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    posted a message on [Legend 72% WR] Meta-Oriented Evenlock

    16 games and even 60 games are pretty tiny sample sizes still. 

    Posted in: [Legend 72% WR] Meta-Oriented Evenlock
  • 2

    posted a message on Room of traps is BRUTAL, any ideas how to beat it?
    Quote from heyimapanda >>

    So King twoggle said DONT TOUCH ANYTHING. Get it? So literally you just end turn from the start and eventually you win by fatigue. I feel dumb after losing to this boss.

     But didn't the other guy just say he can drop a 7/7 on turn 4? That will for sure kill you before you fatigue him and if you play something to kill it, the secrets will start popping.
    Posted in: Dungeon Run
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    posted a message on This expansion has been pretty good, but what's the biggest let down to you?

    Would have loved to see warlock get a different quest or a way to actually use the discard quest effectively.

    I even still play discolock, it's a good bit of fun when you're not worried about bad rng or being top tier competitive, but putting the quest in actually makes it worse.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [Legend] Aggro Jade Shaman

    I like how the jade package gives you a bit more of a midgame but I'm not sure if it's better than elemental package.

    It often seems difficult to keep enough minions on the board, and draw bloodlust quick enough, to get a good kill turn. But it's very powerful when things do go well.

    Seems to depend a lot on draw luck. Sometimes I can fill the board with weakling minions but basically do nothing else and my opponent can kill them or build his board up too much before I can get out bloodlust. Sometimes I fill the board with jades that have enough stats to survive and do some damage and then I just win when I draw bloodlust. Sometimes I get 9 damage for 1 mana out of deckhand with bloodlust in hand and sometimes I get patches in my first draw and only draw 1 or two of the jade cards.

    Posted in: [Legend] Aggro Jade Shaman
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