Remember all these years Blizzard scizhos telling us that we're wrong to think they're pushing aggro on us. They're literally punishing people for taking longer turns now. Can't wait to see you actual NPCs defend this
I found it pretty ridiculous that the newest priest quest is the only one that can't be played on the same turn it is completed, meanwhile Hunter and everyone else get to drop an overstatted 5 mana minion with a broken battlecry on turn 5. Quests should be like that for every class, you can't play it on the turn you complete it, otherwise it's just you playing a single player game while your opponent can literally do nothing if he doesn't draw the one or two counters he might have in his deck by turn 5
Although I agree with your statement about aggro decks, the truth is even dumber than that. They use basic cards and create decks that are not going to win in a million years but that doesn't matter because Hearthstone rewards you for playing, so they will earn XP and make gold anyway. There are obviously pirate rogue and aggro druid bots that have really annoying decks that you can actually lose against but most of ladder is filled with the ones that use basic cards
Among the various bugs floating around right now, the most laughable one so far is Chaos Gazer discarding a card instantly, while still saying you have one turn to play it. Be aware
It depends on how much you've played the class you're using as well. I have DK on a relatively low level and while playing casual, unironically 18 out of 20 decks I matched up against were the exact same bot deck just with different classes but as soon as I switched to Druid, one of my most played classes, I started getting normal matchups again and no bots
For the simple fact that it can discover itself from its thing that it leaves on the board. They patch that stuff out very quickly. You get to play around it for a bit and then refund it for the full dust when it gets tweaked, ez pz
The only time any class will get a nerf is if it directly affecting effectiveness of big priest andpriest class in general. That was the rule since the split of two formats.
If any kind of deck, play strategy or card, is outrunning priests turn 3-4-5 tempo, its a no-go.
Quests are extremely rare on higher ranks since they are highly dependent on draw, mana reduction, order of cards that are being played and hand disruption that almost everybody run. Home-brew greed decks that have 40 cards with 15 win conditions should be stomped to ground.
As you are convinced that removing quests will balance out wild, I am convinced that removing priest class and its entire player base will do the same.
The "high rank" argument is so stupid. You do realise that's like 5% of the playerbase? Which means 95% of the players are affected by it and find it off putting enough where they don't even try to reach that 5% anymore. Balancing your game according to the pro and high rank scene has always spelled the death of a game's playerbase, unless it's Counter Strike
Remember all these years Blizzard scizhos telling us that we're wrong to think they're pushing aggro on us. They're literally punishing people for taking longer turns now. Can't wait to see you actual NPCs defend this
I'm not going to play your stupid game anymore, good luck though
spoken like someone who has never had to suffer the humiliation of being downvoted before
I found it pretty ridiculous that the newest priest quest is the only one that can't be played on the same turn it is completed, meanwhile Hunter and everyone else get to drop an overstatted 5 mana minion with a broken battlecry on turn 5. Quests should be like that for every class, you can't play it on the turn you complete it, otherwise it's just you playing a single player game while your opponent can literally do nothing if he doesn't draw the one or two counters he might have in his deck by turn 5
Although I agree with your statement about aggro decks, the truth is even dumber than that. They use basic cards and create decks that are not going to win in a million years but that doesn't matter because Hearthstone rewards you for playing, so they will earn XP and make gold anyway. There are obviously pirate rogue and aggro druid bots that have really annoying decks that you can actually lose against but most of ladder is filled with the ones that use basic cards
Chaos Gazer just straight up destroys the card it hits instantly as well at the moment
Among the various bugs floating around right now, the most laughable one so far is Chaos Gazer discarding a card instantly, while still saying you have one turn to play it. Be aware
It depends on how much you've played the class you're using as well. I have DK on a relatively low level and while playing casual, unironically 18 out of 20 decks I matched up against were the exact same bot deck just with different classes but as soon as I switched to Druid, one of my most played classes, I started getting normal matchups again and no bots
For the simple fact that it can discover itself from its thing that it leaves on the board. They patch that stuff out very quickly. You get to play around it for a bit and then refund it for the full dust when it gets tweaked, ez pz
The "high rank" argument is so stupid. You do realise that's like 5% of the playerbase? Which means 95% of the players are affected by it and find it off putting enough where they don't even try to reach that 5% anymore. Balancing your game according to the pro and high rank scene has always spelled the death of a game's playerbase, unless it's Counter Strike