. Get Y'shaarj in tracking, lose the game. Top deck Ya'sarraj, lose the game. Get Yshaarj in mulligan lose the game.

    Posted in: Bragis Phantom of the Opera Hunter
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    posted a message on So "priest nerf" patch is coming?

    If you think anduin is fair and fun you shouldn't be making card games. Even if it is balanced it is a stupid and unfun design. You have to sit there through relatively long turns for this game trying to win when there is about a 70% chance you are going to lose. It feels like a waste of time and that it may be easier to just concede and move onto the next game.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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