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    posted a message on How can "casual" be fixed?
    Quote from Unhappytimes >>
    Quote from Anonlove >>

    imo casual can be fixed by just playing better tbh.

     Lol what? This might be the most non sense thing I've read on these forums.

     Ah yes, he goes with the "git gud" response basically. In other words the guy is just putting zero thought process into a response and instead resorts to a troll post. Ignore trolls like him, I do.

    I think the bottom line here is that Blizzard needs to get more involved. It's just how to go about it? It's a tough call.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How can "casual" be fixed?
    Quote from Mercynary9 >>

    Meta is the core of Hearthstone as it stands currently, because it's pretty much unchangeable, it is now a standard way of playing style.

    Players without having guidance, they will have frustration and can not get enough comfortable with an abnormal amount of loses/wins ratio while playing a themed or meme deck.

    And with meta being around. The exploration of cards is less interesting to discover now, as the class cards are now superior than countless of weak neutral cards, neutral cards are made only for flavors nowadays sadly.

     The meta only remains unchangeable because Blizzard's refusal/reluctance to do so. Believe me, if they found the proper motivation, you'd be surprised how quick things could change. It just depends on what it will finally take for Blizzard to get off their collective asses and do something about it.

    The problem for blizzard is casual players are a big chunk of their entire customer base.  If enough of them/us (I consider myself more casual as I don't rank for hours on end every day, one of the curses of having a "day job") start leaving the game, Blizzard's bottom line will start having some serious trouble


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    posted a message on How can "casual" be fixed?

    There are dozens of different threads about this same topic. You'd be surprised at some of the advice you can get there.

    My personal opinion was to ban certain decks and delete Baku from wild entirely, as he promotes nothing but agro bull. Casual players should be allowed to play homebrews and experiment. Let ranked players play ranked.

    Blizzard needs to establish what the metas are once they settle, then record what the decks are and update said lists as needed. Then they can said up a coding system were decks with too many matching cards to the meta decks of the current ranked/tournament systems can be banned outright. 

    There's always been a clear "gap" in levels between hardcore ranked players and casual, right? I say we keep it that way.

    As for how to handle wild? Nerfs need to happen just as frequent if not more than standard, but Blizzard needs to start giving a damn. 

    Either nerf Barns into oblivion or change or the resing system works: those that DIE as 1/1 tokens, get RESURRECTED as 1/1 tokens. It's not hard, guys. Just requires a bit of effort.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Secret - Flame Ward
    Quote from k10shirole >>

    Wow, The secret is strong. The minion which attack will deal its damage though before the secret gets triggered.

     Yeah, that's the only real weakness I see with this card.

    But I suspect they did this to help differentiate this from explosive secret in hunters so people would'nt whine "clone/lazy card design omgz". You know how it goes.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Secret - Flame Ward

    VERY solid AOE card for mage, and in secret form! Pure awesomeness.

    Now if they really want to make me happy this set, please for the love of all Hearthstone gods old and new, give us a new ROGUE secret? Pretty please? Only having 3 in their pool is pretty boring.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Are the killing the hype ?

    Ditto with the above. I'm already super hyped for the expansion...the LOE are basically my favorite hearthstone characters of all time. Reno, Elise, Brann, Finley...if they kept making new cards for these guys every now and again (even if not all at once, maybe sometimes just one ofs like Elise was back in Un'Goro) Id be a happy man.

    Also, I hope the adventure mode is called L.O.E Vs. L, O. E.

    I can't believe blizzard didn't use something like this for the expansion name.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Class Identity and the state of the game

    I do disagree with a lot of what the OP says BUT he has a point about streamers. I can't tell you how many guys and gals I used to watch stream hearthstone only for them to move on over the last couple of years.

    Ekop, Toast, Alliestrasa, and Hafu are just some of the bigger name examples of more famous hearthstone streamers who've seemingly moved on from the game.

    I get that when a big time new popular game like Team Fight Tactics comes out streamers kinda just have to go with the flow to keep viewers but come on. Hearthstone should be at least potentially be able to keep up with the competition if they want to keep their business profitable. Even Kibler has been streaming TFT more and more also more and more streamers on my watch/follow list are following suite.

    If Blizzard keeps losing all its whales to other games sooner or later it's gonna add up for their bottom line.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Neutral Card Revealed - Sunstruck Henchman


    Value wise, probably one of the worst cards revealed from the set so far.

    But...I'm not gonna lie. Probably one of my favorite cards in terms of flavor and art design. Reminds me of me and a buddy I know.

    "Should I bash your face in? Nah, I'm gonna go take a nap instead. Goodnight!"

    A two headed Ogre after my own heart lol.


    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Where is priest cards?
    Quote from Moonunit001 >>

    I am thinking/hoping the card with the coins will be priest. makes sense, coins in the eyes to pay admission to afterlife. 

     Probably more likely another rogue card. Assassin/merc getting paid for their killings? Yeah, that whole thing.

    Maybe it's another rogue card like the old 2/2 minion in wild that gave you a coin when ever it hit the opponents face?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warrior Card - Frightened Flunky

    I mean, people should also realize this: With this kind of discover mechanic, now you have that extra chance to discover an extra Zilliax for your deck. That alone makes this card "not terrible-borderline ok."

    In wild this thing will be nuts with extra bonus features like extra lich kings.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Rogue Legendary - Anka, the Buried

    I mean, the crazy cool combo potentials in wild are nuts. This plus Kel'thuzad = some good times to be had.

    The memes for this card are real, but outside of otk builds with Maly, will this see constructed play? Probably not.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on I won t buy this expansion!
    Quote from stevebobby >>

     I will eventually get it using blizz account$$ I make playing WoW. It will keep my collection more or less up to date, but I've uninstalled the game for now and don't plan on playing again until Priest gets relevant again.


     Go play wild. You can use big priest to farm easy wins as long as you don't mind dedicating time to the game.

    As far as standard goes, priest is and has been dead outside of the odd OTk build that pops now every now and again in the meta. If you're into otk's, priest usually has at least 1 viable deck. If not, then priest is still dead, and looks like it will be for the foreseeable future. Again, Otk builds aside.

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    posted a message on With the current cards revealed, why..

    You can thank China for Blizz's recent policy changes in artwork. Less bloody, less sexually suggestive, more overall generic images apparently equals "more APPROVED appeal" for the Chinese market.  

    They could've at least given Reno his trademark hat in his card.

    I'm still holding out hope for the golden animation to be the hat failing off as he fires the gun.

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    posted a message on Will There Be More Highlander Support?

    I wouldn't count on it too much.

    Besides Genn/Baku odd/even stuff only had a handful of support cards from the entire set dedicated to the gimmick.

    Jousting only had a few cards from TGT dedicated toward the gimmick

    Twinspell literally only had like a handful of cards dedicated to the gimmick (Feels like it got the least bit of support out of all the gimmicks)

    The only real decent amount of cards recently we've had dedicated to a gimmick recently was Magnetic from Boomsday, only other one that comes close is Discover which pops every expansion lately.

    Based on their track record from Blizzard I'd keep expectations low. Nothing you can do but wait. Something tells me we might get 2 maybe 3 additional highlander based support cards at best.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Paladin Card - Sandwasp Queen

    Not bad value. 2 mana for a 3/1 body that gives you two additional minions when played? sure.

    Interesting new mechanic for palli but I was hoping for some healing and maybe more actual draw for the class this time around.

    This with the newly announced lion minion makes me think of the crystology spell but inverted. Instead of drawing two 1 attack minions the lion makes you draw 1 health minions.

    I wonder if this means we'll be getting some handbuff support this expansion? Otherwise I dunno what blizzard is trying to do with palli other than to randomly give the class that doesn't use beast synergies beasts.  

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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