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    posted a message on Is Rat Trap good now?

    Good in a rogue meta. 

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    posted a message on Packs from Twitch Drops
    WQuote from SirLaiskiainen >>
    Quote from Mbayoo >>
    Quote from Nere >>

    I received one RoS pack, got a notification on Twitch and the pack was immediately in game. I just don’t know if it was the random hourly drop or the 4 hours reward

     Same happened to me. First a notification on twitch, next my pack was ready to open. 

     I received ROS pack but I did not receive any notification on twitch.

     It told me I earned a RoS pack drop for watching the tournament. I never got a classic pack but some people also got them. 

    When are we getting the choose your champ packs? My champ failed at first stage but still a pack is a pack.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Packs from Twitch Drops
    Quote from Nere >>

    I received one RoS pack, got a notification on Twitch and the pack was immediately in game. I just don’t know if it was the random hourly drop or the 4 hours reward

     Same happened to me. First a notification on twitch, next my pack was ready to open. 

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    posted a message on Are there any decks that are considered Midrange (besides Hunter )in ROS?

    Token Druid and Kangor Paladin are midrangey but the first has also combos to rely on like Wisp into Soul.

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from kutamoon >>

    If you play Quest Mage you should try breathing hydrogen sulphide instead of oxygen ^^

     I opened that quest in a pack. I tried to play that deck because I always hated him and after a game I decided I was not brainless enough to enjoy that shitty deck and as soon as it rotates I dusted it. It can live happily in wild with its another cancerous brother, Ice Block.


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  • 3

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Casual is exactly the hellish place Kaladin keeps describing in his posts. Full of meta decks. Even control warriors. What kind of an asshole plays that 30 minute sleeper deck on casual and emote all the game? 

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from Kaladin >>

    25 days into the month and casual is still more competitive than ladder.

    can you guys please play something else besides mech hunter and big mage?

     Don't worry bruda. My opponents had Tempo Lackey Rogue decks on casual today with their emotes on top of the cherry. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from Kaladin >>

    so you know whats fun

    losing because of your deck choice.

    i will forever be rank 5 because although i play like top 200 legend, my deck choice makes me rank 5.

    nice design blizzard.

     I would be a pro if my teammates weren't shit. - Every low rank Lol and Dota 2 player.

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Midrange Hunters and Paladins. Token Druid. Silence and Rez Priest. Tempo Rogue. Control Warrior.

    Nice new meta. Only decks that feel new are Big Shaman and Conjurer Mage and I can't play them because I either opened the legendaries I never wanted or I lack the dust for shitty epics that will see play in a single deck. 

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    posted a message on New Priest Spell - Surrender to Madness
    Quote from Darksun200 >>

    Surrender to..well just surrender


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    posted a message on New Warrior Spell - Heavy Metal!
    Quote from DoubleSummon >>


    I see people here have little imagination ,"hurr yip is bad so this is bad" yip isn't bad! it's one of the best cards in recruit warrior, which is currently tier 3 deck.. was 2 at some point though.

    there are other decks.. decks that don't exist yet this card can go on or decks that aren't currently tier 1-2 but thanks to supporting cards like this one raise in power level.


     Yip is not bad. Yip is a strong card with good health and an ongoing effect and it failed to find a deck as her home. This card is way trash. 6 mana for a random minion. Spiteful had a body and it always summoned the same mana cost because you put your spells. This is too random. You have to use your hero power 5 times to play that card in turn 6.  5 turns out of 6 you have a hero power to summon a 10 drop lol. How do you think it is a good play? I also assume you have no damage from enemy. I would rather play 1 mana Omega Assembly to pick a mech of my choice that synergizes with Dr. Boom hero card instead of that niche card.

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    posted a message on New Warrior Spell - Heavy Metal!
    Quote from Williamo15 >>

    With the current pool of 10 mana minions this is definitely worth 6 mana. Maybe the even introduce some more 10 mana minions.

     Gather Your Party was 6 mana too. You had control over the minions to recruit and it didn't see play. Why would that rng highroll card see play? 

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    posted a message on New Warrior Spell - Heavy Metal!

    Such cool card name and art goes to a shit Geosculptor Yip pastiche. Also no extra body like Spiteful. No ongoing effect like Yip. And even cost. Meh. DOA.

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    posted a message on New Warlock Legendary - Hir'eek, the Bat
    Quote from Kaladin >>

    Takes a lot of buffs to make this a high value card, and even then, it can get completely wiped with a single AOE.  

     Yeah and imagine handbuff warlock being meta. Everyone will save an aoe for that bat turn. Back to old cubelock days where everyone and their mothers ran 2 oozes. 

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    posted a message on New Mage Legendary Minion - Hex Lord Malacrass
    Quote from Ophion >>

    Pointless. Mage already has arguably the best grindy lategame thanks to Frost Lich, control Mage is currently more concerned with early survival. Sindragosa is already painful to include because it's so slow, and this just seems worse.

    Has some potential in Wild Reno Mage though, there the value provided can be far greater than Sindragosa and make it worth the tradeoff.

     Exactly what I thought. A class that can't utilize Sindragosa or Dragoncaller Alanna doesn't need that minion. Jaina is all they need late game. What they need is early board presence and a win con vs combo decks. Big spell mage dies to combo decks without a fight. 

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