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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.20 - Discussion Topic
    Quote from Broeck1 >>

    What about this 1?



    I think someone already created a very similar design in previous competitions.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.20 - Discussion Topic

    After some editing I made a better art for the card 

    Which one is better :)

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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.20 - Discussion Topic

    Nzoth priest would appreciate this. What do you guys think? Boom Bot

    Do you guys think it is balanced for 5 mana? Should it be a legendary? 

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.19 - Final Poll

    Wow, I was least expecting that to be the winner. My bet was on the healthstone and wild imps. Still, congratulations to gilgamesh1010 !

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.19 - Final Poll

    I think we have talked enough about my card :D At this point we will see what the poll says. To talk about something else, how is Uzzukis not the most broken thing? Reviving it is basically free and after N'zoth you can revive a horde with only 1 card. 

    Edit: Kill Uzzukis several times, Play Nzoth, Play the new Hemet = Permanent board every turn

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.19 - Final Poll
    Quote from Asylum_Rhapsody >>
    Power word: shield does the same thing and for 1 mana and gives 2 health. Mine does it for 0 mana for no other benefit, seems very fair to me.
    In addition to costing mana, PW:S also requires a minion on the board in order to be used. This results in situations like where you can't afford to use it after playing a minion or where to use it you'd have to buff an enemy minion. You card has no such costs or limitations.
    For reference, a spell that simply said "Draw a card." would be balanced at a cost of (1). We can arrive at this by simple comparison to and extrapolation from many existing costing patterns. Your card just does that but for (0) cost and without any other cost or downside.
    I'm sorry if it seems like I'm trying to pick on you. It's just odd to me how a card can be so obviously, demonstrably problematic and the designer not admit to it. There's no reason to be so defensive about it. It's fine to just say "whoops, my mistake". There's not a single one of us here that haven't made regrettable balance or design mistakes. My own first WCDC win was a bit soured by the realization that, as written, my card produced an unintended interaction that should have been obvious in retrospect, an interaction no less that partially defeated its own purpose.
     No worries, you are just telling your ideas. My only problem is just you and some other people are acting like you know it all. You act like everyone has to find this card obviously problematic. While we can estimate the outcomes, we can't be sure 100% about them. This is clearly a card that needs actual testing to see whether it is bad for the game.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.19 - Final Poll
    Quote from nurgling13 >>
    Quote from Lordinaryus >>
    Quote from Asylum_Rhapsody >>
    Quote from Lordinaryus>>

    I do not agree that a card being in every single deck is a bad thing. There are already many cards that exist like that

    Please name any. I can't think of a single existing card that's automatically a 2-of in literally every conceivable deck in the game. Probably the closest that a card ever came to that was pre-nerf Novice Engineer.


    Umm are you serious? Have you seen a mage without fireball, a paladin without truesilver, a warrior without fiery war axe, a priest without power word: shield? Do these cards have any downsides? No and 2 copies are auto include in every deck but noone has a problem with it. 
     Those cards cost mana to play.
     So what? Power word: shield does the same thing and for 1 mana and gives 2 health. Mine does it for 0 mana for no other benefit, seems very fair to me. At this point I have to agree with Broeck1. This is just a love or hate situation. I respect the both sides and thank you for all the feedbacks. I didn't expect that I would attract such an attention. Even if I don't win, I am happy to see I made this far :)
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.19 - Final Poll
    Quote from Asylum_Rhapsody >>
    Quote from Lordinaryus>>

    I do not agree that a card being in every single deck is a bad thing. There are already many cards that exist like that

    Please name any. I can't think of a single existing card that's automatically a 2-of in literally every conceivable deck in the game. Probably the closest that a card ever came to that was pre-nerf Novice Engineer.


    Umm are you serious? Have you seen a mage without fireball, a paladin without truesilver, a warrior without fiery war axe, a priest without power word: shield? Do these cards have any downsides? No and 2 copies are auto include in every deck but noone has a problem with it. 
    Edit: Power word: shield must be the most broken card according to your ideas. Recycle a card and give a minion 2 health for only 1 mana!
    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.19 - Final Poll
    Quote from LookingForOwls >>
    Quote from Lordinaryus >>
    Quote from HitSlender >>

    Alright, so about the Mulligan Imp, I have some mixed opinions of it:

    As a Warlock player, I love it. Warlock is currently the weakest class in the current time, with Renolock gone and Zoolock weak after losing Power Overwhelming to Hall of Fame (or as I want to call it: Exiled from Standard set), so having this card (with other cards) could essentially buff Warlock, as of course it will let you get more powerful cards....

    ....but it's at that point I feel it's good. As a normal Hearthstone player, I would deem it powerful, even too much for a common. The ability to start of with a 28-card Deck is very powerful. Granted, you will dig faster into fatigue (not forgetting the fact you are a Warlock), but the main problem is, you will draw more powerful cards. The most problematic part about this card, is that there's no drawback of any sort when drawing it, or keeping it in the mulligan. It's even more powerful than Patches, the Pirate, even if Patches has Charge and The Imp doesn't, Patches has two restrictions of starting your deck with 29-cards, while The Imp only has one and is a solid 1-drop, as well as you can include two copies of it. And I feel like the effect The Imp has, has already been used multiple amount of times before, in the same manner.

    TL;DR: It's good to a point, but gets more broken the more you look into it.


     I do not understand why you compared it with Patches. Patches is not a card that mainly used for deck thinning. It is a super aggresive card that is used for early board control and face damage while my card is not. I also didn't want to make a drawback that is based on pure RNG. There is a huge  winrate difference between a pirate warrior that didn't draw patches at mulligan and another warrior that did. I don't agree on creating such unstable cards. 
    I also do not understand why people think this is OP. The card does its job well for OK stats. It is essentially a minion based  Mortal Coil and Mortal Coil is a way better card for deck thinning. It provides a guaranteed 1 damage while Mulligan Imp dies to 1 ping. The only huge difference is the free discard value but we all know that quest warlocks need it really bad. 
     Let me just go on the record that I think it's hilarious that you don't understand why the card you designed is overpowered. 
     This is a discussion. Can't you realize something about your own design after listening other people's thoughts? When I was a finalist for the first time, people called my card OP af and after listening them I agreed. For this card, I don't agree but I respect other ideas. 
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.19 - Final Poll
    Quote from HitSlender >>

    Alright, so about the Mulligan Imp, I have some mixed opinions of it:

    As a Warlock player, I love it. Warlock is currently the weakest class in the current time, with Renolock gone and Zoolock weak after losing Power Overwhelming to Hall of Fame (or as I want to call it: Exiled from Standard set), so having this card (with other cards) could essentially buff Warlock, as of course it will let you get more powerful cards....

    ....but it's at that point I feel it's good. As a normal Hearthstone player, I would deem it powerful, even too much for a common. The ability to start of with a 28-card Deck is very powerful. Granted, you will dig faster into fatigue (not forgetting the fact you are a Warlock), but the main problem is, you will draw more powerful cards. The most problematic part about this card, is that there's no drawback of any sort when drawing it, or keeping it in the mulligan. It's even more powerful than Patches, the Pirate, even if Patches has Charge and The Imp doesn't, Patches has two restrictions of starting your deck with 29-cards, while The Imp only has one and is a solid 1-drop, as well as you can include two copies of it. And I feel like the effect The Imp has, has already been used multiple amount of times before, in the same manner.

    TL;DR: It's good to a point, but gets more broken the more you look into it.


     I do not understand why you compared it with Patches. Patches is not a card that mainly used for deck thinning. It is a super aggresive card that is used for early board control and face damage while my card is not. I also didn't want to make a drawback that is based on pure RNG. There is a huge  winrate difference between a pirate warrior that didn't draw patches at mulligan and another warrior that did. I don't agree on creating such unstable cards. 
    I also do not understand why people think this is OP. The card does its job well for OK stats. It is essentially a minion based  Mortal Coil and Mortal Coil is a way better card for deck thinning. It provides a guaranteed 1 damage while Mulligan Imp dies to 1 ping. The only huge difference is the free discard value but we all know that quest warlocks need it really bad. 
    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.19 - Final Poll

    Hello everyone, I am the designer of Mulligan Imp and really happy to see that I finally made into finals. Congratulations to the other finalists!

    I want to respond some of the general thoughts about my card.  Firstly, I do not agree that a card being in every single deck is a bad thing. There are already many cards that exist like that and I think cards like these define different play styles of the classes. Since warlock has lost its class defining 1 mana card, I wanted to give him another one. And there is always an option to put this card in hall of fame after a while.

    Some people said there is no downside. Lets evaluate the card for some deck types:

    Quest warlock: A pottential free 1 progress for the quest. Since the quest itself is not a good card, it needs a little boost.

    Control/Reno/Handlock: A 1 drop that does not mass with your late game. You may prefer having Mistress of Mixtures instead since you need  a little healing, So downsides: you will reach to fatique faster and it is dead to 1 ping unlike mistess (also no heal).

    Combolock: There is no combo for warlock in standard currently. In the future this card can be used for deck thinning to reach your combo faster. Since warlock already has his hero power, I don't think starting with 28 cards instead of 30 will make combo decks incredibly powerful. If the problem is 28-card deck in general, then you can think this as just another Darkshire Librarian effect or a minion version of Mortal Coil.

    To sum up: My aim was to create a balanced 1-mana minion that every warlock deck can utilize it in a diffrerent way. Such as quest warlock: potentially free progress, control: good curve, combolock: building the combo faster

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 27

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.19 - Submission Topic

    " He just gets so mad, when he is not chosen. "

    The idea is really simple, a 1-drop that doesn't mess with your late game. This can be utilized by a variety of decks:

    1) Combo decks can use this card for deck thinning. Starting with 28 cards is really nice. 

    2) Control-style warlock decks can keep this card at the start when the opponent is playing aggro. If not, no worries! At least your late game will be better as you won't draw a 1 drop at turn 10!

    3) And of course the quest decks. This card may push the warlock quest for finally being viable. You don't want to keep this in your hand since it worths more as a potentially free 1 progress for your quest. It is 'potentially' free because you may end up drawing this after the quest is done or at mulligan. 

    The perfect 1-drop for every warlock deck. Perfect, but balanced. Also this is the way that I want to see where the discard mechanic headed, less random and more consistent.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.19 - Discussion Topic

    @RawJawK My concern was more about drawing this card at turn 10. If you use "gain a mana crytal, spent 3 mana" it will spent 3 mana at turn 10. But if you use "gain a empty mana crystal spent 2 mana" it will only spent 2 mana at turn 10. Concidering that you can't control the effect and drawing this minion at turn 9-10 is bad, you don't need for more punishments. 

    Edit: Broeck1, thank you so much for your kind words. I think i will go with this for sure now. 

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.19 - Discussion Topic

    @Rawjawk Did you mean gain an empty mana crystal and spend 3 mana? Because currently it spends 2 mana at the end. Also about my card, i agree every warlock deck would use such a card so i am thinking about making it 1/1.

    @Mewdrops I think if you use "When you draw this and had any unspent mana during your last turn, summon it" , it will be fine. 


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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.19 - Discussion Topic

    @Mewdrops: I recreated the card somehow there is no space this time. Thanks for the warning :)

    Edit: About your card. Do you have to have 3 unspent mana from last turn to summon this, or just 1 mana is enough? I really liked the idea about utilizing unspent mana.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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