This deck is 100% ineffective. It's a shitty combo deck with a ridiculous winning condition. 1 board wipe and you are done. It's not even fun. 1/10.
- Matraitor
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Last active Tue, Oct, 8 2019 23:03:03 -
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NNarcosis posted a message on Big Combo Q (LEGEND#107)Posted in: Big Combo Q (LEGEND#107) -
TheApostle posted a message on Big Combo Q (LEGEND#107)Posted in: Big Combo Q (LEGEND#107)I just played four games with this deck. I pulled precisely three minions in four games before turn nine. Maybe you don't need minions in Legendary?
Rino posted a message on Big Combo Q (LEGEND#107)Posted in: Big Combo Q (LEGEND#107)He didn't get Legend with it, probably with an aggro deck then played this deck in legend and had decent results.
user-100281751 posted a message on Big Combo Q (LEGEND#107)Posted in: Big Combo Q (LEGEND#107)How the hell did you get legend? With all the ridiculous aggro which kills you on turn 5 we have now i stand no chance.
SinAscendant posted a message on Big Combo Q (LEGEND#107)Posted in: Big Combo Q (LEGEND#107)Unfortunately way too slow for ladder. It's decent against Sham but Druid (which is about half of what I'm facing) doesn't play anything for the first 4 turns, Warlock aggroes you down and Mage outvalues.
The quest is also next to useless in this deck because there are almost no heals. 4 healing cards, one of which is a 1 heal, means you MIGHT have quest done by turn 15.
And yes, I know how to play the deck, watched plenty of pro games with it, not the best player but I generally hit around rank 7-8 and right now I'm down in 16.
MurlocHolmes_HS posted a message on Face HunterPosted in: Face HunterYou're kidding right?
It's strictly built to beat Rogue, Priest, and Druid. I played it for over two hours last night and never lost to those three classes.
Matus24 posted a message on Legend EU+NA Quest Hunter *updated*Posted in: Legend EU+NA Quest Hunter *updated*Currently 1-0, 100% WinRate confirmed
Poopoomonster posted a message on Legend EU+NA Quest Hunter *updated*Posted in: Legend EU+NA Quest Hunter *updated*Thank you for posting this deck. Just hit rank 26!
DjRhodes posted a message on Legend EU+NA Quest Hunter *updated*Posted in: Legend EU+NA Quest Hunter *updated*No matter what I do this deck gets smashed. Maybe it is just my luck
CptFlash posted a message on Control Mage Rank 15 to LegendPosted in: Control Mage Rank 15 to LegendBest advice I can give guys....learn to use your secrets offensively. Great deck :)
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RNG dependence is huge here - and not just for you (meaning your draw must be really good), but for your opponent too (his draw must be really bad.) Quite an S&M fun, I say...
The number of upvotes for this kindergarten poo is very telling. It is only logical to NOT pay attention to the ratings this site presents. They are not about effectiveness. They are about affordability. This is not to offend the FTP community. This is just to warn ppl about the real value of this site's favorites.
As you can see, this is a spell-heavy build. Basically, you need to remove threats, which is not that hard - you have tons of removals. In the end-game phase, you show your true (and merciless) colors with the big legendaries. Whatever health you have lost during the game, it comes back easily with Jaina's elementals. The real healer is Baron Geddon (played after Jaina). His end-of-turn dmg pumps your hp like a bicycle tube - 2 + 2 + 2 +2 - for every minion receiving his dmg.
The most elegant and fun deck I've ever played!
Bravo, Orange! You're an artist!
You lost the Summer Championship, but the winner will soon be forgotten, and your brilliant 1-value Kazakus move will become a classical page in the Hearthstone Tale of the Hereafter :).
This card is a bitch born of some Blizzard bitch. And don't tell me shit about RNG. Statistically, it CAN'T ALWAYS SUMMON fat cards like Y'shaarj, which it does CONSISTENTLY. If it is a "random card" than my ass hole is a candy factory. Fuck you, Blizzard!
Nobody can be so unlucky... There must be a hidden blizzard BS that overrides RNG. You may respond sarcastically, but here is the deal.
I never played this card; I would only have my match screwed EVERY TIME this bitch was played by the opponent. Guess why.
At the end of turn, Yshaarj would NEVER EVER pull a low or even middle-quality card. NEVER!! Writ large and with strongly erected exclamation points!
This schizoid baby of a complex-stricken blizzard developer ALWAYS brings to the board - either a 10/10 copy of itself, of Lich King or some other big legendary.
Why in the fking hell they say "a minion" ???
There must be a faction in HS Dept of Blizz that consists of school-bullying victims. It is they who create crap like Rogue Quest, Sculcking Geist and other ship bombs...
The deck is a typical "black-jack" thing. Not that it is bad because of wrong hunter's cards. Not at all. It's all about Keleseth. Statistically, the probability to get this son of a noun is 3.3%. If you don't get it early enough, this motherflipper is almost good for nothing. When it is drawn at turn 5 or 6 (let along after 10) it is as good as band-aid on a broken leg. Leroy hitting 6 or 7 - does that really matter?
I tried Keleseth for my rogue as well, and the result is disgusting.