This is what happens when you let the netdecking hyper aggro players on the card design team. They want matches to last as little as possible and they want the game to have as small of a lifespan as possible as well, since ever since hyper aggro and turn 5-6 OTKs have got huge support every single expansion, the numbers started going down and down and down. Abandon ship and get another hobby bro, this game has been infiltrated a long time ago
I've not liked "theorycrafting" since it started during Boomsday. At least these days there's a bit more variety but back then, everyone was playing the exact same 4 decks that the streamers were playing before the launch, really made me hate netdecking
if you face so many plague DKs have you tried using some of your brain cells and tech in a steamcleaner?
I tech Skuling Geist in wild and it's certainly the great equalizer most of the times but then there's just some games where they get ridiculously lucky with getting all of their shuffles + threat on board + drawing the plagues at the worst time + not drawing ETC etc. that it's not a guarantee. Overall though, it's actually pretty fun to play against Plague DK if you have the counter, if you let them shuffle the whole game and geist at the perfect time, it's just an insta win
Hahahahahahahaha I remember people memeing that quest mage was the one of the most skilled decks to pilot, what's changed brothers? Been facing multiple bots playing this stupid deck all day on Wild ladder to the point where I only faced one botting pirate rogue vs the at least 5 quest mage botters. The bots are actually getting smarter now though, they even hold out until they have enough mana to play the quest on the same turn so it doesn't get stolen.
Inb4: "Erm they're not actually bots, you're just salty"
Literally had names like "iusdhgoushge" and didn't concede even after going deep into fatigue several turns after I stole that 9 mana guy that recasts time warp anyway with Duke
We already tried pandering to the " muhshorter games" people when Control Warrior was originally nerfed and the game started going downhill and bleeding playerbase shortly after. Perhaps let's just try it the other way this time and maybe concede against a warrior when you realise he's control? God knows people do that with cancer pirate rogue already, so this is just the other side of the same coin.
I found it pretty ridiculous that the newest priest quest is the only one that can't be played on the same turn it is completed, meanwhile Hunter and everyone else get to drop an overstatted 5 mana minion with a broken battlecry on turn 5. Quests should be like that for every class, you can't play it on the turn you complete it, otherwise it's just you playing a single player game while your opponent can literally do nothing if he doesn't draw the one or two counters he might have in his deck by turn 5
Although I agree with your statement about aggro decks, the truth is even dumber than that. They use basic cards and create decks that are not going to win in a million years but that doesn't matter because Hearthstone rewards you for playing, so they will earn XP and make gold anyway. There are obviously pirate rogue and aggro druid bots that have really annoying decks that you can actually lose against but most of ladder is filled with the ones that use basic cards
Admirable effort but I cannot understand why they just don't ban the accounts that have been reported, instead of mass banning them whenever they feel like it. I have been reporting the same bot accounts for literal months to the point where I know them all by name and they still queue up against me
It's rare to get a hollow houndas buffed as that but it's not rare at all to just die from hand. Hearthstone is very uninteractive these days and unless you're playing super aggro, you need duke and/or mutanus but even those might be too slow
These sort of brawls just show how unimaginative hearthstone players are. Literally everyone is just running the same netdeck over and over and over again.
Well, I hope it was worth nerfing all control cards and decks, ignoring broken aggro cards and decks that would allow you to have 10+ damage by turn 2 on board and encouraging the printing of more and more aggro cards while never reducing the cost of removal cards until it was already too late. You've cultivated an environment where aggro decks are so brainless to play that the ladder is full of bots. If you're netdecking aggro decks - congratulations buddy, you've killed an entire game. Do you feel good about yourself?
seems like you're in luck, pal
This is what happens when you let the netdecking hyper aggro players on the card design team. They want matches to last as little as possible and they want the game to have as small of a lifespan as possible as well, since ever since hyper aggro and turn 5-6 OTKs have got huge support every single expansion, the numbers started going down and down and down. Abandon ship and get another hobby bro, this game has been infiltrated a long time ago
I've not liked "theorycrafting" since it started during Boomsday. At least these days there's a bit more variety but back then, everyone was playing the exact same 4 decks that the streamers were playing before the launch, really made me hate netdecking
I expect nothing and I'm still disappointed
I tech Skuling Geist in wild and it's certainly the great equalizer most of the times but then there's just some games where they get ridiculously lucky with getting all of their shuffles + threat on board + drawing the plagues at the worst time + not drawing ETC etc. that it's not a guarantee. Overall though, it's actually pretty fun to play against Plague DK if you have the counter, if you let them shuffle the whole game and geist at the perfect time, it's just an insta win
spoken like someone who has never had to suffer the humiliation of being downvoted before
I just need you to know that people like you ruined the game
Hahahahahahahaha I remember people memeing that quest mage was the one of the most skilled decks to pilot, what's changed brothers? Been facing multiple bots playing this stupid deck all day on Wild ladder to the point where I only faced one botting pirate rogue vs the at least 5 quest mage botters. The bots are actually getting smarter now though, they even hold out until they have enough mana to play the quest on the same turn so it doesn't get stolen.
Inb4: "Erm they're not actually bots, you're just salty"
Literally had names like "iusdhgoushge" and didn't concede even after going deep into fatigue several turns after I stole that 9 mana guy that recasts time warp anyway with Duke
We already tried pandering to the " muhshorter games" people when Control Warrior was originally nerfed and the game started going downhill and bleeding playerbase shortly after. Perhaps let's just try it the other way this time and maybe concede against a warrior when you realise he's control? God knows people do that with cancer pirate rogue already, so this is just the other side of the same coin.
I found it pretty ridiculous that the newest priest quest is the only one that can't be played on the same turn it is completed, meanwhile Hunter and everyone else get to drop an overstatted 5 mana minion with a broken battlecry on turn 5. Quests should be like that for every class, you can't play it on the turn you complete it, otherwise it's just you playing a single player game while your opponent can literally do nothing if he doesn't draw the one or two counters he might have in his deck by turn 5
Although I agree with your statement about aggro decks, the truth is even dumber than that. They use basic cards and create decks that are not going to win in a million years but that doesn't matter because Hearthstone rewards you for playing, so they will earn XP and make gold anyway. There are obviously pirate rogue and aggro druid bots that have really annoying decks that you can actually lose against but most of ladder is filled with the ones that use basic cards
Admirable effort but I cannot understand why they just don't ban the accounts that have been reported, instead of mass banning them whenever they feel like it. I have been reporting the same bot accounts for literal months to the point where I know them all by name and they still queue up against me
It's rare to get a hollow houndas buffed as that but it's not rare at all to just die from hand. Hearthstone is very uninteractive these days and unless you're playing super aggro, you need duke and/or mutanus but even those might be too slow
These sort of brawls just show how unimaginative hearthstone players are. Literally everyone is just running the same netdeck over and over and over again.
Well, I hope it was worth nerfing all control cards and decks, ignoring broken aggro cards and decks that would allow you to have 10+ damage by turn 2 on board and encouraging the printing of more and more aggro cards while never reducing the cost of removal cards until it was already too late. You've cultivated an environment where aggro decks are so brainless to play that the ladder is full of bots. If you're netdecking aggro decks - congratulations buddy, you've killed an entire game. Do you feel good about yourself?