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    posted a message on Naxx Murloc variation Mrglmrglmrgl!

    The fact that undertaker can get buffed to ridiculous levels, the opponent might hastily (and misjudgingly) use unnecessary removal on him. If that is the principle behind it, maybe it's a decent idea?

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Card Treasure Hunt
    Quote from MvonTzeskagrad »

    Well... I'm not sure, but I'll go for Homing Chicken. Mekkatorque is rarely seen in decks, but played in Randuin decks. The part of the chain could be the card steal off the chicken, and, as it flies, is a kind of plane.

    This is not the card I had in mind, but you are dangerously close that this could well be the answer. I really liked this answer, and I accept this as true. As this card actually fits the plane clue a bit better.

    The answer I had in mind was Captain's Parrot . You can get it into your hand via Webspinner, and it can be used to draw a pirate. Hence the link that connects a non-existant chain, as no deck I have seen that runs a webspinner ever runs a pirate. And since parrot is rarely used in decks, it is a rare sight.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on When do you use shadowflame in handlock?

    Well, I think it is always good to think of new tactics. ShadowofFate's ideas are interesting even if one does not agree with them. At least, it made me see new ideas.

    A- Though, I also agree a panther isn't really accomplishing anything in handlock. The idea is not bad, but it is unnecessary as handlock has better options usually. Hellfire is the card mainly used to achieve this effect, and I think it is more consistent as you can't always draw a shadowflame.

    B- Power Overwhelming is a great utility card, and believe it or not pros play this card in handlock A LOT. The potential and synergy this card has is astonishing. Handlock has a lot of targets for this spell, mainly the owls and tauntgivers. It works great with sylvanas too, and the decks that run power overwhelming also run this card as well. It's not just a part of a burst combo, it is definitely much more.

    C-Twisting nether would be fine, if there were fewer deathrattle minions as I couldn't use it when my opponent had many deathrattle minions on the board. It is usually a safety card to reset the board when it works. Or maybe it can have some further utility in a demonlock deck, one with nerubian eggs and voidcallers. The problem handlock has with this card is (and warlock in general), is that warlocks need to be vary of a burst combo from their opponents. The reason why they almost always try to put up taunts in the later turns. Twisting Nether at 8 mana, tend to leave them an open target.

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Give me your Ideas PLX PLX ASAP KK THX

    Paladin is in not a short supply of healing. What is the point of farseer?

    MCT is the opposite of slow against aggro though. In fact, I would use the word "swift".

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Card Treasure Hunt

    Hint: It's not a card you can craft

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Give me your Ideas PLX PLX ASAP KK THX

    Don't mind the haters. They no legendary, they jelly.


    At first sight, this deck seems like one of the greediest deck. However, upon closer examination I noticed the inclusion of a Zombie Chow, an Acidic Swamp Ooze and a Sen'jin Shieldmasta . So it might perform well.

    Now, I didn't play control paladin before. And I even lack tirion. So I can only guess. But I guess this deck doesn't seem like it will need tirion, and the fact that your opponent might expect a tirion while you slam a late game threat after threat; might throw your opponent off guard.

    It comes down to what you want to accomplish. Do you think a tirion will accomplish a task one of your cards can not? It doesn't seem like this deck will do bad as it is, at least to my eyes. If you have trouble against faster decks, maybe... maybe a frost elemental could be a good replacement to one of the late game legendaries? I always thought freeze effect will do well in a class that is heavily defensive. It also has a synergy with MCT too!

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on buff Maexxna to a 3/9

    +1 health might not be necessary, but the 2 attack treshold makes it so bad it makes sense to change it. It's not like it will buff the card that much, as it's main role is to kill minions anyway.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Help me with my Miracle Warlock Deck

    Well, the idea of the deck is to perform a one hit finish to the opponent. Until then, you need to survive with spells and sometimes with chargers. Of course, you usually try do some small damage to the face beforehand.

    Drain life usually finishes a target and gains you life or another. It works even better with spellpower. I actually found this card a nice addition to the deck, though i only run one as it can be a bit situational.

    Bluegill is just another charger in case you run out of chargers. Sometimes a power overwhelming + shadowflame is forced, thus it is nice to hit the opponent in face. The original decklist had 4 chargers in it, and I didn't change it. But maybe you're right, I'm thinking of adding shades.

    Please remember this deck funcionts much more differently than handlock and zoo. That's why some questionable cards are doing fine in the deck.

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Help me with my Miracle Warlock Deck

    No one has a single clue?

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Card Treasure Hunt

    Look harder into the clues. You need to use all of them, not only one of them :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Card Treasure Hunt

    Here's my attempt:

    I'm a rare sight in decks

    However that doesn't mean we never get to meet

    I'm the link that connects your non-existing chain

    Can't see me on the horizon?

    Maybe you should expect a type of plane

    Edit: fixed the typo plain --> plane

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Legacy] Invent your own Cards With a new Card Generator, Discuss new ideas and theories here!
    Quote from Primalsplit »

    I have been testing with some of the warlock cards and I found them to be bad for 2 reasons basically:

    -They don't really fit well in currently existing deck archeptypes

    -They are usually underperforming even in best circumstances

    Now, I know not every card is supposed to be extremely good and not every class is supposed to be good at everything. Please keep in mind, I came up with these ideas in realization of this:

    "In MTG there is a concept called the "colour wheel".   This wheel basically expresses what the strengths and weakness of each colour are.  for example Blue and Black are great at card draw, Red is poor at card draw but great at removal, green is great at pumping out big creatures but has poor removal.... and so on.    No class it the "best at everything".... and usually, it you want to have effect X in a class that is supposed to be bad at X you have to pay a premium for that privilege, 

    See here: http://mtgsalvation.gamepedia.com/Color_Pie

    The same thing is true in HS....   

    Mage and Shaman are the kings of Direct damage,   The two classes have that strength in common but they do not share the same weaknesses, for example;  Shaman sucks at life gain/damage mitigation,  which as it turns out mage is pretty good at  (i.e. Ice Barrier, Ice Block).   Study shaman for a bit and we will notice that it has a strength that the mage does not; Shaman is good at buffing minions (e.g Bloodlust, Flametongue totem, Windfury, etc) and mage is terrible at that.   

    So, Shaman and Mage are kings of spell damage but on  the other side of the spectrum we have Warrior, who sucks at it. it sucks because it is supposed to suck.    If we  keep on changing cards like Mortal Strike to be more likeFireball then the classes become less and less unique.  Moreover, you could  eventually find yourself in a situation where there actually no point in playing a particular class;  Why play mage, for example, if Warrior can do everything that class can and more besides?


    long story short, the interesting question we need to ask ourselves it this:   Is  "a 4-mana Polymorph a good mage spell? "    The fact that Shaman "does it better" is completly irrelevant. "


    Additional note: I have found out a new warlock deck type from 5 months ago. E=mc2 and Kolento's special secret tactic. Since they were pre-naxx, I decided to tweak the deck and play with it a bit. The idea of the deck is, it's a miracle warlock that relies on spellpower minions with removal spells to keep the board in check, while using life tap and card draw engines to gather the otk combo pieces. I also tried to look into cards from that deck's perspective as well as the other deck archetypes.

     So here is my suggestion to change cards:

    1-Twisting Nether

    The thing is, this card is not supposed to earn you the board maybe unless you are in lord jaraxxus form. It is just supposed to wipe the entire board. The drawbacks are of course you are paying an extremely high price for it, and are even unable to pay that price before turn 7-8. In theory, it should be good at something however; to reset the entire board. Well guess what, deathrattle minions ruin your day. The animation feels so fake. A card that you still can't play because of some deathrattle minions on the board is bound to be a dead card. The thing is, deathrattle minions are amazingly common now and you only have 2 mana to silence/kill them.

    Thus my simple solution:


    2-Bane of Doom

    The problem with this card is, it's just a huge coin flip. Cards that involve small RNG can be acceptable, but in my opinion their effect shouldn't vary like this. Calculating the chances of killing a 2-1 with arcane missiles is one thing, and just tossing out gambling cards like mindgames is another.

    Thus my solution:


    And the imps it can summon are:

     Yes, there was only one I can think of. The thing I had in mind was something like a few imps with varying abilities, similar to the shaman's totem ability, but I couldn't outright copy them as only the spellpower is relevant for warlock.

    At the moment, it kinda works like deal 2 damage, summon a thalnos with no attack. In the end; you end up paying 2 mana for 2 damage and another 2 mana for +1 spellpower, though you can't benefit from the spellpower minion you summoned while you do that 2 initial damage.

    In case you haven't noticed, a small change is bane of doom doesn't have to be the finishing card to apply it's effect. Therefore it has further synergy with cards like mortal coil and to rare extent some others like baron geddon.

    3-Drain Life

    There is nothing wrong with card here actually. It's basically a mini-holy fire, but it's a bit bad curved so it is not frequently used in the existing deck archetypes. It's too slow for zoo and too small for handlock.

    My solution is to make the healing effect scale with spellpower. And that's it!

     4-Sacrificial Pact

    Seriously. This card is brokenly powerful against a warlock, and completely useless against others, lest a priest steals it. Compare this to holy light. Holy light heals for 6 at the cost of 2 mana and 1 card, sacrificial pact heals for 5 at the cost of 2 cards and some varying mana cost.

    Thus my simple solution:

     It will most likely be used with a voidwalker, if used at all in the existing archetypes; for immedeate healing effect. The mana cost can be increased if draw a card effect is applied. But I think warlocks shouldn't have an easy access to great healing effects. Besides a card drawing effect can end up being harmful due to fatigue; as this card will probably be relevant in the late game in handlock.

    This suggestion actually has a little synergy with my bane of doom suggestion. Use bane on an enemy minion, benefit from the spellpower, and after you're finished consume the little sucker.


    The only other card I have thought of tweaking was Summoning Portal. While I think the card is a bit too situational, I'd say it is fine as it is. I have used the card with some success in arena (I achieved 12 wins and 11 wins before naxx and the portal played no small part in it). The only suggestion I can make is to make it 3 mana, thus you will gain immedeate mana advantage when you play 2 minions with it at the cost of one card. At the moment, the card only begins generating some minor value if unanswered after you play 2 minions with it.



    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on need help crafting stuff to play less rushdecks

    I have Al'akir and I think he's a bit boring. Got it from a pack. If you want to craft him, I'd say go ahead. He is decent, just not my favourite legendary.

    I don't know how the miracle will be without edwin, questing adventurer would probably be adecent a budget replacement. But I feel like edwin is pure value and any replacement will end up being weaker. Personally I mostly craft legendaries, and will never craft rares. I'm just trying to get every card in my collection, so I decided to be very patient.

    And I forgot you need thalnos for miracle as well.

    It seems like, the best thing for you to do is to wait before crafting anything and deciding what to do after opening some packs. You're really close to all luxury decks in equel length.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on need help crafting stuff to play less rushdecks

    If you have some required rares you can craft a cabal shadow priest or two, and play both priest and deathrattle priest as you please. Two is good, but one can be enough. I have one, I use a mind control tech instead of one of the cabals. Cabal is mostly useful against aggro, and so is mind control tech. So it's a good replacement.

    If you have 2 preps and 2 auctioneers, you can craft edwin and play malygos rogue maybe?

    Or if you have 1 pyro, and 2 ice blocks you can craft antonidas and play freeze mage. In any case, if you have some mage secrets you can just make a mage secrets deck. You probably won't ever have to craft a single card for it, as you might already have all the necessary pieces already.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Help me with my Miracle Warlock Deck

    Here is the deck:

    Export to BBCode Export to Cockatrice Export to MarkDown Export to Html Clone this deck
    Minion (16) Ability (14)
    Loading Collection

    Note: I don't have 2 siphon souls, so I use a black knight as a budget (!) version.

    Now, this deck is my attempt to revive Kolento's special secret deck, which is probably inspired by E=mc2 deck.

    Kolento's : http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/55073-kolento-rank-1-legend-warlock-tactics-deck-updated

    Kolento's deck in action (go to the link to see the all playlist): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uqq1yYNYqbA&index=21&list=PLaZI_Sc4pDQMnwCahe7vTUixLmNyFIbQf

    E=MC2: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/47999-e-mc2-miracle-warlock


    The thing is, those decks are 5 months old; pre-Naxx and pre-Leeroy nerf. So, I left out leeroy (I dusted him already) in the deck and instead used another wolfrider. I also added 2 more belchers and left voidwalkers out. -1 shadowflame was also a change I have made, as I found it sitting in my hand sometimes.

    I tried using corruption. The issue with the card was, it was really well versus control matchups as it text becomes "Take x amount of damage to your face, destroy a minion". As you can guess, it was bad against hunter so I decided to cut it out of the deck. Twisting nether is good in theory but fails in use most of the time, due to deathrattle minions. At least, it is just a dead card against token druid to my experience. But I haven't abandoned the idea of running 1 in the deck.

    With this version, the matchup is quite good versus hunters to my experience. I have faced 2 hunters, and won 2 of those games (rank 5-4). It is control matchups, such as priest I am struggling with now. I also imagine I might run into problems against freeze mage and control warrior; as the deck lacks pressure. Also, miracle rogue is just a faster deck but I guess there is not much that can be done about it.

    I am thinking to add a Loatheb to do better against rogues and mages in general. What card can I replace it with? What other cards can be added to the deck? Thoughts?


    Posted in: Warlock
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