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    posted a message on New Druid Card Reveal - Klaxxi Amber-Weaver

    Well, there's a difference between the two games. If you want to play the Battlefront expansion you have to pay 15 bucks. Whereas with Hearthstone you don't have to pay 50 bucks, there's the gold option. Also C'Thun is the only Old God with a group of cohorts, the rest will be standalone. And you get C'Thun free so long as you log in during the promotional period. Also Battlefront probably cost as much as any Battlefield game since technology gets cheaper as time passes, though the majority of the budget probably went into licensing fees.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Whispers of the Old Gods Expansion Reveal - Live Updates

    The way they worded it on their official website makes me think C'thun will be the only one to share this feature. "Of course, where there’s a god, there’s a cult, and C’Thun especially is bringing plenty of friends to the table."

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Whispers of the Old Gods Expansion Reveal - Live Updates

    Now I know why LoE came out so early. Guess we got another month of this stale meta.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Two Expansions and One Adventure Per Year, Knife Juggler & Leper Gnome Considered for Nerfs

    Yeah if you're not a collector it shouldn't make a difference. TGT had so many bad cards it wasn't even funny. The problem with this whole 2 expansions deal though is that Blizzard will now up the quality of cards in the expansions compared to TGT.

    The reason TGT sucked is because GvG and Naxx were around. Now that they're gone in standard, TGT still kinda sucks, so the new expansions don't have to do much to surpass it.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Spell Bonus Mill Rogue

    My deck is similar except I have -2 Wild Pyro, -1 Betrayal, -2 Assassinate, +2 Healbot, +2 Refreshment Vendor, and +1 Brann. I have 17 games played in this brawl so far and haven't lost with it. Just a bit more sustain in the early game when you don't want to burn through your spell cards to clear the board. Honestly, I haven't had much use out of Healbot. The Refreshment Vendor is nice because at least he has 5 health. Brann also might be in that same category, since he hasn't really won me a game.

    Anyways, your deck makes sense. Murlocs and other aggressive decks in this Brawl are tough to deal with in the early game, so the removal stuff is good.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on Which of the Four Bonuses do you find to be the best one to choose?
    Quote from Bemooran >>

    I've been using the spell bonus in a Warrior deck full of every kill spell I own, a few +spell damage minions, Summoning Stone, and some late game legends like Ysera and Arch-Thief Rafaam. I spend most of the game sitting on around 50 health + armor, basically just playing all the spells I can and ignoring whatever my opponent does. It's abusively powerful. I've yet to find anyone who can even touch me. I even out-armored a freeze mage, simply because my hero power restores more armor than hers can chip off. ;)

     Yeah I faced a Warrior that had over 60 health but I still won. Mill Rogue seems to be just as effective against CWarrior as in constructed. The fun part is when they drop an Acolyte on the board not knowing I'm Mill Rogue. That's seriously some assassin-type stuff there.
    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on The problem with this Tavern Brawl
    Quote from Human_Guy >>

    I find it really cute how people argue if deathrattle, battlecry or murloc is the strongest... while I am sitting here chilling with my freeze mage undefeated except for fatigue mirrors.

     I'm honestly beginning to think that Mill Rogue might be the strongest deck in this Brawl. It's the same as Freeze Mage... except it defeats Freeze Mage. Thanks to the armor buff, I'm consistently able to stall long enough for Coldlights.
    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on [Top 10 Legend] Talion's Horserider Oil Rogue

    I love Oil Rogue. This is a nice variant to the formula. From Rank 15 to Rank 10 I haven't lost yet. Granted that's not super high-level legend play, but we all gotta climb somewhere haha. Anyways, I've been playing the deck aggressively, because that's always fun. I tend to do this when I don't want to deal with a Shedder or w.e. So long as I have Blade Flurry, face all day errday.

    I've been using the Horserider as a turn 3-5 drop in certain match ups. It makes things awkward for the opposing player sometimes. I haven't used it as a finisher yet, since my opponent dies without it. BGH has won me a round against a Handlock or RenoLock, not sure which since he died pretty fast.

    All and all good oil variant. It's fun and probably easier to play than the others.

    Posted in: [Top 10 Legend] Talion's Horserider Oil Rogue
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    posted a message on [TOP 5 LEGEND] Raptor Rogue

    Anubisath isn't sticky. Sky Golem is your best alternative.

    Posted in: [TOP 5 LEGEND] Raptor Rogue
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    posted a message on [TOP 5 LEGEND] Raptor Rogue

    Play minions. Control Warrior isn't that difficult to beat with this deck truth be told. The minions are just way too sticky for a brawl to be effective.

    Posted in: [TOP 5 LEGEND] Raptor Rogue
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    posted a message on [TOP 5 LEGEND] Raptor Rogue

    The deck does lose steam, but it has a lot of effective minions that can cause your opponent to not have an answer. Since it does run out of steam, trade face as often as you can. As the creator said, this deck runs a surprising amount of burst.

    Posted in: [TOP 5 LEGEND] Raptor Rogue
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    posted a message on [TOP 5 LEGEND] Raptor Rogue

    I could see Dark Iron Skukler being a good enough replacement for Fan of Knives. You lose the card draw and its a bit more expensive, but you can decimate boards and gain a minion.

    But yeah, I hardly ever weapon up with this deck and when I do I just keep hitting face. No need to ever hold weapon. You need all the damage you can get most times.

    Posted in: [TOP 5 LEGEND] Raptor Rogue
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    posted a message on [TOP 5 LEGEND] Raptor Rogue

    You should use Sky Golem if you don't have Sylvanas. Often times, I think Sky-Golem is better for this deck than Sylvanas.

    Posted in: [TOP 5 LEGEND] Raptor Rogue
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    posted a message on New Card - Eerie Statue

    Funnily enough, I think this card might be good in Rogue. Rogue has the ability to remove cards from the board for little mana.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Xzirez: S19 Oil Rogue(Legend)

    I've been playing this deck for awhile now and I must say its pretty good in the current meta. I've been facing nothing but aggro decks and I beat most of them. I even beat a control warrior with Justicar, granted he did make a few misplays.

    Personally, I like an Oil Rogue deck that runs a good amount of minions. Minions are super important if you want to win. Unfortunately, Rogues have a mandatory set of spells, which makes it troublesome. 12 minions is probably the sweet spot. Though you could run 13 if you drop an Oil, which some Oil decks do for consistency (don't want two Oils in hand early after all).

    What makes this deck pretty good against the Aggro meta is Annoy-o-Tron, Fan, and SI:7. Annoy is excellent. I'm defeating Face Hunters because they can't bypass the card that easily plus since he's 2 mana, he's not as clunky as a Sludge Belcher. I feel the best time to play Annoy is probably later in the game, when your opponent has used a good amount of their answers. I've won games with only 3 health because a Zoo Warlock couldn't get pass Annoy-o-Tron while I developed my board.

    Since Patron is gone, Violet Teacher is even stronger now, so you can run away with games thanks to her. It's up to you rather you want to keep the single Earthen or not. I've been fine with just the 1, but you could swap him out for Antique or something. Dropping Bloodmage from the list is an interesting call. I don't think there have been any games so far where I've absolutely needed him and my card draw seems fine. An interesting meta call might be including Assassin's Blade. I haven't run into any weapon destruction since the Patron nerf, though it'll be tough to fine a spot for it.

    All in all, good list. I shall upvote. Congrats on legend.

    Posted in: Xzirez: S19 Oil Rogue(Legend)
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