Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Hearthstone devs caught slacking(imagine my shock). How embarassing >>
by NegativeNancy
3 804
Bots are now playing quest mage >>
by NegativeNancy
1 586
The state of bots in Standard is absolutely pathetic. >>
by NegativeNancy
37 15,383
Aggro has killed the game >>
by NegativeNancy
3 967
Chaos Gazer discards a card instantly >>
by NegativeNancy
0 568
Rheastrasza is the safest craft right now >>
by NegativeNancy
0 920
14 out of my last 15 games have been against this deck in casual >>
by NegativeNancy
8 2,058
The 25% Chance to get Anomalies is absolutely meaningless on ladder >>
by NegativeNancy
4 1,836
Banana Slamma seethe thread >>
by NegativeNancy
1 1,342
How the hell is Tony supposed to work? >>
by NegativeNancy
16 4,922
Hardstone is a single player game >>
by NegativeNancy
1 934
Returning player facing bots >>
by NegativeNancy
0 596